The Foreigner Princess

The Foreigner Princess

By:  Queenebunoluwa15  Ongoing
Language: English
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Princess Daniella the dearest Princess of kingdom X found out a big secret about her life on her eighteenth birthday which made her stuck in a situation where she had to make a very tough decision She either sacrifice herself to save her kingdom or run away in a cowardly manner... and allow her kingdom to be taken over by other contenders. The decision was a tough one to make for her... But eventually she did... What was her final decision? Read this book to find out...

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The Foreigner Princess is a romance novel by Queenebunoluwa15 about a princess who is facing a difficult dilemma. Daniella is Kingdom X's dearest Princess who discovers a big secret on her eighteenth birthday, leaving her stuck in a situation where she has to make a tough decision; Daniella needs to sacrifice herself to save the kingdom or run away like a coward and leave the kingdom in the hands of other contenders. Although it was a difficult decision, she made her choice. Are you curious about what it was? Read the novel to find out.

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5 Chapters
Country XInside a ballroom filled up with Princes and princess of different kingdoms stood a stunningly beautiful young lady.The lady in question is Daniella the young princess of Country X, she was once crowned the most beautiful princess in that region.The occasion was the princess eighteenth birthday celebration, After the cutting of cakes and cheers Arvier the king went up to the stage." Let me welcome the celebrant of today which is my beautiful daughter Daniella the current princess of country X to the stage " He announced and Applause went offDaniella walked slowly but gracefully to where her father was and took his hand.Arvier looked at his beautiful daughter with love in his eyes he couldn't believe that she has grown so fast, it was just like yesterday when he first held his little daughter in his hands and now she has grown so big and tall.Thinking of this a tear fell from his eyes.When Daniella saw this she frowned and gently wiped out his tears with her delicate f
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HomeQueenebunoluwa15* Second Chapter, I hope you like it *After the announcement was made, by her father Daniela immediately went straight away to her room, leaving her father worried.On getting to her room, Daniella, didn't know what to feel as she just felt numb, even though she was very well aware that she couldn't change tradition, she still wished that she could do something to change all this, she knew within herself that she wasn't ready for marriage as she still has a lot of things to achieve before that, but what now?While she was still lost in her thoughts she felt a presence and as expected it was her Mother, Annabella. Even though she loved and Respected her, she couldn't help but feel scared of her sometimes, because she gives off the feeling of threat." Good day, Mom " She greeted. She noticed that Annabella's face turned sour immediately she mumbled Mom, and she wondered why." Daniela I am not here to scold you or whatsoever I'm here to tell you a deep secret and
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* Third Chapter, Hoping you'll enjoy it *After the Queen departed, Daniella couldn't hold back her tears, the information she received was just too much to take in, she couldn't believe that she's an orphan! Her mother and older siblings were no more! And her father had probably died.Lying down on her bed, Annabella couldn't hold back her tears anymore, her tears fell uncontrollably." Ahh, Why did this have to happen to me, " She sobbed." Hahaha" She laughed at herselfShe Continued Crying Non- Stop.Minutes later" Daniella " She heard her name being called, she instantly discerned it to be her dad.Arvier strode towards his sobbing daughter, He was in an important meeting with the kings of the other kingdoms. It was a conference meeting where kings of different kingdoms come together to create new acquaintances to strengthen their kingdom.While the meeting was ongoing, his guard walked up to him and whispered to him that there's a situation at home.Immediately he heard this he
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* Hey guys, how are you?Welcome to Chapter Four of my book, Happy Reading ******After the Discussion with her father, Daniella decided to take a bath, With the help of her Maids.While in the large Bathtub as her maids were washing her hair Daniella began thinking of strategies she could use to earn the love of the Queen, even though she was conscious of the fact that it was nearly impossible for the Queen to like her, but she still wanted to try, there's no harm in trying after all right? She thought." Is there anything on your mind, Princess? " Mary one of her maids asked.Mary was her closest maid as she had been taking care of her ever since her Nanny left three years ago, so they were very close." Yes, there's indeed Something on my mind, I was Speculating on How to make my Mom the Queen love me. " Daniella replied." oh! It's so good of you to be Speculating on this Princess, Well, there are many ways to win a person's heart but as it Is the Queen we are talking about then
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A Month laterKing Arvier received a Proposal for Daniella's hand in marriage from King Edgar, The king of Country M Jason's Father.Reading Through the Proposal even though Arvier was aware of the fact that Prince Jason wasn't the perfect match for his daughter Daniella, He couldn't just Reject their Proposal as that would be disrespectful and insulting and might even lead to chaos!Arvier decided that he would ask Annabella for her opinion.Speaking of Annabella, she's being way too distant even though he had tried a couple of times to persuade her, it wasn't working.He concluded that he would have to try once again.On getting to the Queen's Chambers." Good Morning, Your Highness " The guard at the door greeted." Morning " Arvier replied with a smile." Is the Queen in? "" Yes, Your Highness, She's currently having a chat with Queen Anne. " The guard politely replied.Hearing this, Arvier Nodded, not giving in to emotions as he wore a blank face.NB: Queen Anne is Jason's mothe
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