MOONLIGHT SERENADE - The Dance Of The Goddess

MOONLIGHT SERENADE - The Dance Of The Goddess

By:  Queenes  Ongoing
Language: English
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Aithne Carida Luwen, the only heir and daughter of her beloved Alpha father, lost her chance at becoming the next Alpha of Mooncrest pack. Having lost her mate and her ability to shift all because of a lie, an unforgivable lie told by her stepmother and now crippled, heartbroken and in mourning, Aithne left the pack with her bossom friend and maid, vowing to return one day and make her stepmother and stepbrother pay for all the pains they've caused her. However there's a twist of fate on the night she arrived at Elgarion, a renowned city ruled by King Cyne Ezalyr Elgarion - the Alpha King of Crystal-moon Dynasty. On that very night when the sound of the moonlight serenade was heard by the few gifted, and a dance of the goddess was performed, Aithne's whole life turned around. She was awakened to a new realm of foreign powers and abilities, with a force that pulls the attention of the Alpha King and made him begin his search for her. However, would the heart of the young, heartbroken Carida, be willing to give a listening ear to the Alpha King's deal? Alpha King Cyne has declared his intentions to make her, an outsider of Elgarion, his bride. Surely, his decision was bound to meet a lot of resistance from many but mostly, from none other than the vengeful dark sorceress of Elgarion.

