My Luna Trips- Again!

My Luna Trips- Again!

By:  The_Luna  Ongoing
Language: English
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"Mine", he growled. Caleb pushed me to the locker and made me trip and fall and land straight on my bum. “Ouch!", I yelled out of pain. My angry eyes looked straight into his dark brown orbs. I could hear people snicker and laugh. All this embarrassment for what? For him to growl like a dog! “What is wrong with you?”, I whisper yelled as he inched closer to me. I could still see people laughing, especially my best friends who would pass out any moment now because of laughing too hard. I was about to snap at this idiot again, but then his actions took everyone by surprise, including my reflex system. I swear it was a reflex! His face seemed a little too close suddenly. People were watching us with great anticipation now. He closed his eyes and started to bring his face closer to mine. But before our lips could meet my legs moved on their own accord and met his abs with quite a boom! In a second the anticipation in the crowd's eyes was changed to shock as they saw their student body president lying on the ground, groaning in pain. Well! I swear it was a reflex and at least I didn't hit where it hurts more! This is a love story of a luna who keeps falling and an alpha who happens to be there to catch his luna every single time. Hop on to this dramatic ride and unravel the secrets of the Adolf family!

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My Luna Trips Again by The_Luna is a teenage fantasy romance novel. Haley Robinson wanted to be student body president. But her archnemesis Caleb Adolf took it away from her. He always manages to make her miserable. Anything can go wrong when they are in the same room. Thanks to that, she is labeled the queen of clumsiness. Because of an exclusive invite, Haley went to his 20th birthday. It was a day of bizarre discoveries. Haley learns she is a Luna for the Adolf family, and everyone around her is not who they seem. What the heck is happening?

