Oleh:  A.I. Blessing   Tamat
Bahasa: English
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At the age of 26, Darcy had intended to still be a party girl, enjoying a great experience in Ibiza or any other unique party Island, but life had not gone according to plan. She was carried away, despite being conventional, and she signed up for an unhappy marriage after an unplanned pregnancy led her down a different route than she had originally intended to take. It took the arrival of the hot Scottish farmer Rory into her life for her to understand that life was too short to settle down and that she should keep moving forward. If being in Love would make her feel as amazing as she did when she was with him, then she would make some important decisions.. "If Love does not have the vibe of R&B from the 1990s, then I do not want it!"

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I like this story for it's wonderful plot. Nicely written, very elaborative. I will definitely recommend other readers to give it a shot
2023-01-01 03:24:38
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I think I am enjoying this book. The plot is interesting, and I love the characters so far. Can't wait to ready more.
2022-10-02 07:34:02
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Darcy Matthews was known for being a tough party girl in the past. After a night of drinking too much Prosecco, the woman, now 26 years old and a mother, became paralyzed.I couldn't remember the last time drinking made me feel this awful; my mouth was dry, my head was pounding, and I was positive that I'd had some stroke while sleeping. To add insult to injury, I couldn't recall how I got home. What the hell? I wasn't even home! I slowly opened my eyes to survey the damage, and to my relief, I saw that I was in my living room; I wasn't in my bed, but I was at home. I was spread down on the rug by the fire, and although the rug was comfortable, it would cause me problems with my back in the future. As I struggled to keep my eyes open, I noticed that Kerry appeared to be lifeless while she was sitting on my sofa.My voice was so raspy that I couldn't even recognize it when I mumbled, "Kerry.""KERRY." Oh, sh*t, maybe she's already passed away!I didn't have the strength to get up and c
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I spent the day with Lucas. I was filled with mom guilt since it was my final full day with him, and I spent it popping paracetamol and urging him to calm down. I regretted drinking so much the night before, and I felt like I was drowning in it."Do you want to go to the park with me?" As we played catch for the nine hundredth time, I asked him the question. His adorable smile spread over his face as he dashed off to get his shoes. I sent Saika a message to see how she was doing and to find out if she was interested in getting some exercise and being outside. Since none of my other friends had children, Lucas' only opportunity to interact with another child was through Saika's dog, Rufus."Holy hell, how are you even managing to stand?" When Saika came up behind me as I sat on the park seat, she asked what I was wearing. I told her I had just put on ripped jeans, a t-shirt, and my Ray-Bans. It was one of those instances in which you thought you looked fabulous, but, in reality, others
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As soon as I stepped into the renovated barn, I was shocked. It was up to date and very tidy. I walked back out to the car to carry some things in, and while I did so, I sought the cranky farmer. Since he appeared to be of an age that prevented him from being the farmer himself, I concluded he was a farmhand of some type. In addition, the farmer was aware that we were going to arrive, and he was also aware that we were going to evaluate his property, so I assumed that he won't be as impolite to us when we first met him. When looking for a job, I researched and found out about this farm. It was a long-established and reputable farm that had won numerous honors for its products and maintained good standards for its animals. The farm was not known to have ever failed an inspection.Kerry continued to whine as she pulled her large luggage inside the building while muttering, "I can't believe that jackass didn't offer to assist with the baggage." "I will be submitting a scathing review for
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Beep, beep, beep, beep, When I opened my eyes, I believed I was dreaming, but as soon as I did, I realized that the loud droning of a horn was still in my ears."What the heck is going on?"I managed to pull myself up and check the clock; it was five in the morning. I staggered to the window, where I could hardly keep my eyes open when I saw him. It appeared like the guy was sitting on a tractor and making as much noise as he could manage. How immature of him! Little did he know that I wasn't bothered by noise since I had a child who was two years old, and so I was an expert at tuning out distractions. I got up and returned to bed, where I promptly slept off again until the alarm woke me up at 7:30."Did it dawn on you this morning what I was trying to tell you at the crack of dawn?" As I walked into the kitchen, Kerry questioned me. She was sipping slowly from a huge mug of coffee as she sat there.I chuckled and said, "The moral of the tale is that you should never fuck with a farme
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When I answered it, it was Kiran on the other end. I quietly left the rowdy pub to take it with me and went outside."Hi," I said, sounding as unassuming as I could manage. I secretly hoped that my guilt at envisioning another man wouldn't be obvious to everyone else. "How is the newborn doing?""He's doing well and had a productive day at the nursery. I was in bed by seven, so you didn't really miss out on anything.""Aw, I really do miss him. Tomorrow night, I'm going to make an effort to call and tell him a tale before bed. Because my workplace had recently arranged for some networking drinks to take place tonight, I am obliged to go with all of the most eligible farmers in Edinburgh. There is no response. What exactly was the matter with my husband?He was unharmed until he eventually uttered, "Sounds like hell." "I will let you proceed with the rest of your evening then. Remember that you're supposed to work, so don't go too wild.""What exactly are you trying to say with that?"
