Sinner's Empire Series: Sin of Silence, A Silent Reckoning, Goodnight Sinners

Sinner's Empire Series: Sin of Silence, A Silent Reckoning, Goodnight Sinners

By:  Nikita Slater  Completed
Language: English
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Loyalty. Pride. Family. These are the only values that matter. Jozef is both nephew and enforcer to the Koba crime family. He is ruthless, brutal and completely loyal to his family. Shaun is a doctor working in the Ukraine with Doctors Without Borders. She’s logical, kind and honest. Shaun has been trained on how to deal with hostage situations, but nothing prepares her for Jozef or the life he’s forcing her into. From the operating room to an opulent glittering ballroom and a forced engagement, Shaun is wildly out of her depth. Every step she takes is monitored and the man who kidnapped her watches her like a feral dog preparing to strike. Caught in a deadly plight, Shaun has no choice but to give her heart to a killer or become another victim of organized crime.NOTE: Sinner’s Empire contains scenes of sexual content, violent situations, and panic attacks.Sinner’s Empire is created by Nikita Slater, an eGlobal Creative Publishing Signed Author.

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"The "Sinner's Empire" series is a gritty journey through the underworld of organized crime. Follow the protagonist in "Sin of Silence" as she's pulled into a world of corruption and violence. In "A Silent Reckoning," she confronts the consequences of her actions and fights to survive. In the thrilling conclusion, "Goodnight Sinners," forces of good and evil clash in a battle for the future. Fans of crime fiction and suspense won't be able to put down these intense and gripping novels."

