Mistaken Identity

Mistaken Identity

By:  Cathystar  Completed
Language: English
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Falling for him was her greatest mistake. That was what Gemila realized when she watched again the video of her father and twin sister's brutal death. He had caused their deaths. Her father and twin sister didn't deserve to die like that. Harry Robinson is a well known drug dealer and leader of the most notorious mafia gang known as the SCORPIONS. He wasn't aware of Gemila being a twin and so to him, she's already dead. Little did he know his men had killed the wrong Prescott. She should never have fallen for a mafia boss as dangerous as he was and now? It was time for her to get revenge on him. She was ready to make him pay for the pains she felt but along the way, will buried feelings wake up and jostle their way into her heart, into the way of her revenge?

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Maria Ajuruchi
Gosh I love and hate the ending at the same time. I mean it's a great story and Gemila really went through a lot so I guess it's best not of it ever happened but then what about baby Lucas? I really wanted the little one to be real at least ... but nevertheless, you've done so well Author...
2022-11-08 07:19:54
115 Chapters
New Identity
LITTLE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC- NEW YORKGemila kept running through the woods like she was searching for something or someone. She's hasn't slept well in days as the memories of the videos kept replaying in her head over and over again. Seeing her sister get raped like that and her family killed left a deep hole in her heart and all because of her recklessness. “Gemila slow down already!" She could hear Yasmine shout her name from far behind but that didn't slow her down a bit. She kept running until she could no longer breathe and had to stop, falling down on the dried up leafs. It took a couple of minutes before she could breathe properly again and for Yasmine to catch up to her. “C'mon Gemila, you can't keep doing this to yourself, I know you're hurting, we all are. Gemita was a good friend of mine and your father's company really had a great influence on this city. No one knew they would die this way.."“And yet it's all my fault." She cuts in, lying flat on the ground. “It's been t
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Working with the devil
2 years later...GLOBAL WORLD LTD“Mr Robinson I beg you just give me a second chance and I promise not to make the same mistake."“Why are you still here, go in and clean up your office." Harry said sternly before walking away. Sam, his newest PA who unfortunately just got fired slowly walked into her office to clear her things.On her way she bumped into Charles who's like a brother to Harry. Charles sighed upon seeing Sam with a box as he knew what happened.I'm sorry Sam, would you be alright?" He asked politely.“I'm more sorry for the next person taking this position of mine. Whoever they may be, they would need your apologies more." Sam said sadly before leaving the building.Well that's Harry now, an uptight owner of a 5 star electronic company, Global world. He might have left the gang and forgotten about Gemila, but now he's even worse in character. “You know if you keep up with this attitude, you might not have employees by months end." Charles stated upon entering Harry's
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New PA
MIDTOWN MANHATTAN“There's still time to change this plan Yasmine. We could just turn back right now." Gemila said as she stared at the companies building. “C'mon it's just an interview, you've got this. I'll be right here when you get out." Yasmine said with a reassuring smile.“Oh you're here, it's nice to see you again miss Chloe." Charles said as he walked up to them from behind.“I'm here for the interview, hope I'm not too early?" “Oh you're right on time and there is no interview. I believe you're a capable lady so follow me." He said slowly placing a hand on her mid back to lead her into the building.“Guess I'm not needed after all." Yasmine muttered before walking away from the building.“You seem to be the closet to Harry....brothers?" Gemila asked, trying to get a little information on this Charles guy.“Something of that sort. We are good friends and partners as well."“Oh," is all Gemila could say. She was more focused on the pairs of unfamiliar eyes staring questionab
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Just the first day
Gemila held the cup of hot coffee with a frown on her face.‘Who does he think he is anyways? That I'm working for him gives him no right to boss me around this way or maybe it does.' she thought as she pressed the elevator button waiting for it to open.A young man approaches her the moment the doors open and they both get in. Gemila focus her attention on the coffee as she isn't in the mood for any conversation.“You're the new PA right?" He asked Gemila after some seconds of silence. Gemila took a quick glance at him before nodding. “I'm Steve by the way." He said with a smile.Gemila on the other hand was no where in the mood for a conversation and so just smiled back.“I know you're new and all that so I feel like I should give you some info about our boss, so you don't make the same mistake as the rest of us." Even though she isn't in the mood for a conversation, she needed to know what else aside Harry's attitude had changed. She would be more disappointed if he remained the s
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Justice is served
