Seduced by  a King

Seduced by a King

By:  Lily William  Ongoing
Language: English
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What do you do when your smoking-hot, billionaire husband is still in love with your sister? Not ideal circumstances. However, your sister lives abroad so you can try and make your husband fall in love with you instead. But what do you do when said sister returns home after five years abroad and immediately tries to get back together with your husband? Divorce him of course! Everyone would be happy about that! Your mother-in-law from hell certainly will be. Your sister in law might even do a little happy-dance. Even your own mother would be thrilled that you’re divorcing! But considering you’re divorcing the most powerful man in the city…a man who doesn’t have the words “divorce” or “no” in his vocabulary….it might not be so easy to become single again as you originally thought… because Kings marry for life!

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16 Chapters
James... Fucking... King. The man I fell in love with when I was barely 17 years old. The man who looks like Adonis re-encarnated, is wicked smart and more or less rules Montonia. The man I married almost 5 years ago. The man...who still yearns for my sister. I know. Its such a freaking cliché. The sister and the husband having an affair. However, this is not quite that-its worse. Because they'd been together forever before. They share a past. And Im the one who developed feelings for my sister's college boyfriend. I couldn't even hide my feelings as a teenager, so my sister, mum and dad had to sit me down and talk to me about how it wasn't really appropriate for me to have those feelings and I definitely couldn't act on them when he was with my sister. I. was. MORTEFIED! And my already shaky relationship to my sister deteriorated rapidly! I avoided my family for years after that just to make sure I didnt do anything weird near Carrie and James. But whenever James would show
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Chapter 1 - Has The Wicked Harlot Returned?
"So she's coming back? The Wicked Harlot of the Kingdom is actully returning to our shores? Should I go to the shed and find a shovel? Get the car ready with plastic covers and zip ties? You know I’m ride or die girl!" My best friend Jonathan asks while grinning at me. "Yup. Apparently the recession hit South Findol hard last month and she was let out of her contract early. And no! Its too early to have murder on the agenda, John!" I answer him. Jonathan pours some more coffee into his mug and continues " layman's terms...she was fired. She can't get a new job and have to return here as she's on a work visa there and with no job, its runs out, right?" "Quickly. Thats what Im thinking. Mother was a bit vague with the details." I pick up couple of pieces of crispy bacon and place them next to the poached egg and fruit on my plate. I'd invited my best friend Jonathan to brunch to discuss the news my mum so gleefully told be yesterday. I'd barely had a wink of sleep last night
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Chapter 2 - Hear Ye, Hear Ye!
I pick up my phone and dial James' number. He doesn't pick up. I dial again. Nothing. I dial Nate's number, James' executive assistant. "Hello Mrs. King. How can I help today?" Nate answers. Finally! "Hi Nate. Can I talk to James, please? It's urgent and he's not answering his own phone." "I'm sorry, Mrs. King. He's in a very important meeting and demanded not to be distubed." "Nate, I am going to ask you a couple of questions, okay? And you are going to answer them. I know you signed an NDA when you became Mr. King's assistant so there are things you litterally cannot talk about. But you and I are on decent terms, right? Wouldn't you say?" Nate hesitates in answering my questions "arhm....yes Ma'am." Good. He's nervous. He is an excellent I'd saved his job on more than one occation when he was still training to James' assistant-the hardest job in the world with impossible standards to fulfil. And I'd always said I'd come collecting one day. I meant it as a joke
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Chapter 3 - The Old Queen Attacks
For a brief moment I consider not answering but it might be important. "Hello?" "Have you spoken to Mr. Dwyer yet?" a chilling voice asks. It takes me a minute to even recognize the voice. "Mrs King? Is that you?" Yes, my dear mother-in-law insists on formalities and won’t let me call her anything other than Mrs. King despite all these years of me being her daughter-in-law. "Well of course it’s me! Don’t you recognize the number?! Now answer the question! Did Dwyer drop off the paperwork? Did James talk to you yet? When are you moving out of the house? Dont take anything that doesn't belong to you! Remember you signed a prenup!" Mary demands.Why on earth would I save the number for the wicked witch of the west? James’ mother, Madeline ‘Mary’ King, and the bane of everyone’s existence, only cares for image and reputation. When James and I first married, I truly tried to please her, to be a good daughter-in-law to her, but she much preferred my sister as a wife to her own son and
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Chapter 4 - The Queen’s Reply
That evil, conniving bi… know what. Usually this kind of behavior would have required me to “kill it with kindness” and just ignore her actions. That’s what my husband had instructed me to do when the bitch finally broke me with her mean words and evil ways in the beginning of our marriage. But if I’m getting divorced anyways….“Lisa! Can you please take a few of the boxes and get me the one in charge?” I instruct the distressed maid.“Right away Ma’am!”A couple of heavy set men stop a couple feet away from me and I turn around to face them and say “I’m sorry, Gentlemen. This has turned out to be a wasted trip for you guys. I was told that it was Madeline King who commissioned this move? Sadly, My mother-in-law has dementia and isn’t quite all the there anymore if you know what I mean. No one is moving.” Sympathy instantly shows on both of their faces and the older of men says “Oh. Well that’s alright. My missus’ sister has Alzheimers. Nasty disease. You never know what they’re
