
Chapter Five

No one knew that I had even left earlier. Julie was too enthralled with Nathan to realize that I had left my post. She was parading him around to her friends. My Uncle was busy being congratulated on the wonderful match with his daughter, and my aunt was busy talking with the other Alpha’s wives. I was trying to be invisible, but my eyes were searching for the handsome man that had been kind to me outside.

My voyeurism was interrupted by loud gasps and then everything got very quiet and the music even stopped. The room was staring at the front entrance doors. The silence was finally broken by a man that looked almost dwarfish in appearance as he stood in front of a rather tall and intimidating-looking man.

Announcing the royal Lycan family.” People around the room bowed their heads in honor of the royal family visiting. Once the moment passed, the music started again and the crowd surged towards the door, eager for a glance at the royals. I had no interest in the royals. I just wanted to find the guy from earlier. Unable to get a good look through the people milling about, I decided to go back to serving drinks. It was the best way for me to remain inconspicuous and still look for the stranger.

The kitchen was abuzz with gossip. A few Omega girls were fawning over the royal family. I wish I were as carefree as them to fawn over men.

I can’t believe they are actually here.”

I know and they are so cute too,” the other girl replied.

I think the older brother is hotter than the younger one.”

No way, the younger brother is way cuter.” They giggled in unison as they emptied their old trays and grabbed new ones. Not wanting my absence to be noticed, I grabbed a drink tray and headed back into the fray.

I made certain to keep my head down, but ever so often, I would quickly glance around, hoping to catch sight of him. I could still smell cedar and sandalwood, so I knew he was here. Following my nose, I almost bumped into my uncle.

Watch what you are doing, you moron. You almost bumped into me in front of Prince Emery.” My uncle growled into my ear. A shudder ran through me.

Thank you, I was feeling a bit parched.” A very strong voice said to me, but I kept my eyes trained on the ground. There was no doubt in my mind that this was Prince Emery, and I assumed he was the very large, intimidating man that I had seen at the doorway when the royal family was announced. As soon as the glasses were removed from my tray, I quickly hurried away from them.

Back in the kitchen, I tried hard to calm my racing heart. How could I be so stupid? I was so focused on tracking the sweet heavenly smell that I almost ran into the Alpha and the royal prince. In the middle of chastising myself, I heard the announcement that my uncle was ready to make a toast to the birthday girl. I knew everyone was expected to be in attendance, so I dredged my way back into the large party room, staying close to the kitchen doors in a corner.

First, I want to say how much of an honor it is that we have the Lycan Princes here with us tonight.” As my uncle started his speech, I was busying myself picking at my nails. “We are humbled by your presence, thank you, Prince Emery and Prince Pierce for attending.” My eyes shot up at the name Pierce. That was the name the woman was calling outside. I looked at the small stage to see my uncle standing at the podium to his right was the large intimidating man I had seen earlier and the handsome stranger was standing next to him. To my utter shock, his eyes were trained on mine.

Alarm bells were going off in my head. The man that helped me is the Lycan prince. I ran into a member of the freaking royal family. Fear was coursing through my veins, I could only imagine how disgusted he was to have touched a lowly person like me. Oh, Goddess, you truly have forsaken me. I quickly look down, ashamed that I even looked at him. I have truly brought shame upon my pack and on my parent’s legacy. I didn’t hear the ending of my uncle’s speech but soon, everyone was clapping. I quickly dashed into the kitchen, still shaking from the new found knowledge.

Hey, you don’t look so good. Here drink this and take a moment to gather yourself.” The male’s voice startled me, but I accepted the glass he held out for me. Judging by his clothes and the fact that he was in the kitchen, I assumed he was one of the Omegas working tonight as well.

Thank you,” I manage to mumble to him as I down the contents in the glass. I really was not used to people being so kind, especially to me. Then again, I had spent the last nine years essentially locked in a house with Julie as my main tormentor. It does not take long before I feel like the room is spinning, and all I want to do is lay down.

Here, let me help you.” The guy that gave me the glass says as he wraps his arm under my arm, helping to steady me. I’m not sure where he is leading me. All I wanted to do was lay down.

He led me to a small room off of the kitchen. I think maybe it used to be a dressing room for the chefs and servers. Either way, there is a cot and a chair. He kindly leads me over to the cot, and I essentially collapse. I turn my head to say thank you to him, but he is smiling at me strangely. Something is off but I can’t figure it out.

My body feels hot, too hot to be normal. My mind if fuzzy, and I am finding it hard to say any words. I try to make a move to sit up to help clear my head but my body is heavy like there is an anchor sitting on my chest. The Omega that had helped me into the room walks towards me, but his face no longer looks kind.

Don’t worry, this will only hurt a lot.” His voice no longer sounded kind either and a ripple of fear is tingling the edges of my brain, but at the same time, I felt numb. He pulled at my shirt, it was already holey, so the fabric gave easily. The sudden gush of cold air against bare skin cleared enough of the fog from my brain to know that this was not right.

Don’t” is the only word I manage to actually utter, but it seemed to have fallen on deaf ears. The Omega boy was not listening as he tugged against the flimsy bra I had on. Although I did not want him to touch me, I could not stop him. He pawed at my breasts, and I felt bile at the back of my throat. He started to unbutton my pants and I closed my eyes.


I forced my eyes open at the commotion, I couldn’t turn my head, but I could hear voices shouting. I wanted to figure out what was going on but my head was too foggy. Even though I struggled against it, my eyes involuntarily closed, and I fell into the sweet black abyss.

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