Rise of the She-Wolf

Rise of the She-Wolf

Oleh:  meike snoeijs  Tamat
Bahasa: English
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Vanessa has known a hard and lonely life. Born with eyes as light as the moon reflection itself many believe her to be cursed by the Moon Goddess. Her life drastically changes when she is chosen to work for the mighty Italian wolf pack run by Alpha Don Lorenzo. Sucked into a world of violence, crime, and male privilege, Vanessa realizes she is done being the lowest of the pack. She decides it is time for the world to feel the power of the She-Wolf.

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61 Bab
Cursed by the Moon Goddess
A full moon lit up Brida her face as she was preparing for the sacred ritual to honor the Moon Goddess. Every 100 years the planets aligned and in that moment a connection could be made with the Moon Goddess herself. Brida was a werewolf and a sorceress. She had been chosen to function as a portal to the Moon Goddess. There was no greater honor except maybe being sacrificed. Three virgin She-Wolves would be sacrificed to show the goddess their willingness for receiving her wisdom. Loud drums made the floor beneath her feet vibrate as she walked outside her tent into the crowd. The whole pack looked at her with anticipation and the drums became louder and louder. The smell of burned wood hit her nose as she looked into the middle of the crowd, there was a big fire burning with 3 poles in front of it. Brida walked in front of the poles and her unmistakable voice filled the air. She sang in harmony with the drums while three young She-Wolves were brought in and tied to the poles. All t
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The day my life changed
Sunlight warmed my fur as I ran through an open field without a worry in the world. A mix of brown with white fur shot through the grass. My wolf Spirit was overjoyed to run in clear sight and take out all her energy. We usually had to be careful and stay in the shadows of the forest because we were not allowed to be close to the pack in wolf form. But not today! Today we were free, thanks to the mating ceremony taking place this week. Every year all the wolves from age 18 and older came together with all the packs to find their mate. On the first day, the females get locked up and all give away a piece of their clothing. The males then all get to smell the clothing to see if their mate is present that year. The next day the chosen She-Wolves are set loose in the forest and an hour later the males get the chance to hunt and claim their mate. On the third day, there is a celebration where the She-Wolves can be marked if they accept their mate and then they leave their own pack to join
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Meeting the Alpha
Vanessa’s pov,I took a deep breath and followed the beta into one of the waiting cars. I did not look back, there was no one in my pack that I would miss or needed to say goodbye to. Even for my parents, I felt nothing. In the 21 years of my life, I had barely talked to them. They always gave me stupid chores far away from the pack and made sure that I always ate alone.Anyhow enough dwelling about my parents. I should use my time better and try to figure out what to do with the situation I was in now. I was in the car with 2 other women but in total, they took about 10 of us. I used the car ride to think about what I knew of the Romano pack. I knew the first beta was called Tomasso and his wolf Shadow was famous for being an excellent spy. I had never seen the second beta before so he must have recently climbed ranks in the pack. The Romano pack was actually the first Italian wolf pack that came to the USA a hundred years ago. They quickly discovered how to use
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Don't touch me, I'm cursed
Vanessa’s pov,“Summon your sorcerers if you don’t believe me,” I said with confidence. I knew the pack had one because I saw the small building outside with moons and stars painted on it. I could see the term Moon-Souled-eyes struck some nerve and Don Lorenzo was looking at his betas in confusion. They also both looked unsure so finally, Don Lorenzo barked to Tomasso, “Get Elswith.”Not soon after, Tomasso hurried back in with an older woman. She had long grey hair and wise blue eyes. She was wearing traditional robes with the colors white and dark blue. She bowed to Don Lorenzo and asked, “What can I do for you, Don?”The Alpha pointed at me and said, “She claims I shouldn’t touch her because she is a Moon-Souled wolf. Is this true?”Elswith walked close to me and looked deeply into my eyes. In that short moment, I felt like she looked into my soul and saw everything. I knew she could see
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Vanessa’s pov,After a short while the room filled with other people. I saw 4 men and 6 other females, and they all came to me to introduce themselves. I wondered whether Tomasso instructed them to be decent to me or something because I was used to being ignored. I watched them from my bed for a while and was surprised by how confident they all looked. An omega is the lowest of the pack and normally there is a reason for it like weakness or sickness. But maybe the leading pack was so strong that even the omegas were strong wolves. On the bed next to me a woman with short red hair sat down. She introduced herself before as Lianna.“We are going to eat soon after that go for a run, in wolf form while the sun goes down. Would you like to join?” she asked.I held my breath and Spirit immediately howled with excitement, “Can we go? Can we go? Please say yes!” I looked at Lianna with big eyes because I had never been invited for a pack ru