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April Coleman
This story is well written. It is full of suspense, and you end up with a variety of emotions throughout the story.
2023-11-25 16:30:24
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April Coleman
Loved this book. it was very well written with a captivating storyline.
2023-11-03 22:03:33
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great book I feel I was cut short loved it so much I want more please show me book 2 to this book
2023-06-26 09:16:08
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Ngozika Onuzulike
Thank you to this writer for one of my best mafia stories. I loved..looooved reading this! It was also educative and da bomb!
2023-06-05 04:27:10
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I FINALLY FINISHED ALL 3 BOOKS!!! AND IT WAS AMAZING FROM START TO FINISH!!! I wish this book would get more attention in GN it was so good, very well written, and nicely finished. Josef and Shuan's love story made me laugh and cry and jealous at times to have a love like theirs....🤎
2022-11-20 23:40:21
default avatar
I can't wait for the next book to come out! I have been reading this book nonstop, it has so many surprising revelations and keep you wanting to read the next chapter wanting to find out more.i hope the author will put up the next book to this series sooner rather than later
2022-11-01 03:58:44
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Jamila Moorer
Amazing!!! Im looking forward to reading more of the authors work.
2022-10-31 05:10:29
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This book was on a free list. And I thought I'd give the first few chapters a read and maybe move on. But let me tell you.... I have not been able to stop reading. And when I stop, I can't wait to start back. It is that good. Very well written each chapter holds my attention
2022-10-23 04:20:20
149 Chapters
Chapter 1: Sin of Silence, Sinner's Empire Book 1
Dear readers, In Sin of Silence there is a character who is non-verbal and uses sign language to communicate. Over the course of a year, I researched methods of non-verbal communication, specifically sign languages. As sign language doesn't mirror spoken language, my intent was to be as authentic as possible. However, I quickly discovered that translating sign language onto the page is very difficult, especially for someone without a background in signing. The word order can be confusing, and the grammar is different from spoken language. I made the decision to go with flow over a straight translation, which is why the signed conversations in this book resemble spoken conversations. The signed conversations will be formatted in italics unless Sinner's Empire is being read as a web series, in which case formatting is not available. There are many wonderful aspects to sign language that I would love to share with you, but that would be an entire book in itself (and probabl
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Chapter 2
"Mom, I'm fine, really." Shaun took a long thirsty gulp of water before hurriedly wiping her mouth and putting the bottle back in the fridge. She flexed her shoulder blades, wincing a little at the crackling sound and the tight, pinched feeling in her neck. She was on day three of a four-day twelve-hour rotation. She shook her head. It wasn't like she stuck to her working hours. She worked when there was work to be done, and she went back to her tiny boarding room when she could no longer stand up and keep her eyes open. "I read in the news that there was a bombing close to the hospital last night. Did you hear it?" Fatima asked anxiously over the phone. Shaun frowned in concentration. She tried to get her tired brain to remember if anything had happened the evening before. Usually after long shifts she would go home and eat a quick, cold meal, take a lukewarm shower with appalling water pressure, then pass out until her next shift began. Still, she had t
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Chapter 3
Oh god, they weren't blindfolding her or anything, which meant they didn't care if she saw where they were driving. They didn't care if she saw their faces. Which probably meant that they weren't planning on letting her live. Despair, fear and anger rushed through her. She didn't want to die. She was only thirty-four; she'd finally clawed her way out from under a mountain of student loan debt. She was widely considered one of the world's most up-and-coming neurosurgeons, at the head of her field in successfully using cutting-edge technology during surgery. She wasn't ready to lose all that. "Where are you taking me?" she asked, trying and failing to keep the fear from her voice. Her captor glanced at her, his icy gaze sweeping her briefly before turning away. He was sitting on a bench across from her, his elbows on his knees, his body tilted toward the men in the seats at the front. He looked completely composed, as though murdering a nurse and kidnapping a docto
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Chapter 4
"Of course," she readily agreed, then she hesitated. "But what will you do with me after? W-will you let me go?" He stared down at her, and her heart sank even further. Of course he wouldn't let her go. At least he wasn't outright lying to her. He seemed to understand her though, so either he could read lips or he wasn't hearing impaired. "Are you going to kill me?" she asked bluntly. He pointed at her, then toward the man on the ground, then signed, fix him. "He needs a hospital!" she snapped. No hospital. "Then I can't fix him, I don't have what I need. I think he's had a heart attack and there's no way to treat that kind of illness without the proper medical equipment." She sat back on her haunches and lifted her hands helplessly. The man was going to die in that dirty basement, and she was likely going to die alongside him. Her captor pulled his gun from the holster underneath his leather jacket and pointed it at her head. She fl
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Chapter 5
"I won't fix him!" she shouted as clearly as she could through the thundering in her head, caused by his tight grip and the crazy pattering of her heart. He threw her away from him in frustration. Shaun fell sideways, but quickly crawled back to the man on the floor. Every instinct in her body was screaming at her to do something, to start working on him. To find a way to get him to the hospital where he could get the medical attention he needed. Instead, she was forced to watch him die a slow and painful death because she refused to help him if her captor was just going to question him and kill him. She eyed the tattoos on her pacing kidnapper's hands and neck and wondered how deep in the mafia he was. The part of Ukraine that she worked in had become lawless due to the removal of most forms of authority except military, who were concentrated on fighting the rebellion. For the most part, the hospital and its occupants were left alone. Unless someone needed a doc
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Chapter 6
Shaun was expecting to feel a raw ripping pain tear through her, followed closely by death. She wasn't expecting to have someone grip her arm and wrench her up to her feet. The move was so fast, so sudden, that she felt instantly dizzy. When her vision cleared, she was confronted with the intense, stunning blue eyes of her captor. His forehead was wrinkled in a frown. "What are you doing?" the other man demanded. "We got what we need. Finish the job so we can get on with it." She felt sick, genuinely nauseous to where she would've doubled over and gripped her knees if she could have. By 'finish the job,' he meant kill her. She was a loose end, a witness to a murder. They had no choice, she had to go. Jozef glared at the other man and then turned and dragged her toward the stairs. Shaun was dizzy, hyperventilating, floaty. She was disassociating from what was happening. Multiple times in the space of an hour, she'd been positive she was going to die. Then, when th
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Chapter 7
Each breath seemed to linger in her chest for much longer than usual before puffing out through her mouth. Was this what death felt like? Time slowed down to a crawl and each sense hyper-engaged all at the same time. But then, Jozef jerked the gun away from her head and time sped back up. The warm sunshine filtered through the leaves high above their heads. The flutter of a bird's wings sounded as it took flight. Jozef stalked away from her, his shoes rustling in the dead leaves and grass. He grasped his head as indecision warred in his brain. Shaun stayed crouched on the ground, watching warily. Then he turned and grabbed her again, yanking her to her feet. Shaun swayed and thought she would go back down until he steadied her, sliding his gun hand around her back. She gasped and jerked in his arms as she felt the metal press against her spine. He growled in frustration and set her away from him. As she stumbled back, he put his gun underneath his jacket and back into it
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Chapter 8
Jozef didn't have a lot of time to plan the rescue of his uncle. Gustav, the man they had beaten for information, had told them where to find the kidnapped head of the Koba family and who was holding him. A rival mafia family located in Kiev, headed by Vasiliy Stanovich, were holding the Koba patriarch in their family estate. Once Jozef had identified Krystoff's kidnappers, he was able to quickly research the family. Ferret out their weaknesses and a likely reason behind the abduction. The current global economy hadn't been kind to the Stanovich family, as they hadn't updated technology and techniques to move with the changing times. They were living in the past, hoping to make bank off the old ways; drug sales and extortion. As their family gradually sank into the lower ranks of the Vory, the head of the family had gone to Krystoff three years ago for help and had been refused. Jozef suspected the family took Krystoff for either revenge or to force his hand. Jozef found
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Chapter 9
Shaun was cold, shivering in the dark on a bare mattress in a bare room. She was hungry and she had to urinate. She hadn't gotten the sense from her captors that they intended for her to be miserable. It was more likely that they were too busy to think about her. Still, she was worried that if they forgot for much longer, she would have to start shouting. She'd been attempting to sleep, the sun having long since gone down and the only light now a dim streetlight down the road from where her room was facing. She'd tried the window, but it was bolted shut. She wondered if this room was actually meant for prisoners, given how solid the door and lock were, and her inability to open the window. She closed her eyes, drifting in and out of consciousness. She had no way to tell time, but she suspected she wasn't sleeping for more than a few minutes at a time. It was during one of these brief periods when she was snatching a few minutes of sleep that her door banged open. She ope
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Chapter 10
"Your aunt will want to plan the wedding." Jozef's uncle looked over at him, the glint in his eye somewhere between serious and teasing. Jozef's aunt was well known for her love of parties. She would insist on planning every detail of the wedding right down to the brand of toilet paper rolls in the guest washrooms. Jozef glanced down at his fiance of only a few hours. She was sound asleep, occupying the seat between Jozef and his uncle. Her head was resting on Jozef's shoulder, the tiny huffs of breath escaping her lips skittering across his skin and the puff of hair on top of her head tickling his neck. He wanted to touch the tiny black curls, see what they felt like, what the skin of her cheek felt like, but he couldn't. Attachment was weakness. If Jozef showed tenderness toward this woman, others might decide she could be used as a weapon. Jozef might love and admire his uncle, but he knew better than to trust the head of the Koba family. "Your women frie
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