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I open my eyes and have no idea where I am, but I do know that I am not in my own house, and within moments, the events of the previous evening flood back into my mind. The potential harm I may have caused sends shivers through my body. In addition to the fact that I am still wearing my top, my lower half also appears to be whole. The question is whether I dare turn back and see my current location. And what I am doing here, or who I am with.With trepidation, I tilt my head away from the wall, but all I can see is a cozy bed and a wall. There's a glass of orange juice next to my bed and dark navy sheets that smell like Rory when I flip over. When the thought occurs to me, "What if it's poisoned?" I sit up and drink the juice in one sitting. He may lock me up in a farmhouse and beat the soles of my feet into submission, like in the movie "Misery." I return the remaining liquid to its place and step back onto the hardwood floor. Our room's window looks out into the barn where we're st
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I remain silent and allow him to elaborate on his "favor." From how he walks and moves, I can tell he is uncomfortable asking for help."I need some extra time to do the farm evaluation. Here we go, then! I wish he had been more interested in Coprophilia."Why is that?" I lose it; I can't keep my temper from flaring. I had a sudden pang of guilt, wondering whether he tried to sleep with me to get this favor.To the papers before him, he averts his gaze. I'm not in the best place mentally; my dad passed away a month ago, and I've been left to cope with everything on my own.I knew a farm was changing ownership, but I didn't know it was this one. There was no acceptable reason to fall behind in work; problems at home were not acceptable, nor were the inherent dangers of working on a farm.The speaker said, "Look, I don't believe we can - "Just ignore my question; it's none of my business. Perhaps a disastrous first evaluation is needed to prove to everyone that "I can do this."As his
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I see Rory driving his tractor in the field next to the huge house as I wave Kerry goodbye from my car. I drive there to inquire about the best time to lend a hand. I am confident in my plan as I head out to the field. I'm not an idiot; I realize this is completely against my values and morals. I'm a judgmental married woman who can't fathom the allure of extramarital affairs for both sexes. I felt sorry for the kids caught in the crossfire and angry at the homewreckers who had intervened and enabled it to happen.But as I draw nearer and watch the grin spread over Rory's face as he recognizes me, I remember why I can't say no. He pulls over to the side of the road beside the fence and parks the tractor. As I climb the fence to look at him closer, I groan and roll my eyes at the logical part of my brain.As in, "When would you like me to drop by?" I ask.In an hour, we can all sit down for a meal together."Oh, ok." Here, I'm just experimenting with fire. I give him a smile back and w
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My heart is racing, and I feel queasy when I knock on the farmhouse door. I am about to lose it as Rory walks through the door wearing nothing but pants. I take a few deep breaths, one in each nostril, and slowly follow him into his kitchen. I'm amazed at his cooking skills right now. He is a present that keeps on giving.I'm assuming you're a spaghetti fan.I give a polite nod, covering up how amazed I really am. To cover his broad shoulders, he walks over to the chair his t-shirt is draped over and does so. Don't worry about me; I nearly always end up talking out loud. He responds, and I can tell by the look on my face that I am not pleased.He excuses his absence of a t-shirt by saying sheepishly, "I didn't want to get spaghetti sauce on it."I can't help but remark, "It smells great." As I cross the sizzling pan, the aroma fills my lungs. Can we skip the small talk and get right to business? I am interested as to how much of a time commitment it will take to organize all of his pa
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He tosses the noodle back into the pot, splashing it all over his white tee.“Shit!” They hear him howling.So, I go over to his side of the counter again. Is everything well with you? I ask. His lovely white shirt is now stained with crimson sauce.His head shakes in disapproval. He finally snaps, "See, this is what I was trying to prevent." To which the respondent enquired, "You have a son?"To what end were you avoiding me? Which came first, the flaming tomato sauce or the reality that I'm a happily married mother of two?Both," he says with a chuckle. He removes his tee shirt again, and the sight of his half-naked figure makes me weak in the knees. I should be escaping from his deceptive grins and teasing remarks as quickly as possible. There's no doubt in my mind that he has feelings for me; after all, we wouldn't have come here if we weren't both hoping for a certain outcome. As he hands me the bowl of spaghetti, I bite down hard on my lower lip. I can't bring myself to sit down
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