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Chapter 5 - The Return of the King
James King, the most powerful man in Montonia, stood frozen as if he was held at gunpoint by my question. I just stared at him. Damn....Why did he have to look so damn good? I could just stare at him all day. I could even feel my heartbeat increase....again. "Excuse me?" He finally managed I look around us and although we appeared to be alone, James was pap. favorite and they'd learned to hide to avoid lawsuits, he'd happily through their way if he saw them stalking him for a picture "Lets go to your office, so we wont be overheard." "Why can't we talk right hear?" He argued back. "We can. But I can't guarentee there won't be any pics or that we won't be overheard, and you know it" I countered. James looked like he wanted to argue my point but I think he realized that it would make him a bit of a hypocrite, as he's always saying that anything important should always be talked about away from prying eyes and active ears. We headed towards his office in silence. He opened the doo
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Chapter 6 - The King's Decree
James was starring at me. With those piercing and stormy eyes of his that had frightened world leaders with a single look, made women wanting to drop to their knees in public og frozen CEOs in their place. "What?" I asked him. "At no point did I say that I wanted a divorce NOR accept an annullment." He stated firmly. "That may be, however I will not accept being a wife to a husband with a mistress. Even in a contract marriage." I told him in no uncertain terms. "Josefine, I told you that if Carrie ever came back you should prepare youself. I told you plans may change. Not that they will change. And yes, I do have feelings for her, but I haven't processed those feelings yet. I think we have a decent marriage. We get along. The public like us together as husband and wife. You are well liked, not just in high society circles but by all. I know you and take care of yo-" "I DON'T CARE!" I scream at him! Fucking Bastard! I'm so angry with him that my entire body was shaking with adren
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Chapter 7 - The Sting of the Viper Princess
“Yeah…we’re not getting divorced. No way in hell.” Now I know he mumbled something. I just didn't register the words at the time. I was too busy enjoying the taste of his mouth. He tasted of a combination of liquorice, mint and strangely delicious cucumber - a weird combination. But it worked for him. Damn, did it work. His hand sled futher down my body, feeling every inch of me and it grabbed my ass cheek in a firm grip. YES! I've been dreaming about his hands exploring my body for more than a freaking decade!More. I want more! His tongue had just bitten down on my lower lip, giving me just a smidge of pain. Huh...who knew? Pain could be a turn-on...cause....I wanted more of that. MUCH more of that!As he gently bit down, his landline phone in his office began ringing. Yes, James had a landline. Why? No clue. Whenever I asked him or his staff why James appeared to be stuck in the past with a landline in his home office, everyone just answered the same thing; “it’s important he
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Chapter 8 - The Meeting at the Round Table
Adam, my driver and unofficial bodyguard at times, easily recognized my need for a quiet moment and just asked where to and nothing more. Usually, we chitchat back and forth about his beautiful Italian wife, his four way-too-beautiful daughters and his Italian Nonna's food and my efforts to immitate that woman's brilliant cooking and failing again and again. Adam's grandmother owned the best Italian joint in town and I had met her several times. A Queen of pasta if there ever was one. Needless to say, I could always keep the conversation going with Adam...However, today he took one look at me and let me have my peace. I couldn't stop my thoughts running wild. Damn, I could still taste James in my mouth. Why did he have to confuse me with that body of his? Why did he have to look like Adonis and why the hell did I have to be extremely attracted to that? Why couldn't he just have kissed me like that on our freaking wedding night?! Oh yeah...The ghost of Carrie still haunted us. I needed
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Chapter 9 - Returning home
“’re meeting my sister and your former lover at the city’s most romantic restaurant and you DON’T think it’s a big deal?!?!?!” I almost yelled at him."Well...When you say it like that it sounds bad and wrong." he said."For F...'s sake! It IS fucking wrong, James! You do not meet your wife's sister at the city's most romantic restautant for an innocent business meeting or even for an 'lets-catch-up-and-have-dinner-and-drinks' thing. How can you not see that? Why do I have to explain such an obvious thing to you?!" I yelled. "Tone it down, Josefine! Don't yell at me. Carrie picked the restaurant at random, Im sure. The restaurant didn't exist when she still lived here. She just needs business advice and Im happy to give it to her if it can help her readjust to being back in the city more quickly." James argued. "Oh she'd love the attention from the press. I wouldn't be surprised if she'd been the one to call them in the first place. Carrie has never done anything not calcu
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