Riding in Lust

Riding in Lust

By:  Regard Awe  Ongoing
Language: English
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Was lust equal to love or greater. She hates him yet her body sings at his touch, She despises him yet eager to warm his bed at night. Rayna couldn’t love the bad guy but she could want him, right? Sex was no longer enough for Carlos. He wanted Rayna’s body. As well as her heart. Theproblem was how to go about it.

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98 Chapters
a new family
This would have been a very touching story if my father loved me. But it won’t be, because my father didn’t give a fuck about me. It had always hurt to see my father clean his guns over and over again yet not turning to ask how I was doing, not helping me clean my wounds, not caring at all for me. So, I got used to it, I’m used to his indifference, and I try not to care anymore. When I found myself gagged and kidnapped, then woke up in a beautiful place with gorgeous men who intended to use me to get something from my dad, I wondered how this would end. Even though I knew my father didn’t give a shit about me, a tiny light of hope was rekindled inside of me, maybe, just maybe my father cared. Even if it was a little. I had been kidnapped by the Dos Santos brothers. Funny name. It was Spanish and it meant two saints but the brothers were three not two. Shouldn’t that be three saints Tres Santos? Funny Are you wondering why a kidnapped girl isn’t having fearful thoughts? I’m wonderi
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Dangerous teasing
Carlos and I never got along, that is until we did. Carlos was too proud to say he was sorry, so started a battle of who could be shittier. Luis became everything I wanted my father to be. Big, strong, and protective. He sided with me every time and in everything. And Juan was Juan. No one was allowed to touch his computers; they were his lovers. But Carlos and I struck each other and counted scores. So today, I decided to cheat. I have a very beautiful body; one I’d caught Carlos staring at. One I hoped he was dying to fuck. Today it was just me and Carlos in the house, the others had serious business to handle. Carlos was in the study, whose walls were made of glass. How transparent. I had my costume ready. It was an undersized bikini. It covered only my nipples. My ass was on full display. I was going to swim. A swim to frustrate one dickhead just a glass wall away. I've had the whole scene planned out. First, I sat on the pool bench, angling my Boobs for Carlos to see. Whic
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Where are my men??
He didn’t need to write his name on it. Fucking Carlos. Anger rose inside of me like a volcano about to erupt, hurt swirled like a tsunami. How dare Carlos?I wasn’t asking him to fuck me. I was just trying to win for once. He had put frogs in my bath, poured ketchup on my seat, and got my clothes red, Luis had been so scared that he first thought it was blood. He had put pepper in my shampoo and got my eyes and hair hot. What was wrong with my trying to win for once?I made my way downstairs. I was so angry my head could pop. He was just standing there, waiting for me with that look of triumph on his face. I don’t know what I did to make the bastard hate me but this was the last straw for me. I am done playing games. I stopped right in front of Carlos. He had that ‘what the hell can you do' look on his face I raised my left hand to slap him on the face, I knew he was expecting that so I wasn’t surprised then he caught my hand even before it reached his face. My left hand was jus
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wanting yet hating
I almost changed my mind. Twice. But I went anyway. What's the worse that could happen? Because he was probably in pain. His room door was opened. I had never been in Carlos's room before so I couldn’t tell if that was a norm. He was sitting on his bed, his head was up like he was waiting for me. Carlos didn’t say a word as I came in. “Heard you were injured. How’s it?” He gave a painful smile. “Hurt’s like hell” I had planned to stay by the door and offer my condolences, but it was the first time for me to see Carlos shirtless. I couldn’t stop my legs from moving closer to him even if I tried. “Why don’t you sleep, it’ll feel better by morning.” “I tried. It hurts no matter how I turn.” “What happened” I wondered how he got injured. “Was knifed.” He answered roughly. I looked at the haphazard bandage he’s wrapped around the wound. “I’ll redress it.” “NO” His response was vehement. I acted like I didn’t hear him. I brought the first aid box to the bed. “You’ve got two op
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A ball of needs or two.
Then I was lost. Hot, hard, fast. His finger was sliding in and out of me and my head couldn’t count. Yes, yes. Fuck, hard. Just like that. Perfect. The room filled up with slutty sounds, coming from me. My moans filled the air. The sultry sounds of his fingers fucking me were like music in my ears. Turning me on. I could myself going crazy. I wasn’t going to be the only one. I lifted my back from the bed and looked at his crotch. He was so fucking hard. Just for me. Following my gaze, he smiled. And fucked me harder. I forgot my plan. I forgot my name along with it... Then my soul probably left my body because I came so hard, I saw the sun and moon and started circling planet Earth. When I came back to myself. I found Carlos looking at me with tamed hungry eyes. “You’re the one who’s going to be waking 32 people now.” He joked. And we both laughed. I wanted more. But I knew this was all his wound could let him do. I sat up and placed my hands on his very hard chest. “What ab
