
Avoid His Path

Chapter 4: Avoid His Path. 

I sat in the solitude of my room, thoughts of Ethan swirling in my mind. His warmth and kindness had left a lasting impression, and I found myself yearning to know more about him. It was in the midst of my contemplation that my mother entered, her gentle presence interrupting my thoughts.

"Sara, my dear," she began, her voice carrying a tone of concern. "I noticed your curiosity toward Ethan earlier. I wanted to offer you some insight into the sons of the household."

I looked up at my mother, curiosity shining in my eyes. "Tell me, Mother. What can you share about them?"

She sighed, her gaze filled with a mixture of caution and worry. "Ethan, dear, is a good-hearted soul. He has always been respectful and considerate. But the other son, Alex, is a different story altogether. He is known to be ruthless and unkind, always seeking power and control. It's best for you to avoid his path, Sara."

My heart sank at her words, the contrast between the two sons becoming more apparent. It seemed that the allure of Ethan's kindness came with a warning, a reminder that not all was as it seemed within the walls of this grand estate.

"But Mother," I protested softly, "should we judge someone solely based on hearsay? Perhaps there is more to Alex than meets the eye."

Her eyes softened, understanding the depth of my curiosity. "My dear, I understand your desire to believe in the goodness of others. But sometimes, it's best to heed the warnings given to us. People can show different sides of themselves, and we must be cautious."

I pondered her words, torn between my fascination with Ethan and the ominous caution surrounding Alex. It was a delicate balance, one where the heart clashed with the mind.

"I will keep your words in mind, Mother," I finally replied, a note of determination in my voice. "But I also believe in giving people a chance. Perhaps there is a reason behind Alex's reputation, a story that has yet to be revealed."

My mother's gaze softened, and she reached out to cup my face gently. "Oh, Sara, I know your heart is pure and full of hope. Just promise me that you will remain cautious and guard yourself against any harm. Your well-being is my utmost concern."

I nodded, accepting her concern and acknowledging the wisdom in her words. "I promise, Mother. I will tread carefully and stay true to myself. But I cannot help but wonder what lies ahead, what fate has in store for me within the confines of this grand estate."

As we embraced, a sense of uncertainty lingered in the air. The allure of Ethan's kindness intertwined with the cautionary tales of Alex's ruthlessness. I knew that my journey within these walls would be filled with challenges and choices, and only time would reveal the true nature of the path I was destined to walk.

I was lost in a realm of uncertainty and conflicting emotions when Madam Amelia's call cut through the silence of my room. Startled, I quickly composed myself and made my way to fulfill her request. 

Balancing the tray with two glasses of wine, I cautiously entered the room where Madam Amelia awaited. The opulence of the surroundings was overshadowed by the weight of my anticipation. I knew I was about to meet another master of the house. 

As I stepped into the room, my heart skipped a beat. There he stood, his presence commanding attention even before his piercing gaze met mine. It was Alex, the elder son of the household, and the very same man who had shattered my hopes and dreams not so long ago.

In that moment, everything seemed to slow down. The weight of the tray slipped from my trembling hands, crashing to the floor in an explosion of shattered glass and spilled wine. Gasps echoed through the room as the scene unfolded before us, a tableau of shock and surprise.

Madam Amelia's eyes widened with astonishment, her voice erupting into a cascade of fury. "How dare you!" she scolded, her words laced with indignation. "Is this how you treat people, Sara? Such incompetence!"

I stood frozen, my gaze locked with Alex's. It was then that I noticed a flicker of recognition in his eyes, as though a distant memory began to resurface. But to my astonishment, it quickly vanished, leaving behind an impassive mask.

Madam Amelia's voice continued to berate me, the words falling on deaf ears as I struggled to comprehend the situation. How could it be that Alex, the CEO who had dismissed me so callously, seemed to have no recollection of our previous encounter?

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