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The mysterious rich boy was hell-bent on making Dalia his girl. He gave her a taste... A taste of happiness. A taste of love. A taste of life. He made a fearless Dalia fear, a careless Dalia care, a hopeless Dalia hope. Against her better judgment, against her own intuition, she wanted this man, body and soul. But the moment Dalia began to let her guard down, believing life wasn't so much of a bitch after all, that taste, that sweet nectar, turned bitter on her tongue.

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52 Chapters
1. Meeting the billionaire
I wrapped my long, bare legs around the cold stainless steel that was my fortress at the moment as I danced half naked in front of the wealthy onlookers. Drinking a half bottle of Moèt within two hours was proving to be a bad idea. My mind was a vortex, my vision blurry, and my bones liquefied as iridescent lights flashed through my body.I opened my eyes and observed my spectators who all bore lustful smiles, waving their green bills overhead. They were all wealthy and powerful businessmen with wives either forty pounds heavier than when they'd first tied the knot to do justice to any sexy lingerie, or simply, the spark was gone. As I crawled to the center of the stage, I noticed through my blurry vision, the Mysterious billionaire. As usual, he was sitting alone in his rented boot as he observed me intently. The word I’d use to describe him was…‘odd’. He has never danced with anyone; he merely sat in his booth throughout the night and stared at me, watching my every move. Sometim
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2. Hangover
Slim sunrays streamed through my bedroom windows, obnoxiously bright, warm on my skin, coercing me from sleep. My eyes opened reluctantly, squinting, both from the intruding sun and from the immediate headache that pounced me.Hangover.Today would be a lethargic, mood-swinging day, I could tell.Slipping out of bed, I dragged myself to the bathroom. My reflection, a horror show, stared back at me in the mirror; cognac irises surrounded by lashes like palm tree leaves, a heart-shaped face disastrously mascara-blotched and lipstick-smeared. Twenty-six inches of chocolate brown ripples tangled in knots. I looked like death.Deciding on a long, hot shower, I stripped down and hopped under the steaming stream. Almost instantly, my muscles began to relax. Tossing my head back, I let the water beat down on my face, the heat stinging my already sensitive skin. I. Am. Such. A mess. The tragic and unexpected news I’d received last night still had me a bit on edge. Though, why I was “shocked
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3. Meeting De'Lacy
Miss De'Lacy opened her front door with a glowing smile and luminous gray eyes. Her chestnut hair was wrapped in a neat coiffure and her smooth and radiant features belied her late forties’ age.She enveloped me in a warm hug. "Dalia, how are you doing, darling?""I'm fine, Miss De'Lacy. How's everything?""Oh, you know, we're just taking it one day at a time."A small lump formed in my throat when I asked, "How is she?"Miss De'Lacy's face fell. "She's diminishing. I don't know why, but her body doesn't seem to respond to the meds anymore."I pinched my eyes shut and willed away the surfacing pain."I think she’s lost all hope and wants to go," she continued.Miss De'Lacy was the sympathetic Christian neighbor from my childhood. Shortly after my mother had gotten infected, she'd slipped into depression and set our uninsured house to flames, in an attempt to kill herself. Fortunately, she was saved— from the fire. We were left homeless, clothes-less, penniless; and I was only eighteen
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4 Just a friend
"The guy just wants one dance, Dalia. Just one dance.""I said no, Scott!”Scott was getting on my last nerve. He’d been up my ass all night trying to get me to agree to a dance with Mr. Mysterious in Black."Why are you so insistent on this?" I asked on a lifted brow. It was so out of character for Scott."Because he's being insistent. As much as I'm annoying you, he's annoying me," Scott said through a heavy breath.My hands settled on my hips. "Okay, so he's a nuisance. Throw his ass out, Scott!Problem solved." His beefy chest jerking, Scott laughed heartily at my nonsensical suggestion, his white teeth brightened by the psychedelic club lights. "I can't, Dalia. He's the—" he stopped short, frowned, and placed his hands on my shoulders. "Just one dance. I'll pay you."Pay me? Dude's that desperate? I laughed out involuntarily and Scott gave me a quizzical stare. "Okay. One dance." I wagged my index finger in his face to emphasize one dance. Scott gave a bit-lip grin, his eyes g
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5. Deliciously tempting man
He ran a hand through his hair again and softened his expression. "I'm sorry," he apologized. "Look, this is what I want to pay. It's not too much. In fact, it’s too little.""And if I don’t’ take it?""Then I'll find some other way to get it to you. You can either take it from my hands now or get conned into taking it from someone else’s. And by then it will be doubled." Someone else like Scott, I'm sure. I glared at this unorthodox male in confusion before capitulating. What an odd, odd man. And one who's too damn hot for his own good.As I made to leave, I realized he hadn't asked for my number. Given his inexplicable familiarity, I considered the possibility he already had it, but I decided not to risk theopportunity of a job interview. "You don’t have my number."He looked up at me through his too-long lashes, and for the first time since I’d been here, he fully smiled. A disarming, I-can-make-you-cum-like-this smile.Disappointment jabbed at me. It'd been a millennium since I'
