
Second Chance Mate: Alpha’s Cursed Alisa
Second Chance Mate: Alpha’s Cursed Alisa
Author: Desertrose

Chapter 1

The painful jab on my hips make me tremble from it pain. I was weak but still working like a f*cking robot, No I was a robot…The Blood Moon Pack Robot.

I had been shoved, kicked, and trampled upon all day. my scanty hair which seems like I was suffering from an hair ailment had been pulled, and I had lost count of how many times they had shoved me towards the trash can. I always tell myself that I would get use to it but can someone really get used to abuse? I mean, this is my life every day. I've been treated like this since I could remember, and it's as if they get a joy seeing me getting beaten. It's a show to their amusement.

One of the high ranked member thought it would be quite a scene to throw a banana peel on the slippery floor, and another threw their leftover trash in my face because they said I shouldn’t show up in there presence, my curse might rub on them. "Just keep walking, Lisa. Just keep walking." I say under my breath. It was the only thing I could do because if I so even tried to retaliate or defend myself, I knew I was going to lose.

Once done, I was ready to run out and continue my work, cleaning each pack’s room.

But just as I was running through pavement, I felt a rough pull on my hair, making me fall back. My body ached as I fell to the ground, and I could feel the sting on my scalp as alpha Damon dragged me by my hair toward the children play ground.

Someone had just spilled a gallon of milk on the floor. The floor I had just cleaned not even up to two minutes ago. I neaded to stay quiet If I made even the slightest sound, I knew what was coming.

I gripped my hair, hoping it would ease the pain as he dragged me along. He flung me across the play ground, making my body crash against the children’s toys.

My body ached as it hit the counter doors, and I could hear the cracking of yet another broken rib, making me wince from the pain.

I whimpered; my tears ran down unwillingly. "Stay mute, Lisa. Stay MUTE." my mind said, but my eyes betrayed as I began to cry silently, letting out a small whimper.

"Clean this shit up, you lazy fool. Do you have any idea how important tomorrow is for all of us? I told you this place needed to stay clean, don't test me, bitch. GOT IT? And start making lunch." Alpha Damon sneered, kicking me on my ribs and making me cry in pain. "But," I said, regretting my words as soon as they left my lips.

He slaps me across my face with the back of his hand, stinging my cheek and right eye. "Shut up.

How dare you talk back to me? Do you want to go back to the dungeon? You obviously need a reminder of WHO is in authority here." he yells at me, clenching his jaw. My hands fisted, and my jaw clenched from anger. If it's one thing I hate, it's being punched by him. He never stops, not until his knuckles have had enough of me.

I can't recall the last time I ever felt happy. It's been hell for me ever since I could remember since the day my mom and brother were killed in front of me.

Then again, maybe I deserved all this. It was my fault they were killed, after all. I was the one who wanted to keep wandering off that day. I still remember it as if it had just happened yesterday.

When I was eight, my mom, my brother Liam, and I went out for a stroll. We had such a fun day, but we lost track of time, and we didn't notice that we had walked too close to the borders, close to where Mom's favorite flowers were.

By the time we realized it, we were surrounded by some strange wolves, probably rogues.

Mom sacrificed herself, waving at my brother and me and ordering us to run for it. That was the last time I saw her alive. Mom was strong but not stronger than eight hefty wolves.

Before my brother and I could get away, they ran after us, too, and got to my brother first, slashing him across his chest right before my eyes. I still remember the sound of his pleading voice telling me to run as his body slowly gave out. His frail body fell as if in slow motion before me, and I could see nothing but evil smirks plastered in those wolves eyes. I went into shock, seeing how they ran toward me.

When Dad finally got there with our alpha and the other guards, one of the wolves had already attacked me, leaving me unconscious. I should have died from that fatal attack but I didn’t, due to the specie of werewolf I belonged to. I didn’t know why but I was always referred to as a werewolf skinwalker. Other wolves despise me but since my family were around to protect me I was safe until the tragedy struck. When I finally regained consciousness, I found out that my brother's body was missing, my mom was dead, and I had been unconscious for three days before I finally woke up.

