Obsession with his Captive

Obsession with his Captive

By:  Pravs_3618  Completed
Language: English
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"Didn't I tell you that you are mine? How dare you allow that punk to touch what's mine?" Nikolai pulled her roughly towards him, so that she is so close that she can feel his breath on her face. Ivy looked at him with confusion. This is new. He kidnapped her, tortured the man whom she had a crush on, He humiliated her by tearing her clothes, starved her for two days. After all that, he somehow changed the misery in her job. He saved her from getting killed and raped. "He is my best friend. I like him" she tried to remind him that she has a crush on Jason before he kidnapped her and that did not change. But he didn't like it at all. He kissed her roughly to remind her what he had with her. "Is it? Then what am I?" he demanded angrily. ...... Nikolai Knight, a man who is cold to his bones and lack empathy. He killed countless men for revenge. His parents were killed, and he is after their murderers. He kidnap a girl whom he thought will bring her father to him. But he didn't expect her to change everything. Ivy Johnson, a sweet and caring girl who has a crush on her childhood best friend Jason. Despite her sweet smiles, she is hiding a dangerous truth. She knows who killed Nikolai's parents. Nikolai starts to fall for his captive. When truth of that unveil, will he still feel the same or kill her in a rage. This is the story of a cold hearted man and his captive.

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Devi Siswojo
Can’t wait for the sequel of this book. Maybe Richard’s story?
2024-09-16 18:44:57
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Ashima Singhal
When Kyle story will start ?
2024-08-30 00:12:04
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good reader
yeah I love Happily Ever Afters thank you dear author
2024-08-09 20:22:58
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Krystal Rose
one of the best from authors creation..
2024-08-09 14:59:37
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good reader
Now we heading towards the happily ever waiting for The TTTMM series Kyle
2024-08-05 21:50:58
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Black Rose
recommended.. it's a good story
2024-08-04 01:38:19
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Cherilyn Kauwalu
Great revenge book!
2024-07-28 22:07:47
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Krystal Rose
lovely story ...️
2024-06-27 02:26:38
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Kaylin Abrahams
love this book...
2024-06-24 02:12:06
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good reader
so far so good two down two more to go
2024-06-19 03:28:28
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love to read
ayay dear author u know u r really good at writing the books* lots of love*.and update more and please soon
2024-06-04 04:36:11
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precious mason
it's really good ...
2024-05-26 14:12:37
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good reader
I am loving the book so much great going
2024-05-20 14:06:17
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Aly 💖💖💖
Hi dear author. This book is amazing so far and I'm really looking forward to the next update. Thank you for this amazing novel and looking forward to many more to come
2024-05-12 02:31:16
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good reader
true the story is really a breathe of fresh air very good story
2024-05-04 00:24:52
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151 Chapters


In the middle of the night, in an old warehouse near the city outskirts, Nikolai pointed his gun on the man who is begging him for mercy. The smell of blood and piss is thick in the air. But Nikolai's eyes are cold and merciless. His handsome face is devoid of any emotions. His dark penetrating gaze is fixed on his prey."One last chance. Tell me the name of the man who planned my parents death, and I might think about giving you a fast death" Nikolai said coldly.The man infront of him is crying with pain and fear."No, I don't know who he is...." Nikolai didn't give the man to finish his sentence. He fired his gun and the bullet shattered the man's head.Blood and flesh flew in every direction, but Nikolai didn't move or feel guilty. He is called Hades for a reason. He threw his gun towards Shawn, who caught it effortlessly. Shawn is his right hand man. Nikolai turned away and left the warehouse. After the kill, the images of his parents dead bodies started to flash in his mind. He
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Nikolai saw the girl tied to the chair. Her hair is covering most of her face. But her eyes, a unique shade of green which he never saw in his life are looking at him with fear. He liked it. He liked her fear. That's what makes them do stupid things and give him what he wanted. And he wants her father. He is sure she knows where he is."Where is your father" he demanded. His voice calm, but no one can miss the darkness seeping from his tone. Even his men are tensed. As the death anniversary of his parents is approaching, his anger is rising. He becomes destructive as the day nears.Ivy's breathing became shallow as the weight of her fear started to suffocate her. No one can deny that Nikolai is handsome. But at that moment, she understood why he was called Hades. He is holding her life in his palms, ready to crush it at any given time. She couldn't control her tears. She knows that he will kill her if she doesn't give up her father's location. But she really doesn't know where her fa
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His fury

Ivy is terrified. After she insulted the infamous Nikolai Knight, he dragged her out of that warehouse and now she is locked up in one of the rooms in the Knight mansion. She struggled to escape and she begged him to let her go. But his cold indifference is all she got from him.Despite his anger, none of his men touched her and all the while she was trying to cover her torso with her hands. She is scared, hungry and alone in this dark room. She knows what she said was wrong. If there was anyone who knows how soft hearted the young Nikolai was, it was her. That incident changed him alot. She didn't know how many days have passed, or it might just hours. But no one came to unlock her or to see if she is even alive or dead. She is feeling weak and very cold. Her head started to feel heavy, and slowly she succumbed into the darkness.Nikolai is more than angry. No one knows how his parents were killed. But he does. Someone raped his mother before killing her. His father was tortured unt
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Tell me

