My Human Alpha

My Human Alpha

Oleh:  Valerian  Tamat
Bahasa: English
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Jennifer Johnson is a young teenage girl, lived her entire life with the Stone family where she was adopted, she is a fearless werewolf who stops at nothing to have what she thinks belongs to her, she falls in love with alpha Larry of the Gaylord's family and believe she will be chosen by him as his mate but things do not go as expected for he dumps her and chooses her sister, she is heartbroken and gets even more confused when she learns the alpha's true intentions, she is captured by the Gaylord's and locked away in a secret place. She overhears the Gaylord's plans on wiping the other packs and discovers some ways to deal with them, she is saved by his long term crush, a human , Tyler wayne who has always been in love with her for a long time, she runs away with him and start a life far from the Gaylord's and finally come to meet her real brother, Andrew Johnson, she gangs up with him and the vampires together with the witches lead by Amelia Storm to fight the Gaylord's and end their reign but things don't go as planned for they make her suffer and take her brothers life at the time she needed him the most, she goes through a lot and deals with the Gaylord's to the last one of them but pays yet a huge price at the end.

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Lioness Keya
The plot seems interesting and sporadic at the same time... But I will give it a try. Come read my books also Sis, thanks :)
2023-03-23 06:53:27
118 Bab
The Holiday Break
Jennifer POV “So what are your plans Jennifer, its going to be a long holiday?” Tyler asks me as we walk down the hallway, I looked at him for a second and did not want him to know what my true plans were, he was such a sweet and loving soul, I did not know what kept him stuck to me all this years, he was so nice to me that he offered to walk me down the hallway.“Well,I have something special tonight with my boyfriend, so I guess am going to be away for a long time Tyler” I said to him.“Oooh, him , Larry ? That’s nice to hear” he quickly says to me.“What about you Tyler, aren’t you going to see your girlfriend, and when are you going to bring her by the way” I asked him even though I knew very well he did not like to be asked about his girlfriend. He tried to answer me that’s when I saw Larry standing at the end of the hallway.“Am sorry, I have to go, take care” I quickly run towards Larry as Tyler walks away. Larry quickly takes my hand and leads me to one of the classrooms.“La
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The Cabin Attack
Although his father won’t accept us he’s always told me that I’m his lifelong love, he even promised me that after tonight, if his father still doesn’t want our union, that he will build an entire new pack for me, where lI will live freely by his side as his Luna, just as the moon goddess meant it to be I started getting anxious as the clock kept ticking away, with no sign of Larry, thirty minutes past, then an hour, I know this looks bad, I mean he’s two hours late, but this is Larry we are talking about, he will show up, It know it I was beginning to doze off when I heard some noise from outside.“Larry, is that you?” I chirped, running to the door to meet my first love, and finally mate with him, as our wolves are born, making him my forever love, he might be late, because he had to sneak out since he is soon to be Alpha no one knows about our plan to mate tonight, his father is against him mating with and “orphaned Omega like me”, at least that’s how he likes to put it, but after
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The Marking
He grabbed me by the neck, and threw me on the floor, they both started kicking me relentlessly, the first rogue stepped on my knee leaning his entire weight on it, and I heard a crack, I shrieked releasing the pain my screeching scream turned into a growl, and now I was screaming for a different reason, all the bones in my body started creaking, the growl turned into a roar, my hands and legs turned to paws, my spine contracted, and extended releasing my tail, my skin felt like it was on fire as fur grew out of every pore, I could feel the transformation and fire flowing through my veins, my vision changed and now looked at the two of them angrily. I jumped up protruding my claws and slashing the first rogue across the face, he bent down screaming in pain holding his eyes, I moved to the second rogue, and mauled him in the stomach, blood spilled out of his mouth, as he groaned in pain on the floor, I went back to the first rogue, the one who pulled down his pants and was ready to rap
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The Unfolding
Jennifer POVI don't know why she has always been like this, especially when she saw me with Larry , he hatted how close we were, so she would take any opportunity to humiliate and embarrass me, usually I would fight back and give her a taste of her own medicine, and judging by the look on her face when I refused to fall into her childish trap, she was expecting me to hit her back, but I don’t have time deal with that bitch right now, finding Larry is my number one priority.“Run away like the coward you are, omega” she barked I turned and faced her, giving her a menacing look.“You might be willing to ruin Larry ’s birthday party, but I’m not, see that’s the difference between me and you, I care about him, whereas you only care about your fucking self, you might be the Beta’s daughter, but with no brains at all, no wonder Larry couldn’t choose you” the crowd hissed at my words, making Jacqueline’s face change, as they looked to be on my side I smirked turning my back on her, heading
