
Uninvited Guest

Chapter 4.

"Drea's Pov.

I continued to stare at the picture, it was not long he barged in.

Woah, he looked so hot. He was not putting on

any shirt as I could see his bare chest.

His abs were visible and it looked so cute, I felt like touching his bare bare chest, I wonder how it's going to be like.

He interrupted my thought as he brought me back to life shouting at me

"What the hell was that, delete that picture..." He said as he couldn't complete his sentence after he saw what I was wearing.

I guess it will got be hard to seduce him.

"What the hell are you putting on now?" He questioned.

"As you can see I'm putting on a lingerie." I replied him.

"Whatever, but I can sue you for what you just did right now?" He threatened.

"Seriously? Are you threatening me now?" I asked sarcastically.

I really want to know what is going on in that head of his.

"You shouldn't sleep with another lady on our wedding night, I guess people don't know you are a playboy." I said.

"How about I release this picture here and post it." I threatened him.

"What the heck did you want?" He asked.

Should I just tell him I want to know his secret?

But I cannot just act rashly.

I need to think of a way to get closer to him.

"I want to work in your country." I blurted and the next thing I heard was laughter.

"Are you fucking serious, do you want to do harm to my company? You don't know about designs." He concluded.

"Then forget about it I'm posting this picture." I said as I lay on my bed, pretending to be fast asleep not until I felt someone removing my duvet.

And there we go this time around my bare laps were exposed, I felt a little bit embarrassed.

I could see the look in his face.

He shifted back as I covered myself.

"It is not hard to learn, I'm just going to learn how to design." I told him.

"Why do you want to do it?" He asked.

What am I going to tell him this time around?

"I want to know more about designs..." I told him.

"Okay, agreed." He said and I laughed.

"How do you expect me to believe you?" I objected.

"Let's sign a contract." I told him.

"Contract? all because of this?" He sneered.

"If you are not okay with it you can leave my room and let me sleep." I said as I put my head back on my pillow.

"Alright you will sign the contract tomorrow" He said as he left the room.


A call interrupted me and I was shocked to see who was calling it was my boss.

I became scared immediately.

"I give you six month." That was the thing he said immediately I picked the call and he hung up immediately.

I just need six months to find out his secret, I guess this is going to be fun and a little me hard.

I switched off my phone as I drifted into sleep.


The Next Day.

"Penelope will be the one in charge of your training." He broke the news.

Don't tell me that girl that want to snatch him from me will be the one to teach me.

What the fuck!!!

"Can you not find another person in charge of that?" I asked.

"No, she's better." He replied.

"Besides what did she tell you yesterday?" He changed the topic.

"Girl's stuff." I lied.

"Your expression changed immediately she whispered in your ear" He said.

I guessed he found out I was lying.

"Then if you think I am lying, go ask her yourself." I sneered at him.

"This is what you ask for...sign wherever you see your name." He said.

I went through the contract and I was shocked my duration at the company is just six month.

What the hell?

"Six months? Don't you think it is too small?" I shouted.

"Remember you are going to leave him after six month, why do you still want to work after six month." My subconscious reminded.

Yeah that's true anyways.

"Nevermind I will just sign it." I said before he could say anything.

"When will I start the training?" I asked.

"Tomorrow." He replied

"Sir, ma'am the food is ready" One of the maid informed us as we left.

Jayden stood up as I followed him also, I've never passed the sitting room since yesterday.

I think we are going to the dinning now.


The dining room was just as grand, with a long mahogany table that could seat at most 6 people.

 A silver chafing dish sat on the sideboard, and a crystal decanter filled with red wine sat at one end of the table.

Different kind of food was placed on the dinning table.

I sat on the left side of the dinning, whole Jayden sat at the front.

"Good morning everyone." I heard that familiar voice as I faced back to check who it was.

Woah what is Penelope doing here?

She walked up to Jayden as she pecked him sitting down at the right side.

"Ooops you are here, I didn't see you. Good morning" She greeted.

"Good morning." I replied coldly.

"What are you doing here?" Jayden asked.

"Are you really asking me?" She replied.

"This is not the first time I will come and ear breakfast at your house." She replied.

Are these two really friends or they are dating?

She's looking like his wife now.

"Are you sure she will not hinder our work in the office?" She asked and I knew she was referring to me.

I will pretend as if I didn't here what she just asked.

I took the beef and I placed one on the place, it was really hard to cut but I finally did.

"She only has six month." Jayden replied.

"What is your job exactly?" Penelope asked.

I felt a little bit frightened, I looked at Jayden and I'm sure he was expecting an answer.

If I tell him I'm a reporter he may not trust me.

What the hell am I going to say.

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