Moon Night

Moon Night

By:  LoveInMist  Ongoing
Language: English
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Irana's trusted in a world of pain, blood and love after being attacked by the wolves. Her life is ruined and she is now battling with being a wolf.

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please finish book. it's really good so far. I don't know why you stopped. if your not going to finish it, please take it down. I'm tired of of reading books that never get completed. thank you
2022-04-27 09:36:58
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Nancy Emerson Knight
Is there going to be more to this story.
2021-10-10 10:05:54
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Nancy Emerson Knight
Loved it so far.
2021-10-08 08:54:14
34 Chapters
Chapter 1
I looked up at the sky, seeing the white speaks of snow swirling and drifting in a freezing breeze. A bitter cold flack of snow landed on my nose. I barely notice as it melts and a small drop runs down my cheek. The dark grey clouds grumble and a flare of lightning flashes across the sky, making the clouds brighter and more pleasant then the dark glum darkness. I blink and see the wolves face, it's icy eyes penetrating as it watched me. I open my eyes again. Trees stood over me, the tops swaying in the bitter cold. My eyes flutter closed. In the darkness, behind my eyelids, I see the Wolf crouching low amongst the close to dead bushes. Its ears laid back, its tail horizontal to the ground and it's backside raised slightly, the fur bristled. I reopen my eyes and take a shaky breath, the icy air burning my throat and lungs. I glance beside me, checking so slightly as to where the Wolves had disappeared. They was nowhere in sight, none of the pack. I was alone. I look back up to the
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Chapter 2
I screamed into the silence of the forest, clawing at the ground and one of my feet kicking against a tree's root. Frozen snow was mattered in my hair, my limbs covered in cold slush, old blood and dirt. I didn't know what was happening. Were the wolves back? Had they decided that letting me bleed to death was too much? Were they back to finish me off, to tear the skin from my bones? But I forced my eyes open and only saw snow and dirt, my arm covered in dry blood on my arm. My back arches as pain runs over my spine. I hear a sickening crack felt something move along my skin. I cry out in agony, my fingers burying into the hard dirt and my cheek grazing against something hard and cold. I cringe against the pain, clawing at my skin, at the icy snow. I'm sure I was covered in slush, the ice melting against me, but I didn't feel its icy fingers prickling me. I felt the pain which wrapped around my, trying to climb out of me. After what felt like hours of pain, sickening cracks and ice s
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Chapter 3
Someone sighs loudly in annoyance. "I know what I said. But this is too soon, too close. What will the police think? She lives close to the woods!" a guy hisses, anger lacing his words. "I couldn't help it! It just—happened!" someone else exclaims. This one sounding younger, but just as frustrated. Again there's a sigh, this one saying 'what am I going to do with you?' I open my eyes and look around the room. The room had red walls, or maybe they were really, really hot pink, I didn't know. The dark crimson curtains were pulled closed, a faint glow coming from the crake between them. A small dresser at across from the bed I was laying on. The door was closed, a thin crack of light seeping under the door. I sit up, clutching the blankets to my chest. I was wearing a plain black shirt which was too big for me and no pants. I was relived to find my underwear still on. I must have looked like a hot mess when they'd found me. I shivered, imagining finding my body torn up, my stomach ri
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Chapter 4
"What's your name?" Ash asks turning his attention towards me. His voice was sexy and deep, his dark hair casting dark shadows over his face. The way he stood made him look dark and tall. He seemed to take up too much space and I was scared if he punched Bray he's break the guys jaw. He seemed to be 60% sexy, and 40% menacing. "Irana," I state watching him walk towards me. He had thick dark brown hair and grey eyes, the kind that seemed to look through you. His skin was sun kissed and suddenly made me feel pale as paper, and his eyes seemed to entrance me in the way that made me forget what was happening, which would explain why the next thing I know he's standing over me, a tall, menacing tower that seemed to take all the air from my lungs. "Well come on," he says frowning at me slightly. "What? Sorry, I blanked out." I confess sheepishly. Ash cocks his head so slightly I'm wasn't even sure he'd moved until he straitens his head. "Outside," before I can say anything he walks towa
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Chapter 5
"You mean there are more than Carson, Ash, Bray, Sky and you?" I splutter. Christian nods lazily. "Yeah these still Ember, Vic, Ally and Tori," he says still flicking across the channels. I hear a door open and a draft of cold air reaches into the lounge room a second after the laugher and voices. Three girls clutter into the hallway, all semi-naked. I look away. Why was everyone naked all the time?! Even if you're wearing a bra and underwear doesn't mean you can just walk around like it! "Oh, and there's Mikki," Christian says totally unfazed by the nakedness of all three women. "What about me?" Someone asks. I didn't know which, but I wasn't going to cheek. I didn't need to see them naked. Gross. "Just telling Irana about the pack," Christian says glancing towards them. Either, this was a daily occurrence, or he was gay because he didn't seem interest in their bodies at all. "Oh..." Miki didn't sound too happy, instead she seemed a little put out and frosty. "Where's Ember a