"Here, wear these clothes. Mr. Knight is waiting for you downstairs. I will wait for you outside. Come out when you are done. I will escort you to Mr. Knights Office" a very kind looking lady handed over some clothes to Ivy. Ivy took the clothes gratefully. She immediately disappeared into the bathroom and locked the door. She quickly took a much needed shower and got dressed up in the jeans and t shirt that was given to her.She didn't try to escape or she didn't dwell on how perfectly the clothes fit her. All she needed was to beg Nikolai to spare Jason's life. Each minute she wasted here might cost Jason his life. She saw first handedly how heartless Nikolai became. He wouldn't hesitate to kill Jason for even a second.After she was done, she was escorted to Nikolai's office. He was found sitting behind the large oak desk in his black suit. "Sit" he pointed to the chair directly opposite to him. Ronda left as soon as She handed over Ivy to Nikolai. Ivy is trembling with fear. S
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After her 'Talk' with Nikolai, Ivy became Nikolai's willing captive. Everyone left her alone most of the time. The kind house keeper Rhonda is the only person who speaks with Ivy. "Here, eat this dear" Rhonda gave her some food, which Ivy ate in the kitchen alone. When she was eating, Shawn, one of the men who kidnapped her gave her phone back to her."This stupid thing wouldn't stop ringing" he muttered. As if to prove his point, her mobile started ringing again. Ivy became pale when she looked at the caller id. The name 'Boss' flashed on the screen. She immediately answered the phone. Before she could speak, her boss started yelling at her."Ivy Johnson, how irresponsible of you? It's been three days and you didn't show up to work. Did you forget that we have an international design competition tomorrow and you are representing our company?" he yelled her so loudly, that even Shawn and Rhonda heard it.Ivy looked at Shawn helplessly. Shawn just shrugged his shoulders and left. I
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In front of the NK apparel company, Nikolai's sleek black car came to a smooth stop. The moment the car came to a halt, Ivy opened the passenger side door to get out of the car. But soon she realised that the door is locked. She looked at him meekly. "Mr. Knight, can I leave?" she asked him, instead of demanding him to unlock the door for her.He turned his head and gave her a look."You should have asked for my permission before trying to open that door. Looks like you forgot the rules the moment you steeped out of the Knight mansion. I think I should refresh your memory again" he spoke calmly, but there is an anger undertone to each syllable he spoke.Ivy became pale. She didn't mean to make him angry. But the car drive from his mansion to her place of work felt like hours instead of the half an hour it took for them. His presence and his unique masculine scent dominated the car, making her feel restless and scared. She wanted to breath the fresh air which is not infiltrated by his
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Super model

Mrs. Luna, a woman in her early thirties is the head of the costume department. She is the head of the person who gives life to the designs the designer draws on the papers. She particularly likes Ivy, who is sweet and very beautiful. And she dislikes Josh, Ivy's boss. Josh is in his early thirties. He is not exactly fit, but not fat as well. The suits he wears don't fit him properly and his small noticeable belly protrudes out. He is a sleeze bag and selfish."Here he comes" Luna muttered with annoyance.Ivy gave her a small smile, exactly sharing her thoughts.Josh escorted their shows stopper Stella who is going to showcase their center piece. Stella is tall with long legs and is beautiful in her own right. Ivy worked with Stella a few times, and her experience with Stella was far from good. Stella is arrogant and looks down upon people who are not rich and lack power. People like Ivy."Stella, my dear. Look at this center piece. Isn't it stunning? I am sure you would look breath t
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Ivy was checking everything to make sure that tomorrow's event will go on smoothly. "Ivy, I have done my part. Will meet you tomorrow at the venue. I am going home now. You should go too" Luna suggested.Ivy smiled at the kind lady. Luna doesn't know that she cannot go back home but she is a captive of the scary Nikolai Knight. Ivy is not eager to go back to his mansion. Instead, she is happy to work overtime, without it looking like she is doing anything wrong and testing his patience."I am almost done Luna. I will see you tomorrow" Ivy replied softly.Satisfied with the reply, Luna left Ivy alone.Ivy made sure that everything was in order, before she packed her drafts and turned to leave. It's almost eight in the evening, so almost the entire company is empty. Only a handful of employees are seen. Ivy stepped into the elevator after she texted Shawn that she finished her work and she is ready to go back to the Knight mansion. Just as soon as the elevator car started descending,
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"Mr. Knight, it looks like someone intentionally tempered with the elevator. Look at this wire. Someone used scissors to cut it. This ceased the electric supply to the elevator and it stopped abruptly" the elevator maintenance guy shared what he found out.Nikolai didn't like what he heard. 'People in this company feel like Ivy is their punching bag. It's time to set some rules in place ' he thought darkly."I temporarily fixed this wire so that we can help the lady who is stuck in the elevator. It will take a couple of minutes to restart the elevator" the maintenance guy said.In the elevator, suddenly the lights came back to life. Ivy blinked her eyes to adjust to the light. Before she could gather her bearings, the elevator started moving and before long the elevator doors slid open in the lobby.Ivy was still disoriented. So the doors opened, she saw a man standing with his legs apart and his palms buried in his slack pockets. For a moment she mistook the man as her best friend J
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Kneel and beg

The next morning, Ivy requested Shawn to drop her near the venue where the design competition is held. It was still early, but she doesn't want to do anything wrong. All the costumes and the necessary items were already sent near the venue. Moreover, she couldn't sleep the previous night. She was worried about Jason. He is her best friend and the only male with whom she was comfortable with. No one knows that she developed deep seated fears because of what she witnessed ten years ago. She saw the brutality of the four men and how Nikolai's mother was tarnished. At times, Ivy still could hear Mrs. Knights cries for help ringing in her ears. Since that night, Ivy started to steer clear from men. Her interaction with them is as minimal as possible. And she would always try not to anger them. She is scared that they would do something bad to her if she angers them. "Ivy?" Luna's voice snapped Ivy out of her head.Ivy shook her head to clear her mind from the past. "Luna, you are here t
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