Second Chance for the Rich Alpha

Second Chance for the Rich Alpha

By:  Edith Martini  Ongoing
Language: English
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In the shadows of high society, Alpha Nick Sokolov reigns supreme, his wealth and power unmatched. Yet, beneath his polished exterior lies a past riddled with regret. When his failing marriage and old enemies threaten his life, Nick returns to his hometown, only to find himself face-to-face with Jane Mitchell—a woman he once dismissed as plain and unremarkable. As danger looms and secrets unravel, Nick realizes that true beauty lies not in appearances, but in the depths of the heart. Will he embrace the chance to rewrite his story with Jane, or will he be consumed by the mistakes of his past?

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Charming Sue
Captivating beginning. I would like to know more about Nick and Isabel's relationship. Hope their relationship works out. Updates please author!
2024-03-23 23:02:12
48 Chapters
The dim light of the night filtered through the dark curtains of Nicholas Sokolov’s office, casting weird shadows across the expensive and modern furniture. Despite the luxury and the beautiful view, there was an air of tension high in the air, suffocating in its intensity. Nick sat behind his desk, a glass of amber liquid between his hands as he stared blankly at the city lights and skyline beyond the window.Home.The world left a bitter taste in Nick’s mouth, harsher than the whiskey he was drinking. This place was supposed to be his sanctuary, a refuge from the demanding chaos that his life was. But instead, it felt like a gilded prison, offering no peace or solace, only the ghosts of demons that haunted him.The throbbing pain in his shoulder served as a constant reminder of the dangers that lurked beyond the safety of his office. He winced as he shifted in his chair, the movement sending a sharp jolt of pain shooting through his entire body. He had bruises everywhere. The wound
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Chapter 1
NickI sighed heavily as I dialed Dmitri's number, the weight of my decision pressing down on me like a leaden cloak. Each ring felt like an eternity, amplifying the doubts that churned in the pit of my stomach. But I knew I had to do this—I couldn't stay in this suffocating position.Finally, Dmitri picked up, his voice gruff and businesslike. "Nick, what's up?""Dmitri, I'm going home," I said, the words heavy on my tongue. "To the city where my father made his fortune."There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line, as if Dmitri was trying to process my words. "Home?" he repeated, his voice tinged with disbelief. "But Nick, what about Isabel? What about your business?”I closed my eyes, the guilt and shame washing over me like a tidal wave. "I can't do this anymore, Dmitri," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. "I can't keep pretending that everything is okay, that Isabel and I have a future together. I need to break free, at least for a bit."There was a heavi
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Chapter 2
Jane I stepped out of my small apartment and into the cold morning air, a sense of monotony settling over me like a dark cloak. Another day, another routine to follow. A life devoid of excitement or adventure, where each day bled into the next in an unending cycle of sameness. This was my reality, a quiet existence in the bustling town of Brookside, where nothing ever seemed to happen. The streets were alive with the hustle and bustle of early morning commuters, the sound of cars honking and people chattering filling the air. I watched them from the sidelines, a silent observer in a world that always moved too fast for me. There was a time when I longed to be a part of it all, to carve out my own place in the world, but now, I felt like I was destined to be forever left behind. I made my way to the college where I worked as an admin assistant. I couldn't shake the feeling of loneliness that hit me every time I approached my workplace. Everyone around me seemed to have their own live
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Chapter 3
NickThe tires of my taxi crunched over the gravel driveway as we pulled up to the imposing gates of the Sokolov Mansion, the place I once called home. Despite the passage of time, the old estate still exuded an air of power and authority, its grandeur a testament to the wealth and influence of my family.I stepped out of the car and approached the gates, memories flooding my mind—the memories of a childhood spent roaming the sprawling grounds, of late nights spent huddled around the fireplace with my family, listening to my father's tales of his rough childhood in the streets.But as I pushed the gates and made my way up the entrance of the house, those memories were tinged with a bit of resentment. My father may have built this empire, but he had also left behind a legacy of betrayal, a legacy that I was determined to uncover and confront as soon as possible.The door swung open before I could even knock, revealing the figure of my mother, Elena Sokolov, standing in the doorway. She
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Chapter 4
JaneThe sun rose slowly over Brookside, casting a soft golden light over the sleepy town as I made my way towards the quaint little church nestled at its heart. Sunday mornings had always been a time for quiet reflection, a chance to escape the chaos of the world and find solace in the comforting embrace of faith.As I entered the church, the familiar scent of incense and polished wood washed over me like a warm embrace, soothing my frazzled nerves and quieting the tumultuous thoughts that swirled inside my mind. It was a welcome respite from the relentless pace of life outside, a sanctuary where I could find peace in the midst of chaos.But today, as I took my seat in the wooden pew and bowed my head in prayer, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at the edges of my consciousness. Rumours had been circulating through town for days, just rumours of a certain Alpha who had returned to Brookside after years of absence, stirring up memories and emotions that I had long sin
