The Alpha King's Arranged Omega

The Alpha King's Arranged Omega

Oleh:  Colorless  Tamat
Bahasa: English
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Gray is a free wolf. She's one of those rare types of she-wolf who wasn't blessed to have a mate. And wolves like her are needed by males of any status and can only be owned through a "Mating Game" game. Gray wanted to fall in love on her terms, so when the game started, she fought hard, never to let any men have her. Judah was a desperate Crowned Prince and the next in line of the Throne. He wanted a female to carry his heir. When Judah sets his eyes on a certain Raven-haired woman, he learns that to have what he wants, he needs to play a good and kind Alpha. Will Gray be able to fall for Judah and find happiness or fall for his tactics, especially when he isn't the male, she thought he should be…

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Chapter 1: Haquihana she wolf
There were two kinds of female werewolves in the world. The first ones were Lupercas. Those female wolves bear a unique scent only for their mates. They are those women who were blessed by fate to have a fated pair. Usually, they shift at the age of eighteen. The second one was Haquihanas. They were the female wolves born without a mate and usually shift at sixteen. Their alluring scent usually came out every month, especially during their fertile days. These shewolves were extremely rare and highly valued in the werewolf world. Council Elders would purchase every Haquihanas they found and throw them into a game called Mating Game every year. This game caters to male wolves who had lost their mates to natural causes and needed an heir. Since Haquihanas were rare, the participants were reduced to ten. One of the participants already sold this year was Gray Isidore, a twenty-year-old Haquihana. It was rare to reach that age to be found. Gray has been careful not to be discovered, but h
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Chapter 2: Failed Escape
Once again, Gray was dragged by the big wolf again. That run was her best shot at getting away, and she fumbled it. She threw her arms around, hoping to catch flesh for a painful scratch but never did. The wolf's fur was too thick for her fingernails to dig in. And the next thing she knew, she was in heavy chains, sauntering along angrily behind the girls. Gray noticed that the girl in front of her kept glancing back at her, trying to figure her out. She knew putting up as much of a fight as Gray did was extremely futile, but nobody would advocate for them! Their alphas sold them out, so Gray had to do something.The guards put her and the others into an empty room filled with lightroom. The lights coming from the walls made Gray angrier than before. One of the guards unlocked her chains after locking the door. He told her to untie the others. Gray wanted to refuse as a simple act of defiance, but her fellow sisters and captives needed her. She stuck her middle finger up at any walls
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Chapter 3: Mating Game about to begin
Gray spit at Alpha's feet and the other girls gasped. "Bite me, old man," she said, mocking Alpha Rex when he ignored her and walked over to Alice, who looked at him with tears. Alpha Rex softened. "My beautiful daughter," he said, cupping Alice's cheek in his hands, and everyone watched in shock. Alpha Rex had a daughter? And Alice had the blood of an Alpha?Alice threw herself into the Alpha's arms and could no longer keep her stoic composure."Dad, please!" Alice said, begging. Gray's heart lurched, remembering her exchange of words with her father before she left. She missed him so much and worried that no one would look after him. Her brother had already left for the new pack. He now belongs with his mate, and Gray was afraid that her bitch called stepmother would neglect her father. She'll make sure to survive this one whole week of hell and return to collect her father and leave their sorry-called pack away from her nagging stepmother. Alpha Rex kissed his young daughter
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Chapter 4: Strategy is the Key
Gray felt her blood boil. She wasn't to be any man's property. "You have thirty seconds to prepare."A timer appeared on the wall, and Gray's heart raced so fast that it made her sick. She had been preparing this for years, and why did she feel like her mind went numb? And why was she doubting it now? Where was all her strength? Where was her determination to fight back and survive?"Alice grabbed her hands and forced her to look at her. "Hold together, Gray. If we stick together, it will be harder for them to catch us. We're strong fighters. Remember that," Alice told her before clapping before her face to get Gray's attention which worked because Gray blinked and shook her head. "It won't work! We're going to be caught anyway! They have a whole week to catch us. It's inevitable," Gray said, unsure. "Gray, I need you to focus. What was the use of being defiant a few hours ago? Didn't you say you'll survive for your father? Didn't you promise that you'll see each other again? Woul
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Chapter 5: Alpha Judah
Alpha Judah, the most spoiled brat and happy-go-lucky Alpha, was the next in line to the throne of Broel Forest Kingdom. He had busied himself with human females just for fun and a good time but never really had thoughts of having a mate or heirs, a luxury only he could afford at the time. He never abided by any rules, even in his pack. He was wooing someone he met at the club when a sudden knock on his hotel room's door created a sound. He already knew who it was by the smell of someone behind the door. "I need to go," Judah told the female human on top of him, driving mad like a cowgirl. She was about to reach the peak of pleasure when Judah lifted her and laid her on the bed. "What the-""Sorry. I need to go," Judah said again before putting on all his clothes and leaving the woman."Hey! I haven't even come yet!" the woman screamed in annoyance; just when she found a nice toy she wanted to play with, he decided to go and left her hanging. "Where are you going?" Judah didn't an
