


Normally I'd plan my next day the night before. And when I saw Alexander's impromptu arrival, I instantly believed that the next day would be as blissful as paradise. Even though I know that he doesn't look at me or regard me in a way that I would want, I still longed for his presence.

And now the news they bore to me this morning was beyond devastating. Not only did it turn out that I was adopted, it also turned out that Alexander's supposed wife was their real child. The signs were there, I didn't take any of it into consideration. I didn't take the slightest resemblance from any of them.

I should be angry with Alexander for knowing about it yet not saying anything. But then one could not really fault him. Mum and dad would have instructed him not to say a word about it.

I found my attachment and my obsession toward him growing deeper and deeper. 2 of those kids who sat at the dining table looked so much like him.

As I kept tossing and turning in bed, I heard noise downstai

Who else thinks Bree is annoying 😂?

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