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6 I want to be more than friends
Loaded with shopping bags, we lugged our tired asses back into the apartment. I'd forgotten how draining shopping with Julia could be. "Did you really need to get all that stuff?""Yes," she chirped. "Now I'm happy."Flopping down on the sofa in exhaustion, I jerked when my cell phone vibrated. The number wasn't one I recognized."Yeah?""I knew I couldn't trust you to call me," a deep, melodic voice said on the other end with no preamble whatsoever. I didn't recognize the voice either."Uh, I'm sorry, who is this?" Please say “Josh, from the club”."It's Devon. I met you at the coffee shop yesterday? You told me you'd call, but you didn't."Hope balloon deflated. It was that handsome guy from Starbucks. I'd forgotten all about him. "How did you get my number? I didn't give it to you.""I gave it to myself," he replied simply."Huh?""It's an old trick, Dalia. When I entered my number into your phone, I rang it. So, yeah, that's how I got it. I had a feeling you wouldn't call and I d
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7. Mystified by the Billionaire
I worried my lip anxiously as I paced around my living room. Josh's name was selected on my phone and my thumb hovered over the call button. Nervousness washed me. But I needed that job, so I needed to get my act together, put lust aside and focus on what was important. Taking a deep breath, I sent off the call. His phone rang out until his voicemail chipped in.I didn’t leave a message, but tried again. This time he answered on the third ring in the briefest of tones, "Speak.""Josh?""You called me. Get to it."Sheesh. Was he always this grumpy? "Um, it's Dalia..." Need I say more? He'd know exactly why I was calling, right?"Dalia," he said in a softer, less annoyed tone. "I thought you'd changed your mind.""No, I didn't. I didn’t want to call over the weekend… I just figured a better time to call about this, uh, interview would be a weekday. ""Using the terms weekdays and weekends are for teenagers and loafers. I work whenever there is work to be done and I sport whenever my lif
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8 Humongous opportunity
I'd walked into heaven. The atmosphere gripped me by the lapels and tugged me in, telling me this was where I belonged. The walls, the surfaces, the ceilings were allwhite. The art on the walls and the sparse furniture were, contrastingly, bright colors. A neon green, serpentine sofa sat dominantly in the middle of the room. Colors. A mixture of really bright colors everywhere. Yeppers, I was in my zone.I'd never seen Geo Lee before, just his designs. He was huge in the fashion industry and his name rang constantly. I'd always liked his designs, but his products demanded an extortionate amount of money. The Geo Lee heels I rocked at the moment were a much-appreciated birthday gift from Julia.After giving my name to the gauche receptionist who was, for some reason, very discourteous, I followed instructions and was whisked to the third floor. The elevator doors opened and I headed to the office of Mr. Geo Lee.Again, the walls and surfaces were all-white, contrasted with brightly col
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9. Over the moon
Minutes later, Josh was leading me to a rooftop restaurant called 'Eat N' Tell'. The atmosphere was casual and already I liked Josh's choice of chill spots. No over the top, spit and shine restaurant.He chose a table next to the margin of the building, pulling out my chair for me to sit. Despite my fear of heights, I peered over the edge which resulted in me jolting back immediately."Don't look down," Josh teased."Hard not to look down when I'm sitting at the edge of the roof," I replied, waiting for my heartbeat to return to its regular rhythm.His brows furrowed. "You want to sit elsewhere?""No, it's okay. This is a good way to challenge my fear of heights." A waiter appeared, filling our glasses with water, wishing us a good evening and handed us the menu before retreating. Sipping my water, I disregarded the menu because I only hungered for one thing. Make that two things..."They serve pizza here?""Yeah. That’s what you want?"I smiled sheepishly. "Pepperoni."Josh closed h
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10. Do you believe in a man's love?
He opened his mouth, closed it, and opened it again. "I told you, I know more about you than you think. And I know your ex Cali D. But I’m in no way associated with him.Believe me.""What do you know about me? How do you know about me?""For the former, everything. For the latter, you’ll know soon." He remained pokerfaced and I couldn't read through his tone or his expression."I'm afraid to trust you," I whispered.He leaned across the table and took my hands in his. I successfully didn’t simper at the contact. "I understand why you would find it hard to do so. But trust that I would never do anything to harm you. I just want to make you happy. You haven't been for a while."How did he know? Why wouldn't he tell me how he knew about me? Why was he so passionate about making me happy? And why did he refuse to answer any of my questions? "What can I do to make you trust me?" he asked. "I want to earn your trust.""Tell me what you’re holding back.""I will. But not now. Besides, I'm
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