The Billionaire's Undoing [ A Woman's Revenge]

The Billionaire's Undoing [ A Woman's Revenge]

By:  Bomi  Updated just now
Language: English
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He was the embodiment of her desires, a dream man who had captured her heart at first glance. From the moment Trevor entered her life, Emma knew he was the one for her. For five years, she had been exclusively committed to him, never once questioning his love until her entire world came crumbling before her eyes. Emma realized that his love for her had all been an elaborate deception. His words, his actions, his smiles, his compliments, they were all carefully constructed web of lies. "I can't continue like this," Trevor's words resounded in the room, causing Emma's stomach to twist in knots of tension. Fear gripped her heart, crawling up her throat and threatening to escape in a scream of despair. "I never loved you." With one sentence, Trevor shattered Emma's heart into a million pieces without remorse. Her cries and pleas for a chance for them to salvage their five-year relationship and fairy tale ending fell upon deaf ears. As she realized she had been cheated on for five years, Emma became the outcast in her own story. Determined to make Trevor pay for his betrayal and beg for her mercy, Emma went after the most important person in Trevor's life. The moment her eyes locked with Mr. Ethan Maddox, Trevor's billionaire father, at a get-together party, Emma knew her revenge would be both delicious and swift. Not only would she bring down Trevor, but she would also topple his powerful father from his pedestal.

