
One hundred and seven


It looked like something was on going outside, that most of Tunde Ibrahim's men started running out.

Gunshots and screams could be heard.

And on seeing how Tunde Ibrahim and the remaining of his men were rendering hefty blows and kicks on Mia, was making me sick.

There was a pool of blood on the floor, and Mia's face looked swollenly covered in blood.

Guilt stung me deeply, that the pace of my breathing became fast and uneasy. Because it was partially because of me that she was in this condition.

I had been blinded by hate and jealousy, to see that Mia was innocent. I knew Alex, he wouldn't fall for a despicable person. He had fallen in love with her for his own reasons.

Something I was too angry and jealous to notice.

And now, she was thrown into this situation because of me.

Like a beast, Tunde Ibra

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