My Tyrant’s Confession

My Tyrant’s Confession

By:  Bella Lande  Ongoing
Language: English
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“Absolutely not!! You can not force me to be stuck with her again! I do not want to be in the same room with her again!”

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Enjoying this book. Can’t wait for more updates!!
2022-10-18 09:34:40
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Ultimate Gamer
very good story. enjoyed it. looking forwaed to the author finishing it.
2022-06-11 17:46:51
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Bella Lande
2021-12-30 22:14:24
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S. LaRue
Good read!
2021-11-03 08:37:16
19 Chapters
Ch. 1
Seth The sun seems brighter this morning, I think to myself as I stretch squinting my eyes from the sun blaring through the crack of my blackout curtains. What’s the point in having dark curtains if my mother is just going to come in and open them everyday? My mother, greatest woman ever, loves me unconditionally and fiercely. I will miss seeing her everyday, her cleaning up after me, and feeding me everyday but I definitely won’t miss her waking me up early every morning. Graduating from high school last week should mean sleeping in but for my mother she sees sleeping late as laziness. Her and my father are both goal driven people who always have a goal either personally or professionally they work towards. Their marriage is one of the strongest relationships I've seen and pushing their only son to be great is an example of their love for me. Well that's what they tell me when I get pissed not wanting to do anything. I'm sure these are all great l
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Ch. 2
Bella This place is amazing!! I was so excited I couldn't help but squeal while arranging the last of my belongings having everything organized and put away.  I look around my new house feeling proud of the way things were coming together. This place is beautiful compared to what most college students places look like. They all either live in the dorms or rent a crappy place with a bunch of roommates.  I'm going to get a new start here without all the pressure of all the other kids from my hometown judging me and always being able to ridicule me for things I didn't do. It's a new chapter in my life and I cannot wait to begin to start writing it. I won't have to walk around being afraid or ashamed from all my embarrassment. I can begin living new adventures with confidence and no shame. Walking throughout the house my parents bought me, it's not too big but not tiny either. The open concept of it makes everything feel bigger and flow together.
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Seth These last couple of weeks I haven’t seen Bella much. I believe she has been making sure to stay out of my path. I probably shouldn't have been so mean when I first saw her here but I was surprised since my parents didn't warn me. Our run in later that night by the pool with Sarah, I think that was her name. Definitely started with an S. Anyways her name is not important, the 'S' named girl girl riding me definitely gave her the message to stay out of my way. It probably wouldn't have stopped me but I really didn't know she was over there. I wonder how long she sat over there watching us? I am sure she is still a virgin so she may have been taking notes. It did surprise me that it almost looked like jealousy and hurt in her eyes when she went into the house. Im sure I was mistaken though. She couldn't have feelings for me with a relationship like we have. We used to be close when we were little but I can't get past what she did.  If I let her
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Ch. 4
Katie Coming over to my friend Bella's house for the first time and I am in awe of how nice this place is. My parents have way to many children to ever buy me a place like this. Being the middle child I always got hand me downs and left overs from my older sisters. Upper middle class family is stretched a little thin when providing for a large family.  Bella is a nice girl so I am trying hard to keep the green eyed jealousy monster from poking his head out.  "This place is gorgeous Bella!" Finally I stop drooling with envy and I'm able to speak. "Thank you. I have been very excited to have it finished and everything set up. Living away from home for the first time has been a lot easier having a place I can make my own. Living alone was intimidating at first but I'm getting used to it. It also has a pool do you wanna check it out?" She asks turning towards the back door. "Of course I do!" I keep rambling on about the house and how we need to have a s
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Ch. 5
Seth The first day of classes has went fairly smooth. We have practice almost every afternoon so the football team has its own parking lot next to on of the buildings. Not having to find a spot saves a lot of time in the morning.  It’s a pretty large campus with many stores and restaurants. The restaurants came in use since I didn't bring any lunch. Anyone can easily navigate around so finding my classes wasn’t a problem. Since we realized too late I wasn’t able to switch any of my classes to avoid being with Bella. She would purposefully avoid looking at me but I would steal glances at her. She is such a beautiful girl and we used to get along so well. Why did she have to go and ruin things? Guess I may have taken things too far back then but I was so mad at her for betraying me by going to our parents. Wish I could just forgive her and go on but I can’t trust her to not cause problems for me. Was she afraid I would forget about her when I started getting more friends?
