
Chapter 8: Start of Training

What is this place?" I felt the chills of this place, not the ghastly chill, but the chill of the sounds that resemble a war.

What I see right now is like a metropolitan city but in ruins. The tall buildings are destroyed, the ground is shattered caused by an earthquake continuously wrecking everything.

"This is the West Clild Yard District 200 years ago, and the place you're standing right now is the current location of the Cloudspire Garrison".

"I see, we've been with each other for a while now if you don't mind, may I ask who are you? What is your name?" I smiled to at least look courteous around her.

"I am Cordélia Sylvain, you can call me Sylve." She smiled back, and at least this time, her smile looks genuine. But somehow, a sad emotion is etched on her eyes. I wonder what's going on.

"What happened here?"

"50 years ago the so-called 'The Great Stampede' took place in which, millions of people died. Everyone panicked, even my fe

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