Love or Revenge

Love or Revenge

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Betrayed by the one person she trusted the most, Keerah vowed to take revenge but would she still go on with her plans if she finds her self entangled with the love of her life who she can't keep if she were to choose revenge. what would it be, love? or revenge?

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114 Chapters
Water falls
I woke up to the sound of running water, but it doesn't sound like it's coming from a tap though, and I wanted to shout at someone to just turn the damn thing off, but I said nothing as I felt even if I did. The sound is probably too loud for the person to hear me unless they are standing right beside me. So when I opened my eyes, I tried to figure out where the sound was coming from, so I would turn it off myself, but then something weird caught my attention...I was on the ground..."Wait, a minute...Why am I on the ground?" I asked out loud, completely alarmed by this... I was not just on the ground, I was lying flat on my stomach on the bare ground, a grass...I groaned, as I tried to get into a sitting position, while also holding my head with my hands, as I felt as though it's going to fall off if I don't.I'm having this splitting headache that I know I've never experienced before, or at least I assumed so...I'm on the ground in a very unusual position and I don't seem to have
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A cave, maybe a lions cave
What caught my attention beyond the waterfall was what seems to be a cave, with the waterfall acting as a thick veil covering it from view.Only a careful glance could reveal it to the eyes...I looked at it and suddenly felt a bit hopeful that I would find something good inside of it. so I tried to find ways to get into the cave, without getting completely drenched by the waterfall...As per survival instincts, I have to look for shelter first, other things could follow, I thought as I looked from side to side to see if I could find a way around the falls. I kept looking around until my mind took note of what seems like a footpath in between the field of lilies.How I never took note of that is a question left for another day, I thought to myself before deciding to walk towards the footpath..."Well, it's not my fault though, I mean not everyone notices something at first Glance, plus considering the situation am currently in..." I interjected loudly as I tried trailing the footpath
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A cave man
Aaahhhh....! I screeched, my voice echoing loudly in the empty cave.Okay, so I'm sure you're probably wondering what happened right?Well, I opened my eyes slowly and only for me to see someone in a Grey hood and blue jeans trousers, starting back at me like am some kind of alien.Well, that's not what made me shout though...It was after staring at each other for what seemed to be longer than a minute, that I realized the fact that I was naked under the water, and my clothes lay in a pile at his feet.Hearing me shout, he must have been confused at first, because he only stared at me like I just grew one more head, but then he realized my clothes were at his feet and that I was probably naked under that water and then he turned his back to me...Well, at least he's a gentleman. I thought to my self while watching him cautiously, I came out of the water, and quickly grabbed my dirty clothes before yanking them back on...You can turn now I endorsed, causing him to turn abruptly and k
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Eaten alive
I stood there frozen in the same spot as my limbs seemed to have stopped working. I could not get them to move even an inch.I couldn't even turn around to see what's going to eat me until I heard an all too familiar voice saying"Come back to the cave."A wave of relief washed over me. Thank God it wasn't a wolf or a lion, I thought in my head.After saying that, he turned back and headed towards the cave.Walking back seemed longer than when I was leaving, am not complaining, though at least now I know will not get eaten alive or I could by the cavemanYeah right, keerah, the voice in my head said.And that made me rolled my eyes at my own ridiculous thoughts.He's going to eat you and he let you leave in the first place, my head offers back.He was walking ahead , while I walked at a safe distance behind him.I wanted to say something, or at least ask few questions, but I didn't want to blow up my last chance at a shelter.So, I decided against it and remained quiet...We arrived a
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you look like you've been hit by a dragon
As I sat there, like a rain beaten lost puppy, so many thoughts ran through my head...What would I do now?How do I survive? I don't even remember anything or anyone so I don't know if there's anything to go back to...Is there anyone looking for me? Does anyone even know am missing?Would I ever remember?Would this be my life now or would I be saved?All this question without answers prompts my tears to start falling again..."Here, take this" I heard Eric say, I raised my eyes to see him handing me his handkerchief...I just stared at it without saying a word..."It's for your face"I reached for the handkerchief, collected it, and blow my nose into it.Eric made a disgusted face, then turned to leave."Thank you," I saidAs if that was all he needed to hear he came back and stood awkwardly....."Are you okay? You looked terrified in your sleep, that's why I woke you up, maybe I shouldn't have" he said slowly...I looked at him not saying anything."Am sorry" he said and left the
