
Chapter Eight: A clash with Nadia

Chelsie's POV

The shooting of the movie scenes were easier and faster than I had expected. Nadia Grayson was such a talented actress no doubt. She ate her role perfectly, leaving no crumbs. The other actors and actresses were on the A-list, that is, they were all stars.

They took on their roles really well and soon, we were on the third scene. When we were done, Mr Park gave everyone a twenty-minute break.

"The MYtip times, one of the sponsors of this series donated a food truck with varieties of dishes. You all can go there and have your lunch." He announced.

Tired, Jamie and I walked towards the food truck, parked within the premises of the hotel.

"Gosh! I'm so famished and tired." Jamie said with a yawn as she stretched out her arms, lazily.

"Lazy ass." I teased her, pinching her cheeks in a playful manner.

"Well... you can say so." She said with a shrug and laughed.

Jamie looked at me with a more serious expression.

"What's between you and Nadia?" She asked me, curiosity written ov
Jemima Davis

Who else wants a friend like Jamie?

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