
The heroine

Chapter 15 The Heroine

"Natalie, I just asked you a question.” Sinclair said still waiting for an explanation from Brielle.

"About the bomb, I...I overhead someone saying that it had been placed in your car." She quickly made up a lie.

"Who? How does the person look? Can you give me a full detail of what you heard.” Sinclair asked.

"I...I didn't really see the person and I don't know who he is. I didn't wait to listen to the rest of the conversation because I was trying to get a hold of you." Brielle replied Sinclair.

"But still you would have seen and heard something. All I need is a clue." Sinclair said curiously.

"I...I…I—“ Brielle stuttered.

"Stop questioning her Sinclair, she just woke up after three days. She needs her rest and besides you have reported the incident to the cops. Let them deal with the rest." Lorelei said.

"The cops! The cops knows about this?" Brielle asked.

"It is an attempted murder, the cops will be involved in it. After all, I am the prince and now my life
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