The Alpha's Human Surrogate

The Alpha's Human Surrogate

By:  Nina GoGo  Completed
Language: English
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"Now, let's discuss sexual experience," he says, his tone matter-of-fact. "It's essential for me to understand your level of comfort and any potential concerns in that aspect." I feel my cheeks flush, the topic leaving me feeling exposed and vulnerable. I take a moment to gather my thoughts before responding honestly, "I... I have not had previous experiences, but I am willing to learn. And... and I can assure you that I am absolutely clean." Alexander's gaze softens, and he almost seems surprised. But he eventually gives a soft laugh as he says, "I understand. Moreover, you still need to go through some tests to ensure that it is a smooth process." *********************** Hi, I’m Sophia, an ordinary college student. I have a happy family and two handsome roommates, but because of an accident, I had to secretly become a surrogate mother in order to pay for my father's enormous medical expenses. What I don't know is that the intended father, a polite and distinguished 34-year-old man, is the most influential and mysterious figure in the city. And what is beyond my control is when I give birth, I’m shocked to discover that my twin babies have wolf ears!

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Loving the story line
2023-09-04 20:30:25
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ewurama dickson
Good read.
2023-08-14 05:27:39
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A love story full of mystery and longing.
2023-08-08 11:13:57
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Loving the story so far. Looking forward to reading it as it unfolds :)
2023-08-07 20:21:05
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An Enjoyable Read
2023-07-27 04:50:45
user avatar
The book itself is decent enough but the timeline the author is giving is all out of whack, it talks of it being a year since the twins are born but then it says they are 5 and the boy is hacking a computer and using gps tracking to research his mother but still yet keeps saying it’s been a year????
2023-08-05 12:52:25
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Inked real
it was fun at the beginning but now can't help to think the author is quite boring and confused from chapter 20
2023-08-05 17:26:10
104 Chapters
1. Apply for Surrogacy
Sophia's POV It was noon in City B, and the sun hung overhead, casting its reflection on the glass doors and windows of the lecture hall. The room buzzed with a low hum as students exchanged whispers and shuffled papers. Today was just another day at City B University for me. I occupied my usual seat, attempting to concentrate on the lecture, but my thoughts persistently strayed to my father's deteriorating condition. Ever since my father collapsed in class and fell into a vegetative state, my life has been upended. The mounting medical expenses weigh heavily on my family's finances, seemingly insurmountable. My mother, previously vibrant and smiling, now wears a constant look of concern, overwhelmed by worry. She has attempted to take on additional jobs, but finding employment has proven challenging. Desperation clouds my mind as I seek ways to save my father. The weight of responsibility bears down on my shoulders, leaving me determined to find a solution and help my family. Duri
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2. First Meeting
Sophia's POV My heart skips a beat as I read the email notifying me of my acceptance into the first round of the surrogacy program. The timing can't be more perfect, given my recent job loss and my father's mounting medical expenses. Hope surges within me, overpowering the sting of the slap I received at work. I quickly compose myself, wiping away the tears that gather in my eyes, and hail a cab to embark on my journey to the luxurious estate. As the cab pulls up to the imposing gate, I can't help but marvel at the grandeur before me. The estate is like something out of a fairytale—a sprawling mansion surrounded by manicured gardens, tall hedges, and glistening fountains. It exudes an air of elegance and privilege that I have never experienced before. Exiting the cab, I smooth my clothes, feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement. This is uncharted territory for me, and I can't help but wonder what lies beyond those gates. Will I be able to fulfill the expectations of the client
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3. Sexual Experience
Sophia's POV Descending the staircase with effortless grace, every movement exuding elegance and poise, he approaches me. I can't help but admire his commanding presence. His sharp features are framed by dark, tousled hair, and his eyes hold a glint of curiosity mixed with intrigue. "Good evening, Sophia," he greets, his voice smooth and commanding. "Good evening," I reply, my voice slightly shaky as I try to compose myself. "You must be Mr. Williams." He nods, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "That's correct. Please, call me Alexander." He takes a seat across from me, his eyes never leaving mine. "I must admit, I didn't expect to find you here today," he says, his voice smooth and velvety. I blink, momentarily lost in his gaze before finding my voice. "I apologize if I've caused any confusion. I received an email stating that today was the day of the meeting." A faint smile curves his lips as he leans back in his chair. "Ah, it seems there has been a miscommunic
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4. Fertilization in October
Sophia’s POV I scrub the kitchen counter with fervor, determined to rid it of every last speck of dirt. Cleaning has always been my way of finding solace amidst the chaos of my daily life. As the warm water cascades over the dishes in the sink, I can feel the stress slowly melting away. But just as I’m starting to find my inner calm, the sound of the front door swinging open interrupts my thoughts. “Hey, nerd! Cleaning up the messes of the world again?” Jake’s voice echoes through the apartment, laced with his trademark teasing tone. I roll my eyes and turn to face him, my expression a mix of amusement and annoyance. “Someone’s got to do it, and clearly, it won’t be you,” I retort, raising an eyebrow at his disheveled appearance. Jake is my roommate’s younger brother, a rugged rugby player who seems to thrive on chaos. He’s the complete opposite of me, always seeking adventure and pushing boundaries. Jake smirks, unfazed by my response. He leans against the doorway, a mischievous g