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Chapter 6: Hard to Get
The other males weren't much competition, so Alpha Judah pretended as if it were just three alphas and ten girls in the forest arena. He caught onto the little blond's scent almost immediately. Judah noticed that she was most likely in her fertile state since her smell varied a bit and sometimes was strong and sometimes not. Naturally, Judah's wolf reacted to the scent, but like him, his wolf didn't like her no matter how fertile the blond was and how good she smelled. Judah needed to focus. He knew that the blond and the raven girls were working together, which meant it would be harder to find them. They had already started making false tracks, and he'd have to go into a clearing and trace the scent all over again. It was exhausting and quite annoying, but he respected their intelligence in this arena despite knowing they weren't acquainted. It also meant that his future queen would be smart and strategic, which was a plus. Eventually, Judah found the common denominator; the scent
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Chapter 7: Desperately Wanted To Escape
Gray silently prayed to the Goddess that the Alpha was shamelessly naked before her and Alice's eyes would disappear. Although she knew that the after-shift tends to be naked, seeing this man's dangling thing was sore in her eyes. She observed as the Alpha crawled back down the tree. "He's giving up?" Alice asked her. "Maybe. A size like his wolf would not fit in any branch of this tree," Gray replied. "He's going to wait for us to go down."Gray knew Alphas never gave up easily, especially if females were involved. She was proven correct as the Alpha scent-marked the tree and sat down, waiting patiently for the two Alphas to show up. And when they finally arrived, they were extremely slow approaching Alpha Judah. But when he didn't move and showed no threat, the Alphas lunged at him. Gray cringed as she watched them attack the first Alpha. As much as she wanted the alphas to leave her alone, she didn't want Judah to get seriously hurt. Clearly, he knew how to fight and was holdin
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Chapter 8: Hide, Seek and Chasing
Judah was pissed because he had been standing there under a freaking Christmas tree, fighting two other Alphas over one girl. He was pissed that the other Alphas wanted the blond girl, assumed he wanted her too and attempted to rip him to shreds over her. And lastly, Judah was pissed that he had to do all of this and more just to plant his seed in some female for some heirs and have to put up with said female for the rest of his life. He loved a challenge just as much or even more than the next person, but this haquihana female was just ridiculous. He wanted a mate who would be smart and athletically capable of producing strong pups, but she had far exceeded his expectations. Wolves can climb trees, but they prefer to stay on the ground. That's what made Judah stop for a moment to think if it was even worth it to chase down a female as crazy as she was, a female that was crazy enough to climb a tree only to escape the inevitable fate of being bred by some desperate male wolves like
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Chapter 9: Caught
Gray face-planted on the ground and then frantically stood up in confusion. She looked behind her only to see her hind paw caught in a hole between the rocks and tried to pull it, but it didn't budge. She panicked, especially when she saw the Alpha run over to where she was stuck, doing a sort of cocky victory lap and then stopping behind her. Gray threw a fit, assuming the worst. As Judah approached her from behind, she started crying, whimpering, and making all kinds of noises to try and keep him at a distance. Alpha Judah wasn't trying to mount her at the moment, but the way Gray was crying and whimpering made him feel like a monster so he decided to explain himself. He shifted into his human form and stood up. He moved to her side and reached out his hand to her. "Look, I'm not going to hurt you," he said. Gray was in doubt, so she started to thrash around, snapping her jaws at his outstretched hand. Judah wasn't stupid and careful enough to get his hand near the desperate wo
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Chapter 10: Feisty Haquihana
They finally approached a small cabin in the woods, and Gray sighed in relief because, finally, she'll have the chance to get off from the Alpha's arms. They got inside and were surprised when she saw a huge bed in the middle, two couches on the side, a sink, and a fridge. It was actually a furnished cabin to be exact. There was a fireplace and a small kitchen on the lower part of the bed. What pissed Gray the most was the two towers that were formed into two birds kissing and a message saying enjoy their stay. Gray wanted to scream and kick those towels off the bed if only her leg wasn't hurting. They mock her about her impending doom, which pisses her off. Judah sat her down on the edge of the bed and then walked over to a door she hadn't noticed once they walked in. He reached in, pulled out an oversized sweater that looked like it would fit him, and swallowed her. He slipped on a pair of sweatpants he found and walked back to her. Neither said anything as he tried to help her i
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