By:  purpleorchards  Completed
Language: English
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Ivanka, 26 years old us kidnapped by a person named JM. She finds herself in the company of William who is another person which JM had kidnapped. However, JM is not the mastermind but Bossman. Bossman is the one, who is brains behind the abduction and is interacting with Ivanka and Willy. Captain is his right hand who is communicating with Jim and Nathan. They are Ivanka and William parents a brillian bone doctors. The Bossman and his team doesn’t want money in return of Ivanka and William. They want the doctors to treat John. John is suffering from Osteomyelitis. A bone infection which has increased. Reason is Jim and Nathan. Nathan also have a son Michael. However, he doesn’t want him involved in saving William. Their journey is about revenge, love, power and strength. Bossman connection to Ivanka and William is something which will leave both Jim and Nathan Flabbergasted.

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16 Chapters
11:36 P.M.Everything went black. The world around me was deafeningly quiet. The only sensations I had were the hands-on my waist. It was from the person who picked me up and loaded me onto something that resembled a seat. I struggled to move because someone tightly clasped together both of my hands. Something that felt like a thick rope held my hands in place. I couldn’t even move my feet, as they were confined to each other. I tried shaking my head sideways but stopped when I came to realize that even a slight movement would cause me to crash down from where I was lying.Then I heard a sudden thud and the sound of moving feet. After a few countable steps, it came to a halt. I tried to refine my listening skills, but I couldn’t hear a single voice or sound after a few minutes. After what seemed like an eternity, I could finally hear whispering. Then there was a sudden roar of an engine, and something moved. I could feel the movement, which made me believe I was lying down in the car
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12:05 A.M.It felt like a gazillion years had passed when I heard the same creaking noise from the door again. That’s when I became aware of the presence of another person in the room. He must have arrived before me because I didn’t hear anyone entering after he left me here.“Who is it? Who the hell is this? Let me go. Why the hell am I tied up here?” It was a man who was frantically asking questions.“Have patience. We will tell you everything, but only when the time comes. I’m going to remove your blindfold right now.” In a gruff voice, the kidnapper told the new man.“You fucking come one step near me, and you won’t see the next morning.” The new man forewarned him.“You really think I am an idiot, Buddy. I am not going to harm you… Yet.” After a dramatic pause, he said the word yet. “You are an asset to us, and remember that even if I don’t see the day next morning, I have other friends who will. So, hurting me won’t help you.” The self-assured abductor informed him.The new man
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12:37 A.M.In Hotel La' More Room No. 902.....After fifteen minutes, the kidnapper who called himself Captain called again. However, this time a squad of police officers assisted Jim.If you're wondering how they got this far so quickly, consider this: Well, his name is Jimothy Patterson, and it should be enough for everyone to do what he asks, and when Nathanial is added to the equation, the world is on their feet.The police set all up to apprehend the suspect who was playing with them. Jim reserved a new and larger room in the same hotel where he and Nathan could hammer out the kidnapping squabble with the squad of investigators assigned to the case.“You criminal seems to be a lot more punctual than I thought,” Jim said as soon as he answered the Captain’s call. He put the phone on speaker so that Nathan could easily hear him.“And you seem to be even more confident than before. I presume that you have called the back-up to catch us.” The Captain told him.“It’s just a matter of
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1:45 A.M.Tick… tock… tick… tock… In this prison, it was the only sound that I could hear. William was exhausted by all of his jibber-jabber. He was also mentally drained from trying to cut the rope, which I felt was a stupid idea. Furthermore, this bloody fool declined to drink water. I am living evidence as I am still alive after finishing the entire bottle of the sipper. But no, he would rather die from thirst.My eyes were closed, my head leaned on the wall, and my forehead was turned upwards. I counted my breath cycles to pass the time when I heard a groaning noise as I twisted my head to the left. I saw William struggling to open the knot of the rope with his teeth. It was a ridiculous sight to see, but I had to appreciate his efforts for not giving up.When he felt me staring at him, he shrugged his shoulders and said, “What? I can’t just sit here and do nothing. I may not look tough, but hell, I am not weak.” I gave a small smile in response. He does have a lean body.“Jeez, g
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2:22 A.M.“Are you familiar with osteomyelitis?” The Bossman was curious.“Excuse me, what?” William was confused.“Your father is an orthopaedist, and you don’t know what that means?” The Bossman questioned Willy.“Not me, but my dad. I work as a makeup artist…..” The kidnapper cuts him off.“I understand you work in a salon as a professional. But I am sure your new friend is mindful of this illness, don’t you, Ivy?” I nodded in agreement.Osteomyelitis is an inflammation of the bones. If not treated promptly, it will weaken the bone to the point that you have no choice but to cut it, and in the worst-case situation, amputation is the only option.“Since you have decided not to speak, I will explain. Osteomyelitis is an infection that spreads or contaminates the bone to the extent where it is as good as dead. There is no other way but to get rid of it.” The Bossman elaborated.“How does that relate to us?” Willy inquired.It doesn’t take a genius to figure out why we are here.“You a