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I sneaked out before morning. What have I gotten myself into?I didn’t feel like cooking so I decided we would all eat out; I hadn’t left the house in a long time too.Morning came and Juan didn’t feel like going anywhere, Carlos didn’t leave his room either. I was stuck with Louis who didn’t mind going out with me. So, we went out.One of my favorite places in Mexico City was Restaurant Rosetta. They had outdoor seats and the most delicious food. The vibe there was nice. I wondered if I would like to eat here with Carlos.Louis and I decided to eat there and order a take-home for Carlos and Juan.It almost seemed like a date. Louis and I sat on the same table, opposite chairs and he was looking directly into my eyes. It almost felt like he knew something was up with Carlos and me. Yet he said nothing. He just watched me.“Rayna.” Louis broke the silence. I shifted my attention away from my food to him. “Got any idea what’s up with Carlos?”“Nah.” It technically wasn’t a lie because I
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Louis or Carlos?
All my braveness seemed to come only when I was in bed with Carlos because I don’t think I’d be able to be a Dominant. Why didn’t I ask for a million dollars instead?I’m glad I had a good excuse to hide but I'm not glad my period is here.Period cramps should be a terrible disease.I used my last sanitary pad and had to go buy another.My cramp wasn’t bad yet, but it was hurting a little. I didn’t carry a car because I didn’t plan to go far, but when I got to the closest store and all my favorite brands had been sold out, I started regretting not carrying the car.I walked forward hoping I’d see somewhere to buy a good brand.The feeling came suddenly, like something cold was crawling up my back, I felt my hair rise.I was walking beside a glass building when I noticed a guy in all black, wearing a face cap and nose mask.Maybe that was the new style in town.He couldn’t be following me, right?I took a turn, and he followed.Okay, he was following me.I reached for my pocket to take
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“If you ever had to choose between Louis and me, who would you go with?”“Choose as in?”“Let’s say you wouldn’t be able to see the other person ever again”That wasn’t even something I had to think about.“If not for Louis you would have sent my body to my dad and he would have fed it to vultures.”The words came out laced with hurt. I had forgotten about that and he just had to bring it back.I sat up, ignoring the pain in my stomach, and removed his hands from me. “I’d choose Louis over and over again.”He said nothing. Just stood up from my bed and left my room.That was the end of any situation ship between Carlos and me.One evening we had visitors. Some guys who worked for the Dos Santos.They brought bad news.One of their hideouts and been attached and five men were killed.Louis looked like he wanted to explode, and Juan looked like he wanted to cry. Only Carlos seemed calm.“Did you drop a message?”The guys looked at Carlos, surprised. “Yes, they did”The one named Jose op
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The useful stalker.
Carlos came home a few minutes before midnight, his shirt was soaked red with blood.I was surprised to see he could still walk upright; I ran to him.“What happened? Where do you hurt, where you shot, knifed?” I was trying not to touch him but I wanted to help. I was very infuriated when he stretched lazily and gave an amused smile.“It’s not my blood”Oh, why was I even worried about him? Not like I cared anyway. I dropped my hands to my sides, it felt awkward so I folded them under my breasts.Carlos didn’t change his bloody clothes.When Louis got back, we did our progress check.Carlos’s day had been very eventful, he had discovered where Doom’s precious daughter was hiding and we were going to keep an eye on her in case Doom moved mad.The girls had been successfully dispersed. Now the battleground seemed fair.Juan had checked out Doom’s main source of money. It was right under our nose and we didn’t even know.On the streets that were claimed by Dos Santos, Doom had been using
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Ready to kill
I got to the car and moved immediately.I had noticed a little traffic jam earlier so I decided to take another route, it was a longer one but I would be able to speed up.I stepped up the gas.Frustration hit me when I saw a slow sign down ahead I slowed down even before I got to it, I almost didn’t notice the big truck coming at me.It didn’t horn or do anything to hide its intentions. I was about to be murdered.I hit the brakes immediately.Fear gripped my hands and then began to shake, I tried taking a U-turn but it would be of no use. There would be no surviving that.Sweat broke out on my forehead. Never have I felt death so close. I couldn’t die like this.There were so many things I needed to do. Carlos was waiting for me. Everyone was waiting for me. This cannot be my end. NOOOO.Then all of a sudden, another truck horned behind me.I almost accepted today would be my last day. Whosoever wanted me dead had planned it thoroughly.I wondered what to say as my last prayer.I c
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