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16 Chapters
Her legs wrapped around his waist as his lips set all parts of her on fire. "Oh, Odin," she gasped, her breathing hitched as he planted soft teasing kisses on his mark along her neck, her moans filling up the dark room. Her mate gazed deep into her eyes and she could see his longing in his mesmerizing green eyes. And Aithne nodded her approval, a dazzling smile gracing her beautiful face. It wasn't the first time they were doing it and it's been a while since he marked her. Besides, they'd be officially performing the nuptials in the next full moon _ which was about a month from now... Just as Odin claimed her lips again, a loud unappreciated knock was made on the door of her room. Both groaned in disapproval, not willing to let go of their moment and answer the intruder. However, the knock came again, this time even louder. "My lady, the Alpha summons you." A soft feminine voice announced. And reluctantly, Aithne pulled away from Odin and straightened her dress. "It must be
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1. The Intruders
AITHNE'S POV The sky was a blanket of darkness when I set out for Alsernia, the forest of doom, as it's renowned. I was accompanied by my mate _ Odin, as well as five of the pack's strongest warriors I had selected, as my father had allowed. And as Majesty led us through the highs and lows of the pathway to Alsernia, I was reclined in her subconscious, reflecting on my passionate but brief lovemaking with Odin before we had left Mooncrest pack's territory. Majesty purred in agreement of my reverie, as she tilted her head longingly towards the big wolf moving in similar pace beside us. Odin's wolf was huge, grey and strong. His strides were confident and almost graceful. Although he was bigger than the regular warrior wolves, my wolf _ Majesty, was still slightly bigger and stronger than him. My Alpha title explains the difference in our abilities better. This fact was never a problem for us because it's no news how fiercely and passionately I love and respect him. I love him wi
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2. Learning the truth
AITHNE'S POV Although I was enraged by Dyson's disrespect, I managed to stay cool because I need to hear it all. I need to know what he's up to, what this is about, so I'd know why he even bothered to ambush us. Dyson of course, noticed the change in the atmosphere but he still continued. "You see, all this is Varda's plan." My blood went still the instant I heard those words. I didn't realize Varda hated me this much. "But my darling Aithne, I'm glad to help her as well. It's no news how much I hate Alpha Demak and unfortunately, you had to be his heir. Therefore you're an obstacle to me, and of course, I must get rid of you." He paused dramatically, looking lost in his own thoughts. "When Varda came to me for help with a generous amount of silver, I was excited and instantly ready to do her bidding. Not just because of the money, not because I hate you _of course you're insufferable and your existence greatly annoys and makes me feel incapable_ but it's solely because I
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3. Broken
AITHNE'S POV Against our better judgement, one of the rogue wolves had dared to attack Majesty on seeing she was set to attack their injured leader again. His canine sank deeply into her hind feet, tearing against flesh and probably dislocating a bone and causing us to experience a sudden, excruciating pain. Majesty howled into the dark night, totally shocked and enraged by the sudden unpredicted attack. Odin's wolf heard her howl and through our mate bond, he felt the pang of pains that came with our injury. Majesty turned around to the brown wolf who had attacked us, red blood trailing her left hind and giving her snowy fur a bloody look. But before she could get us vengeance, a huge grey wolf appeared like a flash and sank his canines into the mane of the brown wolf, tearing flesh, twisting bones, drawing out blood and rendering him immobile within seconds. Odin's gaze met mine through the eyes of our wolves, and I could feel his worries and fears (because of our injury)
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4. She lost so much
AITHNE'S POV "Make way! Hey you, quickly call Jeyre here. Tell her to come over the med house immediately. The lady needs her. Also, send word to the Alpha of the current situation." Someone yelled frantically and pantingly, giving out orders while moving in hurried strides as though he was in a rush. Wait, where am I? The last I remembered, I was holding Odin's body to myself before I had slipped into an unconscious state due to the overwhelming pains on my thighs and legs. Dyson's and his surbodinate's clawing on Majesty had certainly reflected greatly on my human body the moment I had transitioned. And the impact of it was a terribly bothersome sight to the eyes... I was hurted and I was bleeding profusely from the injuries I sustained during the fight. I couldn't contain the horrifying pain that came with Odin's death, and neither was my body able to withstand the pain from my wounds any longer, resulting in my fainting... For how long I was in that state, I couldn't tell.
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5. Varda's nonchalance
AITHNE'S POV "..." I opened my mouth to talk but words failed me. "Y-y-y-ou..." A miserable stutter was all I could get out.*Don't let her get to you!**She's the one who's supposed to be cowering with shame and fear right now! And she would, once she's exposed.* I shut my eyes briefly and took in a sharp breath. Majesty has been forced to motion within me because of Varda's words. I won't let her do this to me -- to us. How dare her conclude on my matter like that, without an examination or treatment by a physician yet? She must be really insane to think of such a thing. Wouldn't the moon goddess be so cruel if that was really my situation? "You don't get to say that to me." I finally said, looking her directly in the eyes. "You have no right to conclude about my abilities when I haven't even been examined by the physicians!" I yelled. "Oh," Varda's lower lip pursed outwards in an attempt at a pout. "Oh, my dear." She paused, "I'm sorry I must have hurt you wi
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6. The physician's declaration
AITHNE'S POV "What?!" Father uttered, his blue eyes wide open as he stared at the physician in disbelief. "Reynold, what did you just say?" He thundered. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I listened to physician Reynold repeat the same words he had told me only moments ago, to my father. "I'm sorry, My Alpha." Reynold bowed. "The lady has lost her chance to walk again because of the multiple damages in either of her calf bones. It would have been corrected if she had been rescued earlier. Now it's impossible to treat as it's too late for a surgery correction. Also, if she tries to shift in the future, it would cause her death." He carefully repeated, his head still bowed. I watched Father turned to look at me and I saw the faintest hint of tears gathering in his usually sparkly blue eyes. We were in the private room in the clinic and Jeyre -- my personal maid and closest companion was with me. I was seated on a wheelchair --damn, how I hate that fact-- and her hands were ge
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7. In the depths of her subconscious
AITHNE'S POV A teary smile reflected on my face as I trailed a sentence in the novel I was holding with a finger, my eyes taking in every word in it. The novel was one of the series in Odin's favorite collection. I was in the library -- my comfort haven in recent times -- in my father's castle, away from the gossipy eyes and hushed whispers of the servants and pack members as well. For about a month, this had been my routine every morning. I was existing but not living. I had nothing left, nothing at all... Varda took everything from me. Including the last hope I had left. She took away my dreams, my future and my happiness. She didn't spare me even the bliss of being an only child. She didn't let me be my father's daughter anymore. Somehow, she had succeeded in ruining my life, no doubt. But it was all so maddeningly humiliating because there was nothing I could do to stop her... nothing at all. I sighed, wiping tears from my eyes and closing the book the moment I
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8. To leave Mooncrest?
AITHNE'S POV I had decided to use myself as an evidence to my father in hopes that he would believe me but he had suddenly became too busy to see me, after I was discharged from the clinic and now at home, here in the castle he lived. Yet, I wasn't able to see my father. I was now living a depressed lifestyle, subjecting to my room and personal library only. Initially, I had taken several trips to town but the false story of my brave rescue of Morwen filled the air and the losses I had suffered as a result of my 'supposed' bravery, only earned me the sympathetic looks of the werewolves' society. I was fed up with Varda's and Morwen's false display of loyalty and care towards the entire members of Mooncrest Pack. I was irritated that I had become the gossip of society. And many were already saying I couldn't be the leader of the pack in future because of my permanent disability. Varda had been right when she told me that I would only end up ridiculing my father if I
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9. No longer 'home'
AITHNE'S POV I was silent for a little longer than necessary, as I pondered on Majesty's words. It's obvious she's had enough of this environment as well. Mooncrest has become an unfamiliar place for us since the death of our mate. *Are you sure?* I finally said. *There's.. nothing.. here.. for.. us.. anymore.. I.. want.. to.. leave..* *But what about father?* I reminded. *We'd.. come.. back.. certainly. But.. only.. after.. a.. long.. time.. so.. we.. can.. heal. Mooncrest.. doesn't.. feel.. like.. home.. anymore. It's.. now.. toxic.. and.. not.. good.. for.. you.. for.. us.* *Majesty, are you sure?* I repeated. *I.. am.. certain.. But.. I.. don't.. think.. you.. are.* She's right. I'm not as sure or convinced about this as she is. I sighed, outwardly. *I would think about it.* I finally said. *Father.. would.. be.. fine. I'm.. sure.. Untill.. we.. return.. at.. least.. he.. should.. be.. fine.* She reassured. Jeyre leaned off me and grinned. "You were
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