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The Monster in Disguise
The silence was starting to anger me answer me Larry , did you try to kill me so you could be with my sister?” I barked.“So, what if he wants to be with me?”“Stay out of this Jacqueline” I emphasized the jackal in her name.“So, you pick her, you want her, why? Is it because I wouldn’t have sex with you until we marked each other? He looked around at the crowd that had just found out that the future Alphas long term girlfriend never put out.“Oh, I get it, you couldn’t have me, so you settled for the easy target” I growled sizing Ivy up and down “you know half the school has ridden that ride”| scoffed.“Enough he barked finally breaking his silence.“Good, seeing that you’re awake now, do you mind telling me what the fuck is going on?“You wanna know so badly fine, I’ll tell you” he barked broadening his shoulders and towering over me.“Yes, I did love you, once, but let’s face the facts, it’s true, you’re an Omega, which means you’re weak, how will I look as an alpha with a weak Om
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The Gaylord's
“Stop! You should be ashamed of yourself Larry” a voice comes thundering through the room with so much authority, it was Gary, Larry’s father spokesman, I have never seen him so close, he’s known for his mean character and a lot of killings through the city have been done by his command, I wonder what he had on mind with all this that he is bringing out, trying to act good in front of everyone yet he was a monster behind the curtains.“Your father won’t be happy at all when he comes to hear of this Larry, the marking has to be respected and all the procedures should go on as expected without any blood spilling” his voice sounds creepy but he says all his words carefully as he approached me, my heart pounded so hard as I heard his footsteps approaching me, my head still on the ground.“But I ..”“Shut up Larry and let me help you clean your mess” he shouted at him when he tries to speak and he freezes but he couldn’t allow him to humiliate him at all.“I had it all in control Gary” he
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Old Guy
Larry POV I turned around and looked at all the books that were arranged on the shelves in his office, im not much of a reader but really hoped I could get some time to ho through them, at least to know what was so special about them. “Each second I’m becoming weak and weaker Larry, I don’t know what tomorrow holds, and my arm look at it” he says to me and shows me his left arm, the infection was getting deeper and deeper, it looked like he had been bitten by something worse than a vampire but he couldn’t tell me what it was. “Oooh dear, that’s so scary, it’s getting worse father, perhaps you should talk with that scientist guy” I couldn’t even look at the arm again but I knew it wasn’t going to get better at all if the condition is not looked into with attention. He covers his hand and walks to his seat at the dark corner of the office and pours a drink for himself. “I need you to be stronger than me Larry” he says and takes a sip from his glass. His words were now becoming suspic
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The Warehouse Weirdo
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Jennifer POV "You'll have to ditch that, we have to ride together" i say to him even though he has been so in love with his bike since i knew him. "No, you'll have to ditch that!" He quickly responds pointing at the car, he had a point but i thought it could be safer to travel in a car than a bike, that way we would be less visible by Gaylord's spies around the city. "Come on Tyler, you can at least hide it, somewhere around here, you can come and pick it anytime after everything you know, please" i begged him and without even noticing it, my words seemed to be working like a charm, i expected him to fight for it but he slowly get off the bike. "It's okay, let's get going then" "Oooh dear, you're going to leave it here!!" It shocked me so much, he just nodded, i approached him and held his shoulder without saying a word. We got in the car and drove away, we did not speak a word until i decided to break the silence since it was getting so weird "So how did you find me, how did yo
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Unexpected Visitation
Jennifer POV I sit on the waiting bay and a nurse quickly rushes to the theatre, without wasting any second, I follow and stay at the door to hear whatever she had to say to the doctor. “They are here” I could here her whisper to the doctor, she starts walking back and I move away from the door but she almost catches me. “Oouh, sorry about that, I was just about to het in” I say to her standing on her way. “What was that all about?” I ask her. “What was what? I’m sorry I have to get going” she says and tries to get passed me and I couldn’t just let her go but the doctor suddenly comes out to her rescue. “How is he doctor?” I quickly switch my attention from her to Dr Lincoln. “He’ll be okay, he needs to rest for now, excuse me, I have another patient waiting” he says and quickly walks away, I let him go but I was still curious about everything, I slowly get in the theatre and see tyler lying unconscious. I slowly approach the bed holding my breath, I slowly take his hand hoping
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