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Chapter 5 - Bonus
Isabel The taste of rejection lingered bitterly on my tongue as I stormed out of Jane's apartment, consumed by fury and indignation. How dare my stepsister treat me like this, I seethed, kicking me out without even listening to my threats? I've always prided myself on my status and privilege, the designer clothes, the luxurious lifestyle, the adoring gazes of strangers as I walked down the street. But now, standing alone on the quiet sidewalk, I felt a sense of vulnerability creeping in, a fear that I was losing control of my own life. And then there was Nicholas, the man I once believed would be my salvation, my ticket out of the suffocating confines of my humble upbringing. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I'd be strutting down to the hometown I despised so much. The whole point of being Mrs. Sokolov was to forget about Brookside and its people. After all, it was the main thing that made us close, the decision to leave town as soon as possible. For him, it was the decisi
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Chapter 6
NickThe afternoon sun filtered weakly through the dusty windows of my father's study, casting long shadows across the room as I poured over the ancient documents that littered his desk. For hours, I had been lost in a labyrinth of contracts and ledgers, searching for any clue that might shed light on the mysteries of my family's past.But as I sifted through the piles of papers, my eyes fell upon a peculiar note scrawled in my father's handwriting—a note that sent a shiver of unease coursing down my spine."Do not touch the Grants from Huntsville."I furrowed my brow in confusion, my mind racing to make sense of the cryptic message. Huntsville? I thought, racking my brain for any mention of such a place in my father's files. But the name eluded me, a distant memory buried beneath the weight of years of neglect and indifference.And yet, there was something about the note that struck a chord of familiarity,a sense of foreboding that lingered in the air like a storm on the horizon. I c
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Chapter 7
JaneI stood in front of the bathroom mirror, the steam from the shower swirling around. I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at the edges of my consciousness. Nicholas Sokolov, my former classmate, the man who had once held my heart in the palm of his hand, was standing just beyond the door, his presence a palpable reminder of the past I had tried so desperately to forget.But as I looked at my reflection, the face staring back at me was resolute, a mask of determination suppressing the tumultuous emotions churning within me. I had made up my mind; I would not let Nicholas back into my life, not after all that had transpired between us.With a sigh, I turned away from the mirror and stepped into the warm embrace of the shower, letting the hot water wash away the cares of the day. But even as I luxuriated in the steamy confines of the bathroom, the memory of Nicholas lingered in the recesses of my mind, a ghostly presence in my head and heart.And then, just as I was beg
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Chapter 8
NickRestless nights had become the norm for me, each hour dragging by as I tossed and turned, the pain in my shoulder a constant reminder of the events that had led me to this moment. But despite the ache that gnawed at my bones, I couldn't shake the feeling of urgency that coursed through my veins, a need to make things right, to seek forgiveness from the one person who had haunted my thoughts for far too long.And so, in a moment of clarity, I made a decision, the decision to buy an entire flower shop, to flood Jane's life with bouquets of blooms in an effort to win back her love or at least have one chance. It was a desperate move, born out of desperation and longing, but I knew that I had to try, to show her that I was willing to do whatever it took to make amends.But as the days wore on and the sleepless nights stretched into weeks, I found myself growing increasingly restless, the weight of my actions bearing down on me like a burden too heavy to bear. And so, when Dmitri arri
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Chapter 9 - Bonus
DmitriAs I arrived at the luxurious hotel where Isabel had sought refuge in her distress, a sense of concern gnawed at my insides. The opulence of the surroundings contrasted starkly with Isabel's tear-streaked face and furrowed brow, a painful reminder of the turmoil she was experiencing.Approaching her suite with hesitant steps, I knocked softly on the door, my heart heavy with apprehension. "Isabel, it's Dmitri," I called out, hoping to offer some measure of comfort in her time of need.The door creaked open, revealing Isabel's disheveled form, her eyes red-rimmed and puffy from crying. "What do you want, Dmitri?" she snapped, her tone sharp with frustration.I stepped inside, taking in the lavish surroundings with a pang of guilt. "I came to check on you," I replied, my voice gentle. "I heard what happened with Nick."Isabel scoffed, a bitter laugh escaping her lips. "Of course you did," she muttered, turning away from me to stare out the window at the twinkling lights of the to
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