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Learning the ropes
Vanessa’s pov,I walked into a room that looked like a chemical lab from a movie. I saw some omegas mixing different substances and liquids. Others were pressing things into shapes or rolling cigars. There were a few putting everything in carefully wrapped packages with the logo of a wolf on it. Lianna came to me when she noticed me standing at the entrance a bit lost.“Hi, Vanessa, come on let’s get you started.” She handed me a lab robe and glasses for protection. “So, there are 3 different areas to work, the mixing area, the pressing area, and the packing area. You will start at the mixing area and then rotate to the next area when you get the hang of it. We want you to be able to work in all areas. That way everyone is as flexible as can be.”She walked me to a guy that I remember was called Connor. He was busy mixing different liquids into a flask. Lianna patted his shoulder and said, “Connor will get you up to date
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Being tested
Vanessa’s pov,Don Lorenzo was busy squeezing the meat out of the lobster when he elaborated about the test, “You will accompany Allesandro and five other wolves to one of my Italian restaurants. You will work there as a server tonight and deliver a package to an important customer. If the package gets delivered and the customer is satisfied, you will be rewarded.”I looked at him a bit surprised and thought working a night as a server and handing over a package sounds a bit easy for a test. But I was not so stupid to question the Alpha, so I bowed and said, “I won’t let you down, Don.”Don Lorenzo didn’t look up to me but waved with his hand, “Yeah, yeah you can go now. Tomasso will tell you all you need to know.”Tomasso and I walked out of the dining room to Tomasso his office. He handed me a short black skirt and white blouse with the logo of the Italian restaurant on it. “You should go put t
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Out of the frying pan into the fire
Vanessa’s pov,The sheriff walked so close to me that our bodies were almost touching. I could smell his scent of manly sweat with a mix of vanilla. Of course, Spirit smelled it too and was almost purring in my head, “Maybe we should let him arrest us, Vanessa. Imagine how it feels to have his hands go over your body.”“Spirit please shut up; I can’t concentrate like this.”The sheriff inspected my face, and his voice was rough and manly when he asked, “Who are you? I have not seen you here before. Do you work for Don Lorenzo?”I figured it would be weird if I was too calm so with a trembling voice I responded, “My name is Vanessa Sir. I just started working for Don Lorenzo today was my first day as a server.”The sheriff gave me a strict look, “Then where is everyone if you are supposed to be serving? And why do you work for Don Lorenzo because you cannot tell me that you don’
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The sheriff
Duke's pov,Duke sighed when he looked at the clock. Another day working until 12 at night alone at the office. He stared at the mind map on the wall with Don Lorenzo's picture in the middle. The mind map was getting bigger and bigger with more pictures of people and places. His colleagues told him he was getting obsessed with this mafia gang, but he just couldn't let it rest when he was getting closer and closer to wiping this scum of his territory. He had to admit though that his life was kind of pathetic right now. He just slept, ate, and worked. He was a young, muscular, and handsome guy with more than enough female attention, but he just couldn't get himself to give a shit about dating or social life. Maybe if his sister would not have died because of Don Lorenzo and his gang he wouldn't care this much. Her death was 10 years ago when Duke was still a boy. They found her body overdosed in an abandoned building and the police said it was suicide. But duke kne
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Vanessa’s pov,I had never seen Don Lorenzo this happy before. He said, “You should call him in a few days to say you want to talk to him. You then must do anything to get close to him. I want to know everything about him and most importantly I need you to find out what he knows about us. Use the fact that he likes you, fuck him if you must.”Normally I would have said that I was not some piece of meat, but I had to shamelessly admit that fucking the sheriff was something I actually wanted. Any resistance I had against the idea was shoved aside by Spirit anyway. I never had an instant physical attraction to a man before, so I was curious to explore it. So, I just nodded in agreement and asked, “What about the anonymous tip?”Don Lorenzo walked around thinking, “I will send Allesandro away on a mission for a little while. He is a loyal beta to me, but I cannot have him endanger our pack because he got rejected. Besides, you are valua
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