
Chapter Three

The events center in Century Park was exquisitely decorated. Alpha had spared no expense in the details. Even the walkway leading up to the doors was carefully crafted to be bathed in soft glowing light. Cascading twinkling lights fell elegantly along the front of the events center building, creating the illusion of stepping into a fairytale. Bittersweet memories floated through my mind as I let myself inside. If my parents were alive, this would be the type of party they would have thrown for me.

Shrugging off the thoughts of what could have been, I quickly found the catering staff to ensure that everything was in order. After that, I checked with the event planner, made some last-minute changes to the seating chart, and checked in with some of the other Omegas. After all, we would be the ones helping to serve the visiting pack members. For a brief moment, I wondered if the Lycan family would truly show up.

The Lycans are the purest of the wolf shifters. Although we share a lot of similarities, they are the true descendants of the Moon Goddess herself. The royal Lycans are the family that sets the rules for our society and handles any major issues amongst the packs. Lycans do not have to wait for their fated mates to meet their wolves, they are born with their wolves. Lycans tend to live longer than us regular wolves, but we still live longer lives than humans. Lycans also have superior strength and speed compared to us. Rumor has is that Lycans are also all very good-looking. I got to meet the Lycan family once when I was younger, but that is a distant memory now, and I do not recall what they looked like or how they acted.  

About an hour before the party was to start, Julie arrived with her parents. She gushed over the decorations and specially crafted ornaments hanging from the ceiling. They were moon crystals, crafted to catch the light and reflect stunning rainbows across the room. The entire center was bathed in light blue and pale pink, Julie’s favorite colors.

Everyone gather around please.” My Uncle’s voice boomed throughout the center. All of us scurried to obey his orders. We quickly clumped together and awaited his next direction. “Now, as you all know, tonight is extremely important to not only my family but our pack as well. My baby turns 18 today and we have a ton of neighboring Alphas, Betas, and possibly the Lycans coming as well. Tonight needs to go perfectly, or there will be dire consequences.” I could see some of the younger Omegas shift uncomfortably at the use of his Alpha tone. Personally, I would welcome death. My life was miserable already, surly death had to be more peaceful. “I am pleased with the looks of this place and I want to thank you for all of your efforts. Please continue with your tasks and tonight should be a fantastic success.” He clapped his hands and dismissed all of us back to our tasks.

I was working on the finishing touches for Julie’s gift table when I heard Lily ask my Uncle if he really thought that the Lycan family would come.

To not show would cause a grievance amongst our pack and them. After all, we have this region's strongest pack, and our pack has always been almost friendly with the Lycans.” He boasted proudly.

I had to physically stop myself from snorting out loud. The only reason why our pack was on friendly terms with the Lycans was due to my father. My father was a smart and honorable man. He knew that having the favor of the Lycans was imperative for the future of our pack. My mother also aided him as she was welcoming and full of grace. She knew that knowledge was powerful, and the Lycan family had the largest library in our history.

Oh, Daddy what if the Lycan prince is my fated mate? How awesome would that be?” Julie clapped her hands gleefully.

Julie darling, that is impossible. Their kind and ours simply do not mix,” Lily told her in a matter-of-fact tone.

Lily, let her be,” Robert said sternly. “Our daughter is radiance itself. The Lycan prince should consider himself blessed if the Moon Goddess had made such a match. Now let us put this to rest, our guests will be arriving any moment. Julie, we have a little something for you to open before everyone gets here.” He handed her a beautifully wrapped box, with a lovely pink bow on it. I could not stop myself from watching Julie gleefully tear the wrapping paper to bits, letting it scatter to the floor like confetti. She lifted the lid off the box and my heart stopped.

Inside that box was my mother’s diamond bracelet that I had kept hidden in my room. I knew it deep in my heart that it was hers. Fury rolled through me and before I could stop myself, I was marching towards Julie. “Give that back to me. It was my mother's. You have no right to touch her stuff.” As my had reached to snatch the bracelet away from Julie, my uncle forcefully kicked me in the stomach, effectively dropping me to the ground.

How dare you interfere with my family. You own NOTHING.” His voice painfully echoed throughout the event center. He bent over and I could smell his foul breath fanning my face as I lay clutching my stomach. “You are nothing. You have always been nothing. If I did not take you in, you would be a rouge, the worst of our kind. It is only out of my sheer generosity that I have allowed you to remain within the pack. Now get your fat ass up and back to work, or so help me, I will banish you.”

I felt like I could not breathe as I slowly got to my feet. Tears fell freely from my face, and I did not even bother to try to hide them. It hurt to breathe, and it hurt to move, but I did my best to ignore the pain as I limped my way into the kitchen area of the event center. My eyes quickly found some of the Omegas gathered there, but they quickly averted their eyes and scurried away. Once again, I am alone.

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