Obsessed with his past

Obsessed with his past

Oleh:  Sun girl  Tamat
Bahasa: English
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Jordan is a young man of 29 years old, handsome, charming with a powerful aura but a detective, a successful detective with awards and a name to himself. Despite being a happy and successful detective, he couldn't bring himself to forget about his late wife Rachel, he found this soul knitted with hers despite she's no more. Dwelling on the past memory prevents Jordan from falling in love with another woman. He remained single with his daughter for many years until fate brought Tina his way. Tina is a detective and a team member with Jordan. What started as colleagues developed into something sweeter. Will Tina be able to kill the obsession in him and make him fall in love with her or she will fail and they would go their separate ways?

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Bukola Funmi Alade
This is really interesting,the book got me hooked! Well done author
2022-09-28 19:59:36
67 Bab


It was a bright Saturday morning and Jordan Duro was at his gym. When not in the field, he would be nowhere other than his gym.   He is broad chested with six pack muscles on a slim waist and belly muscle. His arms were having some scars portraying he had been in some dangerous situation.  Jordan is a 29 year old young man and a  citizen of Newtown city. He is tall with a height of 6.5 inches. His long hair reached his shoulders which he tied up in a ponytail.  He has a protruding eyeball, and a V- shaped jaw line. His nose pointed on a thin pinkish lips.   He kept boxing the air bag, and though panting, he was still doing his exercise. His jogas were soaked in sweat but he persisted.
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JORDAN'S  POV     As Soon as I arrived at my family home in Abuja, I longed for my daughter like I hadn't seen her in years.   The longing was making me glancing at the door at intervals until mum eventually sent someone to fetch her.   When my daughter Jora arrived, she looked taller than the last time I saw her. Her hair was blonde exactly like Rachel's and long as well.  She is the spitting image of Rachel and each time I see her, it makes me feel like I am staring at my wife.   How can someone look so much like her mother? She has my eyes, that I already know but besides that there was no other thing I could count on.
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You are stubborn

A young beautiful woman was stepping out of the airport with a dark shade on her face. She looked around and saw the city, still the same city she left seven years ago.  Same people, same activities, same busy and bustling movement in the city. There were a few great  architectural buildings. Some renovation and the hard work of the country's President was enviable.   As she walked closer to the taxis, a young man walked over to her "Miss Smith" he called and Tina paused, looking at him.   She was having this expressionless face and looked at the fellow who just called her by her last name. The fellow must have known her so well.   "It's me Biodun," The young man introduced himself. He wasn't happy with the
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Scolded her

JORDAN'S POV   I was dazed at Jora's question. Was she eavesdropping on my dad and I's conversation? How did she know that Dad isn't happy that I married her mum?   I stared at her and forced a smile. Of course I wasn't going to tell her the truth, not because I wanted to lie to her but such a thing as dislike for her mother by her grandfather shouldn't be known to her.  " How can you say that baby? Your grandfather loves your mum.." I was telling her when she threw my hands off her shoulders.  She walked a few distance from me and crossed her arms around her chest " You are lying to me daddy. You don't love me anymore right? How can you treat me like a little baby?" Jora reprimanded me.
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I do mum

CLARA'S POV    I had wanted to discuss it with my son for a long time. But I don't know how to go about it. I know his personality and what he wants and accepts.  But I couldn't keep quiet and watch. I want my son to be happy just like every mother would.  It's been years now after the death of Rachel and Jordan isn't thinking about finding himself another woman.  I know he loves Rachel and she felt great about him as well. But he can't keep living like this.  Five years have passed and Jordan has not stopped thinking about Rachel. I know in his line of duty, getting married might be optional.   But I
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At the amusement park

Next morning, Jordan decided to take his daughter out after breakfast. Just to spend some time together and visit places.  They arrived at the amusement park and Jora saw other children playing around happily in Company of their parents.    She stood and admired them. She wants to play around too and mix with other children. She unknowingly tucked on Jordan.   Jordan saw her eyes, glued to the children running around the swirling wheel. He whispered"do you want to join those children?"   Jora held her father's palm and gave it a little squeeze. She looked up at him and nodded. She smiled and Jordan squatted.   " Now, if you must play with those ch
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Who is she?

JORDAN'S POV  I suspect everyone I don't know or remember crossing paths with . When I saw a lady get close to my daughter, I took a few strides and arrived behind her.   I couldn't strike but waited to see what she was up to. Jora was smart like I educated her.   She didn't say anything to the lady nor kept her smile. She drew backwards when the latter squatted in front of her.   She identified a stranger like I had told her in the past, never to go carefree or smiling to a stranger.  A stranger might be there to harm her. She must be careful and apply wisdom and distance first before defending herself. &
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Met again

When Jordan arrived at the airport, he was checked in and took his seat. He would be in Newton city in forty minutes time.  He looked at his wristwatch and knew he would arrive at the exact time and head straight to the superintendent's office.   As he sat down, he closed his eyes briefly and was lost in thought. He wanted to investigate who that lady was.   He doesn't feel good that he was leaving Abuja so soon. He wished he had another one week to spend, he would have found out who she is.   He would call his mother and tell her to ensure she protects Jora very well. He doesn't feel safe with anyone unknown to him.   Rachel was kidnapped back then an
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A new detective

JORDAN'S POV    I least expected to see her on the plane. I heard someone talk about not wanting to believe that someone was trailing her and opened my eyes.  Who was talking and to whom? But the fellow I saw was that lady from the previous day. She? Not again!  I looked at her and saw her sit properly adjusting herself and putting her dark shade on. Why do I have to meet her again?   Was it a mere coincidence or our paths kept lying together? A weak grin appeared on my lips.  I told her I wouldn't mind trailing her. But she suddenly became reserved. As if she wasn't the one who spoke a few minutes ago. &n
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Jordan was standing expressionless. He is long used to seeing them argue. If one does not oppose the other, the other would create another avenue for argument.   Jordan had long been used to them and sometimes it makes working with them exciting. But he loves them the way they are because in line of duty they are best at brainstorming together.  They know when to be serious and when to be frivolous. Kunle and Isabella had a past but the former still loves her.  He didn't get to know exactly what led to their break up, but somehow, Kunle still had a thing for her in his heart.   " They stopped arguing and stood before Jordan, they made a salute and walked closer. &nbs
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