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2:34 A.M.I spoke at 2:34 A.M. sharp. This is the time that should be documented in history. I chose to remain silent. I can, however, talk. Although, rarely, and this was one of those times. Words flew out of my mouth before I knew what they were and before anybody could comprehend them.None of them expected me to talk, and yet here I am, asking the Bossman questions, the answers to which should not come as a surprise.“Did you just speak?” Willy was taken aback when I spoke. He wasn’t expecting her to talk to him. At least not this soon.“It seems she did. Cookie, if I knew this is what was going to make you talk, then I would have used those terms a lot sooner.” With a grin, the Bossman told her. Yeah, kidnappers do smile, and it isn’t necessarily a sick and malicious smile.“Don’t call me that,” I told him with a frown. “And yes, Willy, I just spoke. I need to know what my father did.”“You should speak more often. Your voice is very soothing. In the literal sense, music to my ea
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3:10 A.M.In Hotel La' More Room No. 902.....Jim and Nathan were delving into Jonathan Stone’s case file with diligence. It’s been nearly two hours since the Captain called. But, as he said, he never broke his deal. They could see their children via the live stream to which they had been allowed access. Except for the fact that Ivanka and William’s hands and legs were tied, they seemed to be in decent shape. They could also hear what they were saying, but there was no way their kids knew that their fathers could listen to them.“We tried so hard that neither of them ever met and look at us. Here we are at this crossroads,” Jim said to Nathan.“What more could we have done? At the very least, our secrets are safe. Our kids know nothing about us.” Nathan told his friend.“How long, though? They may not be aware about us, but the kidnapper does. So, we will be good only till we comply with them. Perhaps we should not have called the police. Things would have gone even more smoothly.” Ji
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3:10 A.M. Meanwhile, in lockup…..Willy and I were curled up in our sleeping bags, close to each other. It was reassuring to know that I wasn’t alone in this bed, cut off from the rest of the world. I had my eyes closed and was trying to sleep, but the fear was killing me. Not physically but psychologically.“Have you fallen asleep yet?” Willy inquired gently.“No, I just can’t sleep,” I explained.“Neither do I, and I doubt I’ll get any sleep before I get out of here. It’s creepy in here.” He shivered.“What did you expect? A VIP bed, a royal treatment?” It was a sarcastic statement rather than a question.“You know, for a mute, you are one hell of a sarcastic person.” He told me with a frown on his face.“I will take it as a compliment,” I told him with a blank look.“You’re weird, but so am I. I wish I had known you in different circumstances.”“Me too. That would have been fun.” I gave him a friendly smile.“Yes, it would have been. You know what? Once we are out of here, I am go
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3:35 A.M.When Jim saw an unfamiliar number on his cell, he quickly told the officer-in-charge. Jim picked up the phone after a signal from the respective officer and kept it on speaker. The Captain interrupted him before he could say anything.“Hello Doc, I believe you have read the case file and are well prepared to do this surgery.” The Captain got right to the point.“It is not as simple as you think...” The Captain cut Jim off before he could stall.“It seems that you do not love you, kids, as you pretend to.”Nathan asked, “Excuse me?”“You heard me loud and clear, so don’t pretend as you didn’t. Anyway, it’s now 3:37 A.M. I want you, doctors, to get ready to operate from 5:30 A.M., giving you over a hundred minutes. You will receive your advance in ten minutes, and after Jonathan is recovered, you will receive the pending price. All the preparation and formalities in consideration to the patient have been done. He’s been taken to the hospital, which is about a block away from y
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5:00 A.M.Sleeping with hands and legs tied is not easy. Even though the Bossman was kind enough to provide us with the sleeping bag, he ensured that our movement was still restricted. We would need to crawl if we wanted to go somewhere.The whole night, both of us were fidgeting and tossing. So, it is safe to say that none of us slept the entire night.“Urg, that’s it. I just cannot sleep like this.” Willy groaned in frustration.“Me neither,” I told him glumly.“Why the hell can’t they release our hand?” He asked, obvious to the answers.“So that we don’t untie our legs and try to leave from here.” I rolled my eyes.“I know that, smarty-pants.” Willy closed his eyes and opened them again. He inhaled heavily and screamed to summon the guards.I sarcastically asked, “Can you get any louder?”“As a matter of fact, I can.” He cocked his head and smirked.Willy asked the guard to help him out of his sleeping bag and demanded food from him as soon as the guard entered, earning him a stare
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