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Chapter 6
"Come on Irana, you can do it!" Tori shout's suddenly. Her and Ally were so close they were like sisters. "Go Miki!" Ally calls without missing a beat and throws her fist into the air. I glance at Mikki. She had golden blond hair and dark brown eyes. She didn't seem to like me that much. But I wasn't sure if that was because she didn't like my personality or if she didn't like that there was a new wolf. Mikki had been changed only two weeks before me, about three weeks ago and she was still trying to learn how to change. All of her changes happened at random, just like mine did. So now, we were standing in snow past our ankles, half naked and shivering. We were told you're more likely to shift when you're cold, so that's why we're shivering our butts off. Mikki took a deep breath and closed her eyes. I felt the air around her shift and my skin prickled. Everyone turned to Mikki. Even I turn to Mikki to see if she'll get it. So far the best we'd done is made our selves feel sick. "I
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Chapter 7
I closed my eyes briefly, wondering how long it had been since we'd started this fight. It had to be over half an hour ago. Ash still had me pinned in the snow, and I still refused to give up. Everyone had wondered away a while ago. Bray was the only one left, telling me to just submit already also that if we were real wolves I would be dead by now. I pull in another sharp breath and open my eyes. Ash was looking towards the forest. I knew he'd rather be doing something else than wait for me to submit. But that wasn't my problem now was it. Nope, not at all. My problem as that Ash was nearly crushing me under him. All his weight was leaned onto me, pressing me into the snow so I couldn't move, pressing into my neck so I could hardly breathe. My fur was the only thing keeping me warm, oh, and whatever little body hear Ash's body radiated onto me. I wanted to scratch so badly! And not because of flees. I didn't have any....well; none that I was aware of. The snow had started to melt
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Chapter 8
I sat up strait, my breath catching and my nerves oversensitive. The sound came again, a head slitting howl that made my skin prickle and my breath to catch."Christian! Ember!" Bray shouted, doors slamming. "Ash, get your fucking asses up! Sky, move!" Bray barked and I heard people running around urgently, a thump on the wall, curses and people running scuttling around the halls and rooms.Another howl ripped through the night, making me flinch and throw myself out of bed. I didn't even see the clock as I stumble to the door. The hallway light was on, harsh and bright against my eyes. Bray stood in the hallway, only wearing a pair of sweats. I noticed he too had scars criss-crossing his chest and wondered if it was from him and Ash fighting like Ash and I had last night.Carson tumbled out of the room behind Bray as Sky entered the hallway and tears down the hallway before throwing himself down the stairs. "Irana..." Carson says surprised and stops, looking jittery. "It's nothing to w
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Chapter 9
I grunt at them and push my face into the pillow. It was too early! It was still night! I draw a deep breath, my ribs pressing into the mattress since I was on my stomach. I let out a small half huff, half groan and pull the pillow closer to my face. Another finger is jabbed into my side, harder. I grunt again and fling my arm lazily at them. "Wake up," Ash mutters jabbing my side. "I'm already away," I mumble into the pillow, remembering what had only happened last night. It already felt like a year ago however. Remembering I'd submitted to Ash made me angry. Why hadn't I pushed through? Why did I have to back down. "Get up," Ash says collapsing onto the bed. The bed dips under his weight, making me half roll into him. I make an unimpressed sound, still cuddling my pillow. My hip pressed into Ash's through the blanket. "Get up!" Ash complains jabbing at my ribs. I grumble some nonsense at him before shifting so my head was stuffed under the pillow. "Go away, the suns not up, so n
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Chapter 10
I leap a fallen log and keep running, feeling body's pressing into my sides. It felt too crowded, too suffocating. I knew this wasn't the whole pack but it felt like too many, too many body's, too much heat, too much fur. I could hear them panting, their barks, whins, yaps, their feet touching the ground, leaves crunching, sticks snapping. Uncomfortable heat pressed into my sides, too many scents made my head spin and the sunlight which pierced though the tress hurt my eyes. Mikki's shoulder rubbed against my ribs and I shy away, wanting to turn and snarl at her but feared I would trip. My shoulder brushes against Vic's, my tail flicks someone's chest and I'm nearly running into Sky's butt. Someone's paw brushes my back ankle and finally pushed over the edge, I turn to snap at them, fur rising. Christian recoils and skids to a halt in front of Ash who collides with him. The pack comes to startled standstill, bodies pressing into each other. Christian drops his head, ears back and sni
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