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Interesting story.
2024-04-27 16:36:41
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Hello dear readers! I want to sincerely thank you for your support towards this book and your comment. Just so you know, they mean so much to me. Please, as you keep reading, don't hesitate to drop your reviews and ratings, and also let me know what you expect. Daily updates are assured. Thank you....
2024-04-27 02:01:34
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Christine Owings
70 chapters 4/22/24
2024-04-23 12:29:55
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Choosing to work for Trevor's father is a bad decision. Using that means to get her revenge now that it seems Ethan has a skeleton hidden in his cupboard is a smart one from Emma. She got her steps and plans well calculated. I love this! planning to topple father and son is a work of art.
2024-04-22 14:35:27
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Next chapter, author. I'm hooked. I'm glad to see a smart FL, and I like it.
2024-04-22 14:17:30
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God! this book is amazing. No doubt, this author is an excellent writer. Every detail is on point. I absolutely adore the way Lucas adores Emma. He's a far better man than the asshole Trevor. Hell, YES! I knew something about Trevor's father screams danger... so far I have been hooked. ...️...️
2024-04-22 13:53:38
user avatar
I can tell you are an excellent writer. I’m hooked on the way you describe each scene, but sometimes I feel like you over describe things and it makes me want to skip some part, but still I’m looking forward to reading more of this story.
2024-03-11 12:05:02
126 Chapters
Chapter One
Emma Callum found herself in her expansive bedroom, fully aware that the time had come for her most significant era. It was a moment she had always dreaded, as it held the power to mold her future and dreams of a future with her fiancée seemingly crumbling before her eyes. Never in her twenty-five years on earth had she faced this intense fear and trepidation. The sense of unease while awaiting the final outcome of Trevor Maddox decision caused her heart to race, her blood to run cold as she locked eyes with her partner of five years.From the instant, she laid eyes on Trevor half a decade ago at a dinner party, Emma had plunged headlong into love. What made it extraordinary was that the affection was mutual from the onset. It seemed like destiny had orchestrated their fateful encounter, both experiencing love at first sight. A love she thought they had both nature and cherish together and ready to fight for.As the saying goes, "When you meet the right person, you just know." Emma co
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Chapter Two
The next day, Emma woke up to find the food and expensive champagne she had prepared untouched, even after staying up late, waiting for trevor so they could have dinner together, talk about what's going on and renew your vow of love to eachother, but Trevor's still nowhere in sight. She mentally reproached herself for not paying attention to these signs. Now, everything was becoming clear - something was wrong with Trevor, and it had nothing to do with her or her job.She had tried to reach out to him numerous times, but his secretary always answered his calls and gave excuses as to why he couldn't speak to her. Emma thought about going to his workplace but remembered how much Trevor disliked surprise visits. That had caused their first fight when she showed up unannounced for lunch; she had passed by the secretary's office, hoping to inquire if Trevor was in a meeting, only to find her office empty. She furrowed her brows as she made her way to his office, and upon entering, she saw
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Chapter Three
Despite recognizing Trevor's imperfections, Emma believed in his inherent goodness. Despite his flaws, she entrusted him with her whole heart, confident that they could weather any storm that came their way.Caleb had always been a pillar of support, more akin to a family member than a friend. Whenever Emma encountered challenges with Trevor, Caleb would step in to help soothe the turmoil. She intended to seek his counsel and have him mediate with Trevor.Relationships are rarely flawless; they can be complex and demanding. Sometimes, conflicts arise, forcing individuals to reevaluate everything, even though staying with that person still feels right.As they both committed to safeguarding their love and partnership, the situation began to brighten. However, this time, Trevor's demeanor exuded an unfamiliar iciness, and the suitcases he had brought hinted at an irreversible departure. Emma was repulsed by the emptiness in Trevor's gaze, as fear and unease settled within her, threatenin
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Chapter Four
Trevor's subtle grin was one she had never seen before. It was sickening, dangerous, cruel, but unintentional, spreading across his face.As his lips curved into a previously unseen smile, Emma couldn't help but feel a twinge of confusion. For years, she had never seen him display such a callous yet unintended expression, not until this very moment in their shared bedroom. "I've tried, Emma," he stated solemnly, locking his gaze with hers. "You have no idea how long I've been forcing myself to speak those words to you every day, just to keep you happy.""What?..." Emma's stomach dropped as a sudden shock coursed through her body. She could feel a sudden pang of pain as though a sharp knife melted in fire was pierced through her heart, it makes her eyes water, her throat suddenly run dry.For twenty-five years of her life, Emma had never been hit in the stomach before. And yet, in this moment, she felt like she had been dealt a brutal blow.She took a step back from him, fearing that t
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Chapter Five
" I never drink to get drunk, but I drink too much, and it's all because of you. I have to drink in order for you to be content with me sleeping in the same bed as you. I drink so that I can forget that we share the same bed, that someone else is sleeping next to me, to avoid touching you or making love to you because I don't feel any attraction whatsoever for you.""That's not true," Emma tried to protest, her voice breaking into a whisper. She bit her tongue to hold back the curse on the tip of it – she knew how much it disgusted Trevor when she cursed. So many overwhelming emotions bubbled up within her, and she didn't know which ones to cling to.Trevor swallowed hard, " You asked me if being with you is settling, right?" Trevor's devilishly nodded his head, his piercing gaze never leaving Emma, " Yes, being with you is settling. Settling for less, settling for someone who is no way a match for me"Ignoring the look of hurt and disbelief on Emma's face, Trevor continued to shred h
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Chapter Six
Upon securing his suitcases and clutching the handle, Trevor turned to her and announced, "I'm leaving right now." Emma's heart raced as she moved closer, driven by an intense urge to lock the door, discard the key, weep, plead, and take any action necessary to make him stay. She longed to engage in their routine conversations, hoping he would grasp the importance of their shared life.Her arms reached out to him imploringly, but he shrugged her off as he brushed past her. A surge of rejection, mingled with anguish and shame, filled her chest, while Trevor felt a wave of disgust creeping over him as he left the bedroom, passing by the photos that adorned the walls, capturing their memories. Unmoved by Emma's cries, he continued down the hallway."Trevor, wait, please!" Emma chased after him, fueled solely by love, oblivious to any other thoughts. Her heart overflowed with affection for the man who had shattered her heart and dreams, indifferent to her pain and suffering."My ride is o
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Chapter Seven
Emma sat at the dimly lit bar, nursing a glass of scotch as she stared into the swirling depths of her emotions. Tears glistened in her eyes as she thought about Trevor, the man she had loved with all her heart, the man who had shattered her world into a million irreparable pieces. They had been dating for five years, planning their future together, building a life filled with promises of forever. But all of that came crashing down when she discovered he had been cheating on her with whom he introduced as his childhood friend.Deep down, Emma couldn't help but acknowledge the beauty of Ivanka, she's a supermodel, a beauty capable of bringing any man to his knees, and she had successfully brought Trevor to his knees; the only difference was then, Trevor had to stomp on her and her broken heart to get on his knees for Ivanka.The betrayal had cut her to the core, leaving a gaping wound in her heart that refused to heal. She felt lost and alone, adrift in a sea of broken dreams and shat
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Chapter Eight
Emma's heart raced in her chest, the scent of Lucas's cologne filling her senses. It was masculine and alluring, his warm breath caressing her cheek as he pinned her against the wall. Fear gripped her as she waited for his next move, her back pressed against the hard surface."I don't appreciate how you speak to me. I genuinely care about you and what you're going through. The scoundrel who betrayed you doesn't deserve you. Only a fool would leave someone as beautiful as you for a so-called friend. Emma, your heart is pure. Don't let him alter who you are," Lucas murmured softly, his gaze shifting from her eyes to her full lips, a dark desire flickering in his eyesSensing his intense stare on her lips, Emma seized the moment to push him away. "You don't know me at all. You're trying so hard to pretend you're different. You're not. I won't fall for your sweet-talking ways, Mr. Sugarcoated lover boy. Stay out of my path," she retorted firmly."You are drunk, Emma, you have no one to loo
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Chapter Nine
Upon arriving at his penthouse, Lucas carried her with ease, her body limply draped over his arms as he made his way to the bedroom. He had considered taking her to one of the many guest rooms in his house but ultimately decided against it; he couldn't afford to let a stranger wander his home without his watchful eye.As he laid her gently on the bed, Emma emitted a soft moan, and fresh tears escaped her tightly shut eyes. Lucas carefully removed her shoes and pondered whether to also remove her dress, wanting her to be as comfortable as possible. But he ultimately decided against it, not wanting to take advantage of her vulnerable state. He helped her into one of his shirts and a pair of shorts and then undressed himself, preparing for bed. But as he was about to enter the shower, he heard her sobbing.Turning to face her, he could tell she was deep in a dream. He wondered how much the wound of her betrayal must have hurt for her to cry in her slumber. Gently pulling the covers up t
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Chapter Ten
Lucas was keenly aware of the need to vacate the room and put as much distance between himself and her as possible before committing the gravest error of his existence. For half a decade, he had remained chaste, refraining from inviting any woman into his private quarters or allowing anyone to stay the night. With fervent prayer, he hoped no ravenous journalists were covertly spying on his residence, eager to capture a headline-worthy photograph that would bring in a torrent of online traffic and potentially extort him for a hefty sum."Are you famished?" he asked, already heading for the door, "I am. You can get cleaned up while I have the cook prepare breakfast for us." He exited the bedroom with haste, seemingly as if his backside were aflame.Emma let out a long sigh of relief as she watched him leave the room, unable to deny the powerful effect he had on her. With just one touch, she could feel her panties becoming soaked - a fact that infuriated her. Why did she feel this unden
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