Reckless Renegades Lug Nut and Ailee's Story

Reckless Renegades Lug Nut and Ailee's Story

Oleh:  Catherine Thompson  Tamat
Bahasa: English
5 Peringkat


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I'm Ailee. I am the princess of the largest, most feared Irish mafia and next in line to take over. I'm known as the Ice Queen because of how ruthless I can be to my enemies. I came to the Renegades to find my father. I need his bone marrow to save my life. I don't need him or his club for anything else. But their resident cowboy catches my eye. He says I'm his but can our worlds combine without a deadly explosion? I'm Lug Nut. The moment I see a picture of Ailee I know she is mine. I will make sure her father saves her life so I can have her in mine. Our worlds are different as they can be but I won't let it stop me from making this mafia princess mine. When I suddenly become the guardian of a baby will Ailee stay by my side or will it be too much? The cowboy Renegade will do whatever it takes to keep Ailee and the baby that is the only blood family I have left.

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In what order do we read these books?
2023-10-26 02:22:09
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The storyline was very captivating and made it hard to stop reading. Although this is part of a series, I really like that it stands on its own. Great job to the author.
2023-02-18 20:36:55
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I loved reading this book! The rhythm of the story keeps you engaged with what would happen in their lives with each chapter. Also, it’s well written.
2023-01-07 10:01:40
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This was another fantastic story in this series that is absolutely worth a read!! Well written, flowed well, beautiful character progressions. Definitely had some areas of heightened emotions but also some beautiful moments too. Nicely done author! Absolutely cannot wait for Vipers story! :)
2022-06-15 20:07:25
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So glad to see book 4 started coming out so soon !!! I love that there isn’t a long wait to get to the next part of the series!! I have read all 3 finished books and I’m on the 4th can’t wait continue following the reckless renegades series
2022-02-24 20:16:50
48 Bab
Chapter 1
Ailee As my driver Finn is pulling through the gates of the Reckless Renegades compound, following my security detail, I can't get my hands to stop shaking on my lap. Normally I am calm and collected at all times. I have been referred to as an ice queen. Today is different. I am about to meet the man that is my father. This meeting is a matter of life or death. Mine. I need his help and I'm just hoping all the stories Ma told me about him are true and he is willing to help me. I don’t want nor expect a relationship with him. He made his choice years ago. I don’t need him in my life now. This is just a business transaction. Nothing more.My trusted bodyguard and friend Callen reaches over and grabs my hands to steady them. " It will be fine Princess. If this doesn't work we will find another way. Relax. You know the stress isn't good for you
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Chapter 2
AceI grab the papers up. I need help with this. I push Nessa off me and she pouts " Don't you want to play?" " I got business to take care of. And never come near me when I'm talking to someone. Remember your place." My first stop is Brick, our road captain and resident hacker. I knocked on his office door and let myself in. I don't give him time to say anything. " You got anything urgent you're working on?" Brick turns to me " Nothing that can't wait. You need something?" I thrust the papers on his desk and pointed to Ailee's birth certificate. " I need to know everything about this girl. Pets, hobbies, traffic tickets, report cards. Medical records. Everything!" Pointing to the document from the lawyer. " I need to know if this is legit. I want you to go through everything with a fine tooth comb. And I need it asap."I told him. Brick nodded " You go
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Chapter 3
AceIt has been two weeks since Ailee walked into my life and walked back out. She hasn’t tried to contact me since. To be fair I haven’t reached out to her either. I’m waiting for answers from Brick. I tried to drown myself in booze and bunnies but it didn’t work. Everytime a bunny came near me all I could think about was that they were around the same age as my daughter and I couldn’t touch them. I’m just getting out of the shower when there is a knock at my door.I wrap a towel around me and answer it. I see Brick standing there with a folder in his hand. “ We need to talk,” he says. I step back and let him in. He takes a seat in the chair while I throw on a pair of boxers and jeans. When I’m done I have a seat on the bed. “ Tell me what you got.” I said to him.Brick hands me the folder “ Let&rsq
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Chapter 4
Lug NutI hadn’t met Ailee yet but I was going to. When Ace showed us her picture I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. She looked stunning in the ball gown she was wearing in the picture. I didn't like how those two guys were standing so close to her even if they were her bodyguards. I knew in my gut I had to get to know her but I wasn’t sure why. Now that she was here I knew why. Ailee is meant to be mine. She will be my old lady, my wife. And that was just with one look when she walked in. She is wearing an emerald green sundress that hugged her generous curves. It pushed her tits up just enough to be noticed without being obscene. They were just over a handful but perfect for me. She has a small waist but an ass I want to spank while I’m plowing into her from behind. Enough that I can have both my hands full when I pick her up. And ample thighs that are made to wrap around my hips. 