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A good start! It has a very different feel, more ominous perhaps? Also so far there have been some unexpected twists so that has been fun! I recommend it, I hope the author keeps it up!
2022-03-04 13:44:01
23 Chapters
First Day Full of Falls!
It is a new day and the beginning of the new term for our senior year. After a long break, none of us felt like going to school and start with the monotonous routine. I watch my two best friends and flatmates walk from one room to other, half asleep.“What exactly are you two doing?”, I finally ask.“Looking for school goodies!”, Anna replies.“Why are you packing so many band-aids and ointments?”, I ask watching her keep a whole packet of band-aids in her bag.“It is the beginning of the school year! Corridors will be empty. And you my friend are going to hurt yourself banging into lockers and falling off the stairs.”, Anna mocks.“Hey! I won’t.”, I defend my past record of being clumsy.“Well! You didn’t win the tag of ‘The School’s Queen of Clumsiness’ for nothing.”, Arya intervenes pointing at the sash hanging proudly on my almirah.
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I am a Disaster!
I watch Caleb as he parked his car next to Anna’s. There is a different aura around him. His right-hand man Arnold steps out of the car and screens the crowd. Yes, he screens the crowd! You must do this when you leave a trail of lovesick exes behind you, who put on a very dramatic show every year to wish you a happy birthday!  Once Arnold is done checking he asks Caleb to step out. And the school’s prince finally puts his feet on the school ground for the first time on his birthday.“Here comes the birthday boy!”, I announce and turn around to leave for class.“Why do you hate him so much?”, Anna asks following me.“I don’t have one, but three reasons to hate him.”, I roll my eyes annoyed.“We would love to know!”, Arya says and wraps her hand around mine.“First, he is arrogant and doesn’t care about anyone but himself. Second, he is nothing but good looks which mak
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The Mysterious Town
I walked inside the classroom to attend the last period and I heard the same annoying snickers and met a few shocked faces as well. Since the time I was pushed into the locker by Caleb, people were coming to my classes to just look at me. I felt like a showpiece kept on a show window for viewers to enjoy the sight of. One thing that surprisingly Arya noticed was that all these people were from the area where the Adolf family lives.“Is there something on my face?”, I asked for the hundredth time.“No! you need to just stay a little calm. People will forget what happened very soon.”, Anna said. I nodded and ignoring the distracting stares I focused on the laws of motion.“Are you sure you wish to go there alone?”, Arya asked as I walked out of the school gates.“He doesn’t live in a shady place. It is just the woods, and don’t you remember when mom and dad were alive, I used to go to their house every d
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Bark at the Moon!
Memories are the most beautiful and the scariest things we hold onto in life. I watched her walk down the stairs with the same evil smirk and tons of flashbacks started playing like a movie in front of my eyes. Her red dress and face caked with make-up, perfectly showed her dominance. Scarlett Adolf’s life was nothing but a huge lie. A lie only a few people were aware of and unfortunately, I am one of those few people.“I never thought I’ll ever get to see you again!”, her voice laced with disgust made me shiver. I could feel all the scars burn again. The scars my clothes were hiding for years!“Have you gone mute?”, she asked now standing right in front of me.“I am not here to see you!”, I said in a brave voice.“But you are standing in front of me right now. It will be great to have a little chat, wouldn’t it?”, she said faking a smile.“A chat with you? What about a no for
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She is the One!
After an hour and a half of running from one room to another and creating complete chaos, we were finally walking out of our apartment. Anna was a little nervous about seeing Arnold there, but she agreed to come with us to give me company.Arya was jumping with excitement, and we just let her have her moment. I was the least dressed person out of the three of us. I chose to wear a simple black dress and paired it with my denim jacket and white shoes. Anna was wearing her sea-green gown with her blonde hair complementing the look perfectly. Arya was excited about wearing her new dress. She wore a red and black jumpsuit with black heels and made a high pony to complete the look. We finally sat in the car and Arya decided to be our driver.After a long drive to the other side of the city, we were finally standing outside the woods. I picked up my phone and asked Ethan to come and pick us up. The radio in our car was still on with Sia’s Cheap Thrills playing at full
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Dog and the Fountain!
The stranger was still looking at us. I caught him staring at Caleb a few times too. Everything about him yelled danger. Whenever our eyes met I had this unsettling feeling in my gut.“Are you okay?”, Ethan asked giving me another glass of this amazing juice I had been hooked onto.“Who is that?”, I asked pointing at the guy with my eyes.“The guy in the black suit and weird grey tie?”, he asked, and I noticed his tie was indeed very weird. I nodded.“Why did he do something?”, he asked.“No, he was talking to Caleb earlier and I just don’t feel comfortable around him. Maybe I am being paranoid, but he seems scary.”, I told him honestly.“I don’t think you are being paranoid. He is scary. We all feel that way.”, he answered.“But who is he? I have never seen him in town.”, I asked again.“Remember Caleb stayed at a boarding sch
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Third Floor!
Caleb was holding my wrist tightly and he pulled me inside the house. I frantically looked towards the lawn to spot my friends, but I couldn’t find them.“Where did my friends go?”, I asked myself.“I don’t know. They must be out there somewhere.”, Caleb answered without looking at me.“How could you know!”, I was again not supposed to say that out loud.“Then why did you ask me?”, he asked and kept his focus on the stair we were climbing now.“I am talking to myself.”, I replied, and he just shrugged his shoulders.Once we reached upstairs, he opened the first door and asked me to wait outside. I looked around and I remember how the third floor of the Adolf mansion was always off-limits to us. My brother was the curious one and once he tried to enter this floor. He came back with a broken arm and to date, I have no idea what exactly happened here. I peeked inside the ro
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Nikolay Esteban
The party was in full swing, and I could see people were enjoying it to the fullest. The party was divided into two zones. On one side of the lawn, all the youngsters were dancing and drinking and then again dancing. And on the other side of the lawn, there were all these serious-looking people, having sophisticated chats with a glass of champagne in one hand and the other hand in their pant’s pocket. Caleb was the one I was pitying. The poor birthday boy was juggling between the two sides. “Hayley come on!”, Anna came and pulled me into the crowd of a bunch of drunk teenagers moving their bodies to the beats. “I told you I don’t feel like dancing!”, I screamed, so that she could hear my voice over the loud music. “I don’t care. You are dancing!”, she screamed back and then started to sway her hips and hands. I laughed and soon we were both jumping to the beats. Fifteen minutes into dancing and I look behind to see Ethan also joined us. We were all en
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"You have pet wolves?"
Life is full of confusing mazes which surprise you and test you. I had my first encounter with a maze when I met Scarlett for the first time, and I was bullied for something I had no idea about. Maybe I still don’t know. But I do remember her calling me the odd one out, the kid who didn’t deserve to be a Robinson just like my dad.The second maze occurred when I lost my parents but all those times, I had my brother protecting me, guiding me. Today I felt lost. My soul was desperate for help, but I just kept running from the people who might have helped me- my best friends. For a while, I heard them shouting my name, but I just hid behind a tree. I wanted to be alone.This morning all I did was hate, Caleb. And I was right. I need to hate him. he deserves it. But his every touch, every move made this weird sensation. It was like someone sent electric shocks down my spine- in a good way. And all these confusing emotions combined with all the secrets his famil
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Stumbled Upon the Dead!
We were walking back to the Adolf mansion and Caleb was still holding my hand. I was tired, thirsty, sleepy, and really hungry. I held onto his hands tighter as I felt a little dizzy.“Are you okay?”, he asked turning around after I squeezed his hand a little too tightly.“Yes! I am fine.”, I answered smiling a little. He nodded and focused his gaze back on the uneven land.“How far did I even come?”, I asked astonished at my own running skills.“Well, you literally ran into the middle of the forest. Our house is in the very beginning of this place. So, you did travel a nice long way.”, he chuckled.“Woah! I didn’t even realise.”, I murmured.“I am just glad we found you while you were still breathing.”, he said without looking back. How can someone say such a mean thing? I planned on ignoring his comment, he is the one who saved my life after all.“Ca
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