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We kept walking non-stop for what felt like ages, with me asking for the millionth time where we were going and Eric ignoring me.Are we there yet? I asked again earning myself a glare from Eric"We get there when we get there so please just stop asking already and follow quietly for once" Eric said visibly frustrated with my constant prodding.We walked for a while more in eery silence none of us saying anything to the other.When I opened my mouth to say something again Eric just glared at me with a grim expression on his face before I could even get the words out...I humphed and walked ahead while muttering to myself how he wouldn't even let me talk.I walked faster for a while before realizing I don't even know where am going...I stopped abruptly causing Eric to crash into me, knocking me off my feet..."Oohhh,"I shriekedd closing my eyes and awaiting my body to make an impact with the ground but it never did.It's like I was hanging in the air or rather someone was holding me,
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tangled mess
After Eric disappeared, I went to the spot where I took my bath and tried to wash the tangled mess on my head, but that merely turned out to be a complete disaster..."I don't think I've ever done this myself before," I said out loud..."I mean if I had, even if my memory was lost my body should at least be able to do what it does before right?" I asked no one in particular as I continued to struggle with my poor hair...I think there's a saying that goes...that body has memories or am I only mixing things up as I've lost part of my memories I thought to myself helplessly, and I continued to battle with my hair.I was still battling with my hair when I heard footsteps, I knew it was Eric even though I didn't look up.After a few struggles and unsatisfied messy hair later, I decided I had done enough for today. At least all I had to do now was rinse off the shampoo from my tangled hair...The question is how do I do that without getting my clothes wet.My eyes are closed, but I assumed
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favourite place
We sat silently, watching the blaze of the fire as it grows up to meet the stick on top of it, Eric had started the fire a while ago with the woods we had picked up...Eric watched the fire silently as it began to die down, before getting up to bring something he had kept wrapped up in a foil paper.I watched with undivided interest as Eric unwraps the thing from inside the foil and it appears to be some leftover meat he had kept aside for dinner. Eric then fixed the meat over the fire for warming. He must have gone hunting before I got here, I thought to myself. I looked at the meat, and It looked like some kind of big bird or something it had been cut already so I couldn't fully tell what kind of animal it was..."How long have you been here for Eric?" I asked breaking the ice like silence.Eric was silent for a while, and I was beginning to think he wasn't going to answer, but then he did."I've not been here long enough to have gone crazy or long enough to want to go back home." E
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Destiny or sick games
Eric's POVI woke up early, not because I was unable to sleep but because I was an early morning person.I looked to the other side and keera was lying down on the bed still asleep, she slept peacefully like an angel.I guess she wasn't having a bad dream like yesterday. She looked so cute pouting while asleep.I stood up from my bed and adjusted the blanket over her body, I then went to the spot where I take my bath and removed my clothes then got into the water. ..My mind unintentionally drifted to the first time I saw her. I had just returned from picking up a few fruits that would last me a few days. Upon entering the cave I heard movement in the water.I was confused at first because I knew fishes could not live in that particular water because of its temperature, so I thought maybe an animal or something had fallen in there, so I dropped the bag of fruits and went to check what was going on.When I reached I saw what I least expected a girl... she was floating on the water with
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lust island?
Keera's POVI sat By the waterfalls silently, the previous event replaying in my head for the umpteenth time more, before I got uncontrollably bored, I later concluded that I could not change what had happened.So I stood up, not wanting to go back to the cave just yet, so I decided to play around for a while, before going back in. Hopefully, Eric's gone from the cave by then, as I don't think I'm ready to face him yet.I went to the field of lilies and picked up one, apologizing to the poor flower for plucking it, I then proceeded to put it in my hair after using my hands to comb through it.My hair was so much better than the tangled mess it was yesterday, as it cascaded down my back in form of messy beachy waves, so I'm sure the flower doesn't look too out of place.I looked up at the sky using my right hand to shield my eyes from the sun, and the sky was a pretty shade of blue and at that moment, I forgot all about my embarrassment and all I felt was pure happiness.My happy state
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