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Chapter 5
Ailee I hate chemo. I’m hanging over the toilet again dry heaving. There is nothing left but my stomach hasn’t gotten the message. I lean back on the cabinet behind me and try to catch my breath. Callen hands me a cup of mouthwash to rinse my mouth. I take a swig and swirl it around my mouth before I spit it into the toilet and flush. Callen helps me wipe my face before picking me up. Aye, that is how weak I am. I have to be carried back to bed. Did I mention I hate chemo? The only blessing so far is I haven’t lost my hair this time. Callen gets me sitting up in bed and covered so I don’t get cold when Finn comes in “ Princess you have visitors.” “ Uhh Finn, I’m in no shape to see anyone.” I rasp. Damn, even my voice is weak. A figure moves around Finn and I manage a small smile “ Granda.&r
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Chapter 6
AileeI have had regular visits from Merigold for the past week while I recover from chemo. Sometimes she would bring all the kids. Sometimes just one set or the other. Lilly has stopped by twice. One time we just sat and talked another time she brought her acoustic guitar and played for me while I rested. That visit I greatly enjoyed. Even Kelly and Gretchen have stopped by a couple of times. I think Finn enjoys Kelley’s visits because they can share their passion for cars. If Kelly wasn’t already married I feel like Finn would have asked her out. Today I am well enough to sit in the living room instead of laying in bed. I’m expecting my granda at some point to discuss some business. Merigold is also coming by today with someone she says I just have to meet. I’m sitting on the couch when I smell Merigold’s chicken noodle before I see
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Chapter 7
Ailee The day after my trip to the dispensary Merigold came by with Lug Nut to take me to lunch. Which was surprising, to say the least. I didn’t expect to see Lug Nut again. Not with my way over the top with my flirting with Lug Nut the previous day. It was completely out of character for me. But for some reason, I couldn’t help myself. It was like Lug Nut brought it out in me. Apart I didn’t even realize I had in me. I just know that I wanted to flirt with that man so I did. And you know what. It felt good too. I don’t often get a chance to feel like a woman for once. I always have to keep my ice queen mask on when I’m helping my grandda. Then I’m a patient to the doctors and nurses. I’m a princess to Callen and Finn. But to be attracted to a guy doesn’t happen often and never to this extent.But I accepted the inv
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Chapter 8
Lug Nut I have spent every day with Ailee since I told her she was mine. I even showed up at the cancer center while she was getting chemo. It took a lot of convincing to get the guards to let me in but they finally let me through. To say she was surprised is an understatement. And she wasn’t the only one. Callen and Finn were surprised I was there as well. They even tried to tell me I didn’t need to sit with Ailee. That Callen and Finn were used to being there if I wanted to go.  I just sat down beside Ailee while they hooked her up to the machine that would deliver the chemo medicine. I asked the nurse questions the whole time. I wanted to know everything I could about the process and what effects it could have. They told me that from beginning to end Ailee has to sit there for two hours while they pump what amounts to poison into her body. 
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Chapter 9
AileeIt has been a few days since my visit from Viper, Brick, Tank, Axel, and Rowdy. And now I’m standing on Merigold’s front porch waiting for someone to open the door. We have been invited to our first family dinner. I was a bit nervous when Merigold first asked us to come over. She assured me that it was only a few of the guys and their old ladies. And that Ace wasn’t going to be there. It seemed important to her so I said yes. She told me it had been a tradition that started a few years ago for all the family to attend these dinners and now that included me as well as Callen and Finn. We even managed to give my guards a night off since I would be surrounded by club members. It took some convincing to get my grandda to agree but when I told him who would be there he finally agreed.When the guys came over to apologize and wanted to start over it made me less
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Chapter 10
Lug Nut Tonight was the night that Ailee, Callen and Finn were coming to Harry’s to watch our concert. I may have paid extra attention when I picked out my clothes. I took my time shaving and brushing out my hair. Made sure my kutte was cleaned up. And just to made sure to get a smile out of Ailee I had my hat. Normally I didn’t pay to those things but my girl was going to be watching and I wanted to make a good impression. Lilly is on stage with Neil checking her mic. We all have wireless mic now since we saw how much better is they were with all the moving around we did. And I was grateful for it. I had a surprise for Ailee and a special song just for her.  We were all in place and it was time to start the show. Neil was up first with ‘Stone In Love’ by Journ
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