The Babysitter Stalker

The Babysitter Stalker

Oleh:  Nicole Marc Blanton  On going
Bahasa: English
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A crazy killer is targeting babysitters and no one can catch him. Until he comes upon Stacy who has a secret that no one knows about.

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10 Bab
Stacy’s First Job
Stacy Simmons woke up early Monday morning for school. It was a warm spring day in April. She was super excited because she had just landed her first babysitting job the day before. Stacy turned 15 this month and wanted to save for her first car. Her parents had told her on her birthday a week prior that they would match whatever she saved for her 16th birthday the following year. Stacy was 5 foot 6 inches tall, slim with what she thought was an ok figure. She had long auburn hair that she wore to her waste with soft curls and big green eyes just like her mother. Stacy quickly got ready for school and ran down stairs to the breakfast table. Her parents Marc and Sylvia were already seated and eating when Stacy ran in to join them. Stacy walked by her kid brother Matt and tasseled his soft blonde locks. Matt grimaced and squealed at Stacy “ Stop doing that! I’m not a little kid anymore”. Stacy giggled Matt you are 10 years old. Matt rolled his eyes Aaron his sister “ I’m in the double
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The Shadow
Six months ago is when it started. It was purely an accident the first time but once he started he couldn’t stop. He had been walking home after being fired from his latest job for showing up drunk. He stumbled down the road and passed a house with the curtains opened. He saw a beautiful girl sitting in the floor playing with two young children and he was shocked. He had never seen a prettier girl in his life and was instantly smitten. In his drunken state he didn’t stop to consider that he was a stranger and would scare the young lady. All he could think about was meeting and maybe kissing her. So he staggered up to the window and watched her closely. The young blond stood up and he could hear her as she told the kids it was bedtime and he watched her usher them upstairs. He was not a patient man and after several drinks he couldn’t wait any longer. He tried the door and was surprised that it opened quietly. He couldn’t believe his luck as he creeped into the house and waited to meet
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No Clue
The Huntersville Police arrived at the house and began the search for clues to Mandy’s death. It was determined she had a broken neck but nothing else in the house had been disturbed. The officers searched the house, dusted for finger prints and asked the boys parents to look for any missing items. Nothing was missing and as the parents answered questions it became clear they didn’t have any answers as to who could do this. The police asked about Mandy’s boyfriend. The parents gave them his name but quickly exclaimed that he was a good boy and wouldnt do such a thing. The officer assured them it was routine and they had to cover all their bases. The officers finished their questions and left after Mandy’s body had been taken away by the coroner. This was the hardest part of the job. They had to contact Mandy’s parents and break the news that their daughter would not be coming home. Mandy’s parents were watching television when the doorbell rang. Mandy’s mother Jean looked at her h
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Sasha’s next
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Cole didn’t do it.
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A Nice Day
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You’re Hired
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16 Years Before
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The Big Day
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Almost Time
Stacy flopped down at the kitchen table for a snack. She slowly ate her cookies willing time to go faster so she could leave for The Mackenzie’s house. Stacy was so nervous and hoped that the the kiddos liked her. Stacy’s biggest concern was that she would do something wrong and not be asked to babysit again. Stacy was lost in thought when her mother walked in the door carrying groceries. Stacy jumped up from her seat at the table, “Mom let me help”. Stacy scooped a bag out of her mothers arms and walked back to the kitchen to unload them. “Thank you dear” Sylvia smiled. “Would you like to help with dinner”? Stacy exhaled slowly “mom I am babysitting tonight remember”? Sylvia did remember but was still hoping for a way to talk her daughter out of it. “Stacy I really wish you would reconsider”. “Now I’m not going back on my word” Sylvia rushed before Stacy could interrupt her. “ I’m just worried about the unsolved murders”. You are my only daughter
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