Shadow Wolves

Shadow Wolves

Oleh:  Zayda Watts  On going
Bahasa: English
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For as long as Chloe can remember, she has been nothing more than a money making machine for Alpha Nathaniel Thorn of the Blue Mountain pack. To be fair, every female is consider no more than an object and a slave. Anyone who can’t serve the Alpha in the way he wants doesn't survive for very long. Dance, strip, sleep, repeat; Chloe doesn’t know any other way of life. But that all changes the night that Lucas Wolfe turns up. Lucas Wolfe has one mission and that’s to bring Alpha Nathaniel Thorn to justice following a months long investigation into the corrupt Alpha. Using his family connections and with the backing of the International Committee for Supernaturals, Lucas is able to infiltrate the Blue Mountain pack. He finds exactly what he needs to bring the Alpha down but what he didn’t count on was finding his mate; Chloe. But something much more sinister is looming over the pack. Girls are turning up dead which initially has nothing to do with the pack or the committee until a supernatural being is found dead for humans to find, opening a can of worms no one is prepared to handle. Meanwhile, someone or something is watching Chloe from the shadows, waiting until the moment is right…

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2023-03-17 04:49:38
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851 AD The first snow of the winter was building on the horizon, casting out its tendrils of freezing winds to clear the way. Harvest was well and truly over and the men had returned from their hunting trips to now help with the final touches in securing the Pack's dens for the winter. The season could be cruel here but the wolves had learnt how to fare against the harsh conditions without the aid of the human settlement some fifteen kilometres to the south.  But that was because the Northern Star pack had something that other packs didn't; their Luna was a witch. The fated union between a werewolf and a witch hadn’t gone down smoothly with puritans but sixteen years on, Ulf and Estrid had defied all odds and united their pack. Their love for each other inspired unity and peace amongst
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The pale glow of the moon cast a haunting blue light across the snow as Chloe shivered against the bitter wind. She had no doubt the winter landscape would be a beautiful sight if it weren't for the fact she had been out in the freezing cold for hours. The tense silence around her was broken by the chatter of her own teeth and the rhythmic crunch of boots in the snow as the guards prowled around her and the fourteen other girls currently stood in the snow in nothing more than their underwear.  Casting her blue eyes up to the moon, Chloe silently prayed this round of punishment would be over soon. She wasn't even entirely sure what had warranted them being pulled from their beds in the basement of the club, forced to strip and made to stand in the freezing cold outside of the Alpha's residence in the dead of night. The frigid air that bit painfully at her fingers and nose made the depress
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The pale morning light crept through the letterbox sized windows of the den slowly, casting a stark glow over the rows of beds before crawling up the back wall. The scent of blood mingled with the musty scent of damp and cheap perfume as the girls silently let the night pass them by. It had been five hours since the Alpha had let them go back to their prison and while the chill that had settled into their muscles and bones had long since faded away, they had been unable to sleep. Everyone of them was haunted by Chloe's flogging every time they closed their red and puffy eyes. The twenty lashes seemed to go on for hours and yet it was probably only a few minutes. The Alpha had been swift and merciless whilst the small blonde had screamed and sobbed in agony until she had passed out from the excruciating torture. By the end her back had been a mess of blood and torn flesh. Rivulets had poured d
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Soft pinks, purples and vanilla light bounced across the insides of the near empty club as closing time crept in slowly. It had been a long night and surprisingly busy since it was only Wednesday night but, both humans and werewolves had been looking to blow off steam and spend their hard earned cash on drugs, alcohol and young women skimpily dressed and dancing. Even their drinks were brought to them by young females for the lusty men to paw at whenever they pleased.  Luckily for Chloe, she was still on bar duty until her back was fully healed. The Alpha didn't want anyone seeing her injuries because it was bad for business but Chloe was aware that as soon as she was back to full health, she'd be back dancing like a performing monkey or serving drinks while greasy old men groped her.  Sighing tiredly, she placed another cl
