The Brothers Mate

The Brothers Mate

By:  Charlotte King  Updated just now
Language: English
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Misha was a young human. She had just turned 20 and had the saddest pair of eyes you’d every seen, they were a brilliant blue but they could make the happiest person question the reason for life. For such a young girl she had obviously been through an unfair amount of troubles. Far too worldly wise for her own good. She doesn’t trust anyone, what will happen when she goes on the run again ending up in the UK this time? Jackson on the other hand was a young wolf. He just turned 22 and always had the cheekiest glint in his hazel eyes that just told you he was always in trouble! He was the next in line to be Alpha of his pack but his dad wanted him to find his destined mate before he was 25 or he would have to choose a mate so he could rule with a Luna by his side. He thinks he has plenty of time but does he? Then there’s Finn, the sensible brother, with his deep emerald eyes that could make you melt without a single word leaving his mouth. At 21 he was I ne year younger then Jackson but so much wiser, his dad sometimes wished the pack could go to him as he was far more sensible and pack orientated. That didn’t mean he didn’t have fun because he did but he would have liked the responsibility of the pack whereas his brother just saw it as a chore that had to be done. He’s always wished to be in his brothers shoes but what happens if that happens in an odd situation?

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29 Chapters
Misha's POV
Great, just great. I had finally settled down here in France, as much as I could settle while always looking over my shoulder anyway. But she found me again, my fucking mother was here, I spotted her two days ago and I’ve now packed all my belongings and I’m looking up a new place to go and hide. She had found where I was now so I decided to call my Aunt, not like she could use it to find my location when she’s already so close. I loved my Aunt and it hurt to keep her so shut out of my life but my mother would hurt her if I tried to keep her in my life. I would never allow that bitch to hurt the few others i have that have shown me any form of love in my petty excuse of a life. You may be showcked to hear me talk of my mother that way but trust me, the fact i havesurvived this long is not because of her, its despite having her as a mother. I sometimes wonder what my life could be, if id had a mother who'd cared. If i had been in a family who were normal. Or even if i stood up to her
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Finn's POV
"Jackson get up or I’m leaving your ass here... again!” I shouted through his door in the pack house.Goddess he pissed me off, I loved going for our border patrols but half the time he left me to do it alone or he would make me late.Our border went around our land which we share with a human settlement. After the Great War, where Vampires tried to take over completely, humans became part of our protection responsibility. Not that we minded, its much better then how it was before where we didnt know if the humans would find out about us and attack. Living this way means we have one less enemy to worry about.The moon goddess herself came to the King Alpha and Queen Luna who made it clear we would be held responsible for any attacks on humans inhabiting our pack lands. We were lucky, we have one of the largest pack lands in the UK but we only had one human settlement to worry about. That being said rogues and vampires were still a problem so we have been working twice as hard since th
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Alpha Maine's POV
"What do you mean he wasn't there again?!?!" I exploded at my beta. ‘Boys meet me in my office now please’ I requested through the link. My beta had informed me that Jackson missed yet another patrol this morning and was found in bed with another pack girl. ‘Yes Alpha’ rang through my mind, glad to know Finn was on his way but knowing this wasn’t really a chat for him. No reply came from Jackson. ‘NOW JACKSON, IF YOU IGNORE ME I WILL THROUGH YOU OUT OF THIS PACK, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?’ I fixed my Alpha aura into my message knowing he couldn’t turn me down. ‘Fine, yes Alpha’ I could hear the laced sound of sarcasm in his voice and it just riled me up more. This boy wasn’t going to make a good Alpha and I was worried to leave my pack to him, if I could choose then Finn would be the obvious choice, but as he’s not the first born he can’t claim it unless he challenges and kills his brother. I hadn't explained it in detail to them before, i don't want them to fight, i want them to suppo
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Jackson's POV
I couldn’t believe either of them! My brother judging me just because I don’t want to settle down yet, goddess I just want a bit of fun while I still can. And then my fucking dad for always wanting me to be just like his precious Finn. I get it he’s a boring fuck who has no idea what living feels like but that’s not my problem. I would take being Alpha seriously but what’s wrong with enjoying myself before all that is placed on my shoulders?! I’m gonna go out tonight, I’ve decided if I can’t sleep with anyone from the pack I’ll go to the human settlement and find someone at the club there instead. I slipped on my ripped skinny jeans and a white shirt with my leather jacket, the ladies loved a bad boy... or in my case a bad wolf. I hopped out my window... I didn’t need the questions about where I’m going. Jogging off i grinned thinking about the fight to come when i'm descovered not to be at home.Later at the club:It’s a shame human alcohol is so weak, I’m not getting a buzz at all
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Misha's POV