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Ch. 6
Bella Tears! Tears! And more tears! Why does this always seem happen to me? School just started and I am already needing to run away to a deserted island on vacation. A beach sounds nice listening to the waves and laying on the beach. Nice and relaxing is what I need for my life very soon. Calming peace sets in as I imagine laying under the warm sun then of course my phone alarm goes off with a reminder to take the antidepressants   I wanted a fresh start away from the past and pain. Things were supposed to be changing moving here thinking Seth was comfortable with me being next door. The page from my past had already been turned and this is supposed to be the new chapter. I don't want to reread or relive the last chapter of this book of my life. I have spent years hiding the hurt and heartbreak that consumes me. The need for antidepressants has come along with being repeatedly rejected and tormented by someone I care about. My belief is
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Ch. 7
SethDing. I reach over as I hear my phone letting me know I got a text. Bella- "I would like to begin working on our assignment soon. I want to make sure it's all completed as quickly as possible. Let me know your first availability."Inhaling deeply I try to think of what to reply. I know we have to do the assignment but I really don't know what I am feeling right now. I still hate her for what she's done but I also hate the look of hurt in her face. Have I really never paid attention to what I was doing to her or has my anger blinded me from caring? Guess no time like the present. Seth- "I have time now. No time like the present if you wanting to get it done quick" I sounded to much like my parents at this point. Bella- "Um.....ok. Give me an hour and you can head over. I have everything we need here."Seth-"See ya then."Setting my phone down and hope in the shower to get ready. 
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Ch. 8
Bella- Grabbing my phone I text Seth. "I would like to begin working on our assignment soon. I want to make sure it's all completed as quickly as possible. Let me know your first availability." Seth- "I have time now. No time like the present if you wanting to get it done quick" I sounded to much like my parents at this point.  "Um.....ok. Give me an hour and you can head over. I have everything we need here." Seth-"See ya then." Now I am running around like a mad woman cleaning up the house. This is the first time Seth has ever spent any time in my part of the duplex. I like things organized and I am a neat person but would still be humiliated if anything is out of place. I have one hour to get done and still fix myself up. I will never want him to know my heart has always belonged to him no matter what I have been through. I know Seth is not really who he has been acting like. I know his heart is good. My body doesn't feel the s
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Ch. 9
Seth "Wow!! That was definitely not my intentions when I came over here but that was amazing Bella!" The shade of pink her cheeks turn when she blushes is adorable. I pull her in for a hug. We are both still laying on her bed. I can't treat her like the typical girls I use and just leave after. We have known each other our whole lives. No matter what has happened I can't just do that to her because she is not a slut and I know that.  Realization begins to set in that moment. Bella is not a slut and she wouldn't have let this happen purely out of desire and passion. What does this mean? "I...I didn't expect this either. But um....thanks?" She said it almost in a question. I leaned down and softly kissed the top of her head. I don't know how she feels about what happened but although I know this was possibly a huge mistake, it's kind of nice. I've never done true intimacy before but this feels very intimate not just sex. We sat there holding each other is silence
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Ch. 10
Bella "I...I didn't expect this either. But um....thanks? Did I really just thank him? What is wrong with me and why am I acting like a shy school girl? I guess I'm still in shock about what just happened and could one blame me?  He leaned down and softly kissed the top of my head. I never pictured Seth as a 'snuggler after sex guy' and they doesn't fit the picture girls from our school painted him out to be. He may have exiled me from his life the last few years but that didn't stop his many conquests from bragging about their sexual relationships with him. They all thought he loved them all but what I heard and knowing him for so long I could tell that wasn't true. The door bell snaps my thoughts back to reality.  "Were you expecting someone?" Seth questioned me with us both having a look of shock with the realization of what has happened between us. "No" I answer in a panic. Please just be a delivery. Please just be a delivery. I keep
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