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5. Overprotective
Sophia’s POV I turn my gaze to Tyler, who meets my eyes with a mixture of surprise and defensiveness. His face flushes slightly, and I can see his jaw tighten as he prepares to respond. However, before he can say anything, I raise my hand to stop him. “Wait, hold on a second,” I interject, my voice calm but firm. “Let’s not jump to conclusions here. Tyler, what’s going on?” Tyler takes a deep breath, his expression softening as he looks at me. “Sophia, I... I didn’t know he was your guest. I saw him snooping around, and I got suspicious. I thought he might be up to something.” I process his words, understanding his perspective. It’s true that Tyler is naturally protective, and he’s always been cautious about strangers. Moreover, Alexander was wrong for coming over without even as much as a call to inform me. How did he even know my address? Turning back to Alexander, I look at him with a mix of understanding and curiosity. “And you didn’t tell me you were coming. Why?” Alexander
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6. Nervousness
Sophia’s POV As we step out of the doctor’s office, a wave of peculiar sensations washes over me. It’s as if I can feel a tiny presence inside me, even though it’s too early for any noticeable physical changes. I can’t help but share my mixed emotions with Alexander. “You know, it feels so strange. I mean, I know it’s just the beginning, but I have this sense that something is inside me now,” I confess, a hint of wonder in my voice. He chuckles warmly and places a hand on my shoulder, offering reassurance. “I can understand. It’s incredible, isn’t it? Don’t worry, it’s perfectly normal to have those feelings. Just remember to take good care of yourself and the baby.” I nod, feeling a mix of excitement and uncertainty. “I didn’t expect it to be this simple and easy. I guess I worried too much.” Alexander grins, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “I told you not to stress. We’ve got this.” I nod, feeling grateful by how he always tries to put me at ease. He looks at me and sudde
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7. Keep it a secret
Alexander’s POV As Sophia speaks, her words wash over me like a gentle breeze, but my attention remains fixated on her. I listen intently, captivated by her presence and the subtle nuances of her voice. She seems at ease, sharing snippets of her day and assuring me that everything is fine. "That's good to hear," I reply, offering a reassuring smile. "I'm glad you're feeling okay and there are no complications." She nods, her expression serene. "Yes, everything seems to be going smoothly so far. I've been taking good care of myself, eating well, and following the doctor's advice. I've been feeling tired at times, but that's expected." Relief floods over me, knowing that she is taking the necessary steps to ensure a healthy pregnancy. "I'm glad to hear that. Your well-being and the baby's health are my top priorities." Sophia lowers her head a little and when she looks up, I notice the blush on her face as she responds, "Thank you for being there for me. I appreciate your concern an
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8. A pregnancy test
Sophia’s POV As I return home, a wave of desolation washes over me. Alexander’s absence is palpable, and I find myself longing for his company. Surprisingly, his presence has grown on me, and I enjoy the moments we spend together. My hand instinctively rests on my stomach, where a ti⁵ny life may already be taking shape. The thought fills me with both excitement and a twinge of sadness, knowing that our paths will diverge once I give birth. I can’t help but question Alexander’s ability to care for our child. He’s a man who doesn’t even want to get married, and I wonder if he truly understands the responsibilities that come with parenthood. But then again, I remind myself that our arrangement is merely a contract. It is not my place to worry about his intentions or his capabilities as a father. I must focus on fulfilling my part of the agreement and providing a safe and healthy environment for our child. Deep down, though, I can’t help but wonder if there’s more to our connection tha
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9. He's my uncle
Sophia’s POV I stared at Alexander's face and panicked. How dare he appear here? The scene was chaotic for a while, and my mind went blank. Feeling exposed and vulnerable, I close the door behind me, creating a small barrier between us and the rest of the world. If I don't make some amends now, my roommates will find out about the surrogacy. “Sophia, open the door. We need to talk,” Tyler says, but I don’t respond, knowing full well they are about to barrage me with a tirade of questions. I quickly grab a rag and clean the floor with it. Then, I hid the test under my bed before walking to the closed door. Jake’s voice reaches me, “What exactly are you hiding, Sophia? Open the door or I’ll break in.” I was so nervous that I grabbed Alexander's clothes and said, "Listen, Alexander, this is not the place you should be. I will open the door later and you can get out immediately. Don't say anything. I will handle all this by myself." He stared at me and frowned, "How do you want to
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10. Rich second-generation men
Sophia’s POVShakily, I dial Alexander’s number and wait anxiously as it rings. When he finally answers, his voice is filled with concern.“Sophia, why haven’t you called? I’ve been worried sick,” he says, his worry palpable even over the phone. “What’s been going on?”I take a deep breath, trying to steady my voice. “I’m sorry, Alexander. I’ve been dealing with my roommates. They didn’t totally buy my excuse but they seem to have suspended their suspicions for now.His voice softens, and I can sense the relief in his tone. “Oh, I was so worried. Are you okay now? Do we need to meet up? How do you feel?”I appreciate his concern, but there’s something more significant that I need to share with him. Gathering my courage, I blurt out, “Actually, there’s something else. The pregnancy test came back positive. I’m pregnant.”There’s a brief silence on the other end of the line, and then I hear Alexander’s voice once again. “Really?”I nod. “Yeah. We can still have a few more tests to confi
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