I was finally here. That train ride and the subsequent taxi was seriously a killer. I excidedly grabbed the key from the lock box on the side of my new home and let myself in. It wasnt anything special, especially as it was empty besides my bags and the bed in the bedroom, but it was mine, my home.I settled in, unpacking the few things i had and going to town to find a few basics like furniture and kitchen supplies. I was a simplist, never knowing how long id stay made me this way but even if i could settle in places for longer im sure i would still be this way. My mind was cluttered enough without my home being that way too. Once settled i decided it was time to head out for a much deserved drink.I found a place busy with beating, throbbing music leaking out into the street and decided to head in. I prefered drinking in pubs but with the time i knew my access to alcohol would be limited to establishments like this.Walking in i was immediately drawn to a man at the bar who, while
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Jackson's POV
I got her number and waved her goodbye as she walked out of the club. Goddess I was going soft, I didn’t even pick up a girl, she did seem pretty great though. Would it be so bad to settle down with an amazing, beautiful person like that? Oh dude snap out of it, she’s a human how can she be a good Luna to a pack of wolves?!?! I walk out of the club and start to walk back to the woods so I could shift and take a run to clear my head before getting home. Humming to myself I end up at the small house that’s been empty for years, I normally hide clothes here under the porch for when I shift. But to my surprise I can smell her and all the lights are on! What the hell?! She’s just moved here? And she’s out by the woods all by herself? A growl escaped my mouth and I quickly darted behind a tree because edge looked outside to see what growled. Stupid, stupid. How could I focus knowing she was out here unsafe and alone? I may not want to accept her but that doesn’t mean I want her harmed.
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Jackson's POV
“I- I- umm, well, please don’t take this the wrong way,” I start to say as I stop and turn to face her, “would you like to come with me?” She stares at me in disbelief, oh goddess don’t let me blow this please. “Not for anything like what I’m sure you’re thinking, I just mean I’m loving spending time with you and I don’t want to go but if I don’t my dad with be furious! I just thought maybe if you came with me then we can continue hanging out and I can get what I need to done? It seems like a win win to me! Unless you’re tired and want a break from me?” I finish the last of my rant and I regret the whole thing, I look at the floor suddenly nervous of being shot down like a bird in hunting season. She put her hand out underneath my chin and brought my head up to face her, the sparks not seeming to make her scared the second time round, “I’d love that too, I was just thinking I must seem clingy to have kept you out here this long and still be disappointed when you have to go!” She laug
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Jackson's POV
To my surprise Finn gets up and looks at me with pure hatred in his eyes. ‘Mine’ he screams through the link to the whole family, ‘no she’s not she’s my mate’ I scream back at him. ‘Boys,’ my father chimes in, ‘we have a guest and I said to behave’.‘But she’s my mate my wolf is howling at me to take her from his arms right now’ he keeps looking at me the same way and I feel Misha shift uncomfortably next to me.‘Stop it you’re making my mate uncomfortable Finn, you lost yours, she is mine so back off!’ I demand.‘Finn I think it’s best you go and calm down, it’s not possible for her to be mated to you if she’s mated to Jackson. You just need to go cook off.’ My father tells him.He storms off pushing past me on his way out. I look at my beautiful mate, “I’m sorry, my brother and I had an argument this morning and I guess he’s not over it” I say to try to cover what just happened, whatever did just happen that is! She nods, as if she’s accepting the explanation I’ve given.I lead her
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Jackson's POV
It’s just I don’t know what to do, I don’t want to involve you because I care about you. The only person who knows is my Auntie May and I can’t even talk to her since I left or she would be in danger too.” She says it slowly and with such pain in her voice that I swear my heart broke a little.“Danger?! You’re in danger?” Ok that came out a lot angrier then I meant but just the idea of someone hurting my mate made my wolf come to the surface. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to react like that, I just hate the idea of anyone hurting you.” I say soothingly when I reign in my wolf.“Not right now, I just moved here after she found me in France, that’s the third time she’s found me since I ran.” I can see tears starting to well up in her eyes and I have to close mine to keep my cool. I kiss her temple again so she knows I’m listening. “I came here because she has warrants for her arrest here. I don’t think she would risk time in prison just to kill me, at least I hope she wouldn’t.” She whispere
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Finn's POV
Goddess what are you doing? How can she smell that amazing and make my wolf believe she’s my mate when she’s Jackson’s?! I’m so confused and angry, I know she’s with him right now and I just want to run to her and mark her as mine! I hate the idea of his filthy man-whore hands being all over her. ‘MATE’ my wolf keeps screaming in my head. What kind of horrible trick is this?! I go to my fathers office, I need to ask him what he thinks is going on. “Alpha?” I say while knocking. “Enter” “Hi” I say with my my teeth gritted to farther to avoid sounding disrespectful. “Hello Finn, I’m glad you came to me, care to explain your outburst earlier?” He looks at me like I deliberately did something wrong. I run my hand through my hair and sigh, “I don’t know what to do,” I admit, “I’m so confused, I’m wolf is determined that she’s my mate and goddess does she smell intoxicating. But I don’t understand how that’s even possible, I felt my mate die, how can she be my mate? And how would sh
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