I was now left with a nasty scar across my right jaw and my clawed back to remind me of that day forever.

My dad wept for their deaths for so long that he isolated himself from everyone, including me. But that wasn't all. He gave in to mourning for his mate, a werewolf emotion more potent than alcohol made of wolfsbane and herbs.

It's much more lethal than the alcohol humans are used to, but equally dangerous to werewolves because losing one mate as a wolf is like losing your sane self until one day when I turned twelve, and he left me as well.

From that day henceforth, I was tagged a curse to the pack. My source of being was their source of hatred. They even hate the fact that I breathe.

My name is Alisa Morgan. I am a werewolf Skinwalker, a freak and part of the Blood Moon pack. I'm turning eighteen today. I could be celebrating. But instead, I'm here cleaning and taking trash out, like I do every day since the day Dad died, and I became the lowest-ranked werewolf in our pack. Even the other lower ranked members hates me.

The day they told me Dad had died, our alpha demoted me to the lowest rank in our pack. I was an orphan with no one to fight for me, hell I can’t dare to fight for myself.

Our alpha, Damon Luther, is not someone to be joke with. He's tough and very... But I mean very wicked. I can't say his son, Boston, is any different.I mean it a father and son gene. They both hate me with passion and are not afraid to show it. Boston is pure evil, just like his dad.

He’s a power hungry guy who loves everything walking in skirt, his approach to the girls in my college was like a the best thing that can ever happen to them. And when he makes an order, no one dares to defy, if you do, you will suffer the consequences of his puppets, Nick and Zaid.

I heard one of them will be his gamma and the other his beta. We don’t really know which he will pick so I guess they all have been acting like a puppet to get the best position which is to be his beta.

Boston turned eighteen about year ago, and he's been eager to become alpha soon. I feel that when our alpha passes down his title to him through the alpha ceremony, this pack will quickly see its doom. I can feel it.

To make matters worse, Boston has been extremely mean to me for the past years. I mean, he has constantly mistreated me, but it's gotten worse since like forever. I don't know what his deal is; I guess authority is making his ego grow, impatiently waiting to become the sole authority of this pack.

I do know one thing, though: I have to stay away from him, no matter what... Or I will be punished, not only by him but by his girlfriend, Sasha. She is even worse than him.

Pack was supposed to love and cater for one another, so my dad told me but, my pack was a complete different case, I saw for myself how well other pack members got along with everyone, regardless of who they was never like this before, I do not know how things change so drastically from perfect to worst.

Boston and his two best friends, ruthless Nick, and arrogant, Zaid, rule the school and everyone in our pack when our alpha, Damon, isn't around. It's no surprise, though, that everyone in my pack who holds a higher rank takes advantage of their position, making the lives of others a living hell. Especially mine, since I was known as the girl who got her family killed, Little Cursed Alisa, making me the target of their hatred.

Alpha Damon Luther and his son, Boston, were incredibly mean to me. He'd constantly say that my dad had left me because he couldn't overcome the loss of my mom and brother, that he couldn’t bear to look at the cause of his mate death which is me, so he killed himself out of misery.

That I was born a freak, I was a curse to my family from the moon goddess.

I faintly remember when I had a happy family who protected me and a home... We didn't have much because we were all low-ranked, but we had each other. I feel so worthless knowing Alpha may be right... I deserved to get treated the way I do.

What kind of a wolf is a skinwalker?

Everyone in our pack has a job, but the job consists of days off as well. I hadn't had a day off in months since graduating high school.

Then again, I was thankful they even allowed me to finish high school because most lower rank are only allowed to go to junior high and no more. I wish I could have had the chance to attend college like most kids in our pack, but I know I'm dreaming too high. I'm envious to see the older kids who turn eighteen and graduate high school find their mates and attend college together.

Maybe one day I could find my mate. He'll take me away from all this, and we can be happy. I want to be satisfied, but the more I think about it, the more I want to cry. I'm losing hope, and I don't know if this is all I will ever live for... Cleaning up after everyone and taking hits from the angry pack members. Being their punch bag, Maybe... This is all that will ever be for me.

Goddess please change my story.

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