MIDTOWN MANHATTAN ( Harry's Mansion)“What are you doing here Nicole? I thought I made it clear to you the last time that we are done." Harry said with a deadpan expression.“Harry you really don't expect me to leave on that word now do you? I love you and I know I made a mistake but please just give me one more chance to make things right." Nicole begged but that didn't even change the deadpan expression on Harry's face. He walked to the bar joint, grabbing a bottle of champagne with two glasses.He poured the champagne into the two glasses, handing one to Nicole.“I told you I don't do love Nicole, we were having fun until you said those abominable words to me but that doesn't mean we shouldn't enjoy this evening." He said, raising his glass to her before taking a sip.“So what I'm just a play thing to you? We've been together for a year and three months now Harry, don't you feel anything for me?"“I don't feel anything aside my desire to enjoy this evening without having to put up w
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Heartbroken and ruined
“Well well well, to what do I owe this break-in Chloe Richardz?" Harry asked tightening his grip on her hand.Gemila almost fainted as she thought she is done for it but somehow she got her confidence back. ‘He doesn't know what I'm here for anyways so why act like I did something wrong? Just cook up a lie and get the hell out of here.' she thought before standing straight to show she's not afraid.“I would appreciate if you let me go as I am not a criminal, you're bruising my arm." She said confidently. If there's anything she remembers from the Harry before, it's that he loves when his victims are afraid. He uses that fear to taunt them and get what he wants.Harry studied her body language for a while before releasing her hand. He quickly walked to the chair, making himself comfortable.“I really don't care about what you were doing here Chloe but I'm warning you, if you're here to try and sabotage my business in any way, I will make you regret being born. Now clean up this mess
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A date
“Why where are we going?" “To fix you of course."Gemila didn't need to think twice of the type of fixing Yasmine had in-store for her but she wasn't up for that. Even though she dated a lot of men before now, she's never gotten intimate with any of them. Yes they would make out and get wasted but they never actually went down that lane and this is something only she knows about. To other, they would think she's an expert on it, fully experienced and all that but that never bothered her. At least it gave her a name in this crazy social world but it never really defined her true personality.She has never actually been in love with anyone for real and so no matter how much wild she gets, she never lets anyone go down that lane because she believes it should be done when one is truly in love. But that doesn't mean she's a virgin, she's actually done it but just once and with the same man she's working so hard to take down. Somehow, she had given in to Harry and that shocked her. She pr
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Gemila finally succeed in getting Harry to the couch. She looked disheveled after all that as Harry is indeed a heavy man. “Gosh, what do I do now? How did he even find my address?" she asked herself as she search his pocket for his phone. She finds it in his jacket and turns it on but sees it has a password set “Of course he would put a password. Why wouldn't he since he has alot to hide." She tries different codes but non matches it. She sighs in frustration and tries her name and surprisingly, it opens.“Why would he use my name for a password?" She goes through his mails but only finds official emails, nothing about her address. She checks his voice notes but doesn't hear any conversation that holds her answers.“This is pointless. Yasmine I could really use your help."*****“What are you talking about?" Yasmine asks Charles as she didn't understand what he meant by he's been expecting her. “You really thought I wouldn't recognize the voice? I've heard you speak before miss, w
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Sexual desires
Gemila woke up to her alarm ringing. Thankfully it's Saturday so she didn't need to go to work. She stretched herself before getting down from the bed.She enters the bathroom, brush her teeth and have her bathe, her normal morning routine before anything else.She plays her favorite music freak the freak out while making herself coffee. She makes for two as she assumes Yasmine came in late last night. Knowing Yasmine, she would either go to a bar, club house, stripper house or any other unholy place. “Yasmine?" She calls as she knocks on the door. “Yasmine open up it's me, I made you coffee, extra cream as you like it." She says but no one responds.“Yasmine? you there?" She calls one more time and yet no response. She places the coffee on the floor and opens the door to find it empty. “Yasmine?" She calls again, walking into the room. The bed looks clean and arranged like no one slept on It. “That's strange. Yasmine always comes back after her crazy night out. Did she by chance
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Why are you being so stubborn
Yasmine turned to her side to find him fast asleep. She couldn't believe she actually had s*x with someone she barely knows. Yh he is a friend of Harry but that doesn't mean it's right for them to just bang each other. What will she tell Gemila? She slowly got out of the bed to avoid waking him. She could still remember the feeling of last night madness. It was really epic and even though she hated the fact that they did it, she was a bit grateful she did it with him rather than that looser who drugged her. It would be more shameful if she had woken up beside that jerk.She picked up her undies and slowly put them on. She also put on her clothes as well. She stopped by the door to look at him and he was still sleeping peacefully.“You must have enjoyed yourself last night to be sleeping so peacefully. Too bad this was all a mistake." she said before leaving the room.Charles opened his eyes immediately. He's been awake for a while now but didn't want to be the first to leave. He real
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