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Saturday came around too quickly. By then Chloe was feeling a lot better although the healer had not been around to check on her again which Chloe hoped meant that the Alpha had forgotten all about their arrangement and she was off the hook. However those hopes were dashed thoroughly when the girls came back from their mandatory workout.  Chloe had been allowed to attend this time even if she didn't care much for the routines she was forced to do to make sure her body had the right amount of muscle without looking bulky. Being allowed outside for longer than a few minutes had felt good and even the freezing cold biting at her cheeks until they were a soft pink colour hadn't dampened her mood. They were werewolves after all. Being outside was in their nature even if they weren't able to shift because they were low ranking. 
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WARNING: this chapter contains descriptions of sexual assault===The room instantly felt too hot and Chloe tried to swallow, her mouth feeling dry. A hand on her naked arm made her jump and she looked up to find Nathaniel towering over her, his eyes lasciviously roaming over her body.  “You know, I never found my mate?” Nathaniel suddenly spoke, his voice low. “I searched and searched but after years of disappointment I finally gave up. For a while I was okay with not having a mate, not having a family but as I get older I realise that I can’t run this pack alone and certainly not forever. The pack needs a Luna. We need hope that there is a future…”  Chloe knew what Nathaniel really meant. He needed an heir to continue his family’s dynasty and he had chosen her to be
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Katie had been waiting for Chloe that night, instantly going into motherly mode and making sure she was okay. The other girls either made sure to stay out of the way or helped with shedding the petite blonde of her dress, helping her to take off her makeup and bringing her painkillers and water when it was realised she was intoxicated. After a long shower and a change of clothes that covered her entire body, Chloe collapsed into bed, too tired to talk about what had happened or what she had witnessed when she was leaving. She assumed she would tell Katie in the morning when she was sober and hopefully feeling a little more clear headed.  However the morning came with a flurry of activity. The surprise appearance of the Alpha’s esteemed guests had everyone in a panic. The girls found themselves being woken up early to attend their workout session earlier than normal. 
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The night had gone without a hitch and an air of relief sank down over the girls when they were released from their duties without any punishments.  For Chloe, it had been an unusual evening. After her first encounter with their guests (especially Lucas Wolfe), she was treated as invisible. The experience had left an odd mixture of emotions bubbling within her as she tried to sleep that night. Part of her had been relieved that she had been allowed to disappear into the background as she acted as waitress but it was the other feeling she was experiencing that had Chloe confused the most. Part of her had hoped Lucas would speak to her again. The rich timbre of his voice and the way his hazel eyes had watched her every move had sent a shiver down Chloe's spine. She had caught herself on numerous occasions imagining what it would be like to run her fingers through his black hair or crawling
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Chloe adjusted the neckline of the sheer black body for what felt like the umpteenth time since putting it on and let out a shaky breath in an attempt to settle her nerves. The dressing room was empty of life except for her but she could not only hear but feel the heavy bass of music thumping and vibrating through the walls from the club. She had only caught a glimpse of what was going on out on the main floor but it seemed busier than usual for a Monday night. It was almost as if every male wolf from this pack and the next had crowded in and was now taking up as much space as possible leaving little room for the girls to move around. Unsurprisingly, Alpha Nathaniel was in his usual booth, surrounded by his personal guards while glowering like a child who had just had their favourite toy taken from them. Even Beta Kevin wasn’t getting through to him as the Alpha’s steel blue eyes remained locked on the table a few rows in front where all o
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Omar appeared to have been true to his word as Alpha Nathaniel never requested Chloe's company and Chloe had been allowed to return to the den with the other girls at the end of the night. She hadn't seen Lucas again once he had let her go and strangely, the rest of his friends were no longer in the main part of the club when she passed by the doors in the back. Then again she had just been so relieved and giddy that she had been able to hopefully help impress Lucas into making a deal with Nathaniel.By the time the girls were back in the den, clean of sweat and glitter and all tucked up in their cots under layers of blankets and clothing to fight off the cold, Chloe had all but forgotten about her meeting with the mysterious British werewolf.  Sleep came quickly, pulling her into its warm embrace when her dreams were filled with sultry hazel eyes that would glow gold.
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