Love And Tales

Love And Tales

By:  Steph UC  Updated just now
Language: English
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Adopted by her father after her mother's death, Elena Woods was taken in by her father's new wife, a woman who made it clear to her that she wasn't wanted. She had a tough time growing up, feeling like she wasn't loved by anyone. At the beginning of adulthood, she was forcefully pushed into a marriage where she wasn't cared about. Her marriage life was miserable and synonymous with pain. How would Elena overcome the challenges thrown at her? Will she find love in her relationship? Discover the answers in this amazing book that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

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This is a really nice book
2024-05-25 16:52:39
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Nmema Victor
amazing book
2024-05-01 16:09:08
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Tammy Tinnon
I need more chapters!!!
2024-04-28 18:52:53
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mba flourish
please we need more chapters ...️...️
2024-04-24 01:51:43
56 Chapters
ELENA’S POV"You thief!" Alana screamed, her voice was harsh. I looked up at her, my face wet with tears, my hands clutching the doll I had taken from her room. I opened my mouth to protest, to tell her that I had no intention to take it, that it was an accident. But the words were caught in my throat, and all I could do was stand there, frozen, as she continued to yell."I knew I couldn't trust you," she spat. "I knew you were nothing but a common thief, a worthless orphan. It's no wonder your mother died, giving birth to a useless thing like you. She couldn't bear the shame of giving birth to a thing like you. ” The words cut deep, like a knife to my heart. My mother's death had always been a painful memory, and now to have it used against me in such a cruel way was too much to bear. I felt my knees go weak and I sank to the ground, my whole body shaking with sobs.Alana's mother watched me, her face twisted in a sneer. "You'll never amount to anything," she said, her voic
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RAYMOND POV I woke up with sweat all over my body as my heart was racing so fast due to a nightmare I had just encountered. This was just one of the many nights where I had to struggle with the thoughts from that very night. All I see whenever I shut my eyes is blood gushing out of her mouth. 24 months have passed and I have constantly lived as a shadow of myself like one without purpose. The events of that night still haunt me, and the memories still linger. This was the price I had to pay for not hiding her words that night. Perhaps if we stayed home that day and had our movie date as Jasmine suggested she would have been with me right now. The heavens should have taken me in place of her rather than keeping me here to torment me with memories from that night. I tried to shake off the lingering effect of Jasmine’s death as I stumbled out of bed and made my way into the shower. I splashed water on my face hoping that the cold water could ease my racing tho
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Elena's POVTears rolled down my cheeks as I sat in front of the mirror, gazing at my own reflection. Despite my unending attempts to wipe them away, they kept flowing like an unstoppable force. I knew perfectly that the tranquilized atmosphere in the house was temporary even at the late hours of the night. I work like an elephant and hardly get 3 square meals a day. I've grown to find out that the man who claimed to be my dad hardly stays at home. He's always going on business trips. My mood was aligned with the heavy cloud and Stormy night. My tears rolled down to the scar on my chin. “Beautiful,” I whispered, my voice barely audible. At 17, this particular scar was given to me when I was accused of snatching Alana's boyfriend at the prom. The memories flickered in my mind. I could feel the pain. “It's all for the best,” I said reassuringly, giving myself false hopes and expecting things to get better. I couldn't help but wonder, why was my entire world built around pa
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Raymond's POV I burst into the room, anger evident in my facial expression. My father, seated on the couch with a cup of whiskey, looked at me, his face pale and free from all emotions. “ You can't do this to me, Dad. You just can't!” I yelled in anger. “ I know you think I am irresponsible, but forcing me into marriage and choosing a bride for me without my consent? That's unfair!” My father's eyes narrowed and he put his drink on the table. “ The last time I checked, I never sought the opinion of an irresponsible child. Never in my life have I reduced myself to debating with irresponsible people. Just do whatever I instruct. Don't ever question or challenge me.” he replied, rolling his eyes. “ You're doing this for your selfish interest! What did you promise the godforsaken bride? A house? At times I wonder if I'm truly your son.” My rage was boiling and threatening to spill. I had to keep it in check. “ Let me burst the bubbles, Raymond. Y
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Your wedding day, they say, is an important event in every young woman's life. But why don't I feel happy? Rather, I feel relieved that I have managed to salvage the reputation of my family name from the claws of the media. As I sat here, surrounded by my guests, I couldn't help but fix my gaze on Alana, my sister, the trophy daughter of Williams Woods. Her makeup is beautifully done, with just the right amount of elegance and subtlety that perfectly complements her natural beauty.One who's not a family or a close family friend might not be able to differentiate us because we could pass for twins. The only difference between us was the mark on the right side of my face, a reminder of the mishandling I suffered at birth by a public hospital midwife.As I caught sight of her, I was taken aback by her pale and unhappy appearance, and a wave of realization struck me. Was my marriage to Raymond not what she wanted?This thought kept running through me as I tried to concentrate on the g
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ELENA’S POVAs the first glow of dawn came in through the curtains, a wave of nausea hit me like a tonne of bricks. For some time now my morning sickness had become an unwanted companion, a relentless force determined to disrupt my day. The harshness was beyond my expectations, as I had never experienced such discomfort before. No matter how much I tried to avoid it I had a continual reminder that a new life was developing within me.Every breakfast seemed like a battle, a fight to keep my meal down. My stomach always cramps in protest, as I struggle to keep eating just to give my baby something to munch on. In times like these the very thought of food caused my stomach to twist and spin, and my mouth watered with the possibility of vomiting. Even the smell of my favorite oven-fried chicken brewing in the kitchen made me flee to the protection of the wash basin.My morning sickness symptoms extended beyond nausea. Even after a full day's sleep, I would feel exhausted. As the days
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ELENA’S POV"Who is the father of that thing you are carrying, Elena?" Mrs Lawrence's voice echoed through the sitting room, full of irritation and anger.I felt the weight of her question push down on me, filling me with guilt and resentment. I strained to compose myself, my heart beating as I searched for the appropriate words. "I...I don't know," I muttered, flushed from humiliation.As the seconds ticked by, all I wanted was to disappear into thin air, free of the implicit accusations and bearing the burden of my doubt.I heard that old wall clock ticking away in the background, mixed with the eager chatter of the stewards who were eager to listen to Mrs Lawrence's conversation."Once again, my mother-in-law's voice sliced through the sitting room air like a rusty blade. 'Who is the father of that child?' she demanded. I jolted back to reality, a guilty flush creeping up my nerves."I tried to reply to Mrs Lawrence.“I…I can ex…p…lain” I muttered trying to catch my already
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Elena go upstairs, you aren't moving an inch out of this house” Mary! Sabatine!. “Move these bags upstairs right now”. Said my dad as he walked from the garden to the sitting room where I was standing.You don't have any moral justification to throw your wife out. Yes, your wife because Elena is your wife and she must be treated as such. Honey, I didn't expect this attitude from you. You are a woman you should know better. Elena is a member of this family and that child is a ‘‘Lawrence’’. The earlier you accept It the better for everyone. Dad’s face fell with disappointment as he walked out of the sitting room. Knowing who my dad was, I expected him to kick her out without blinking an eye. But why is he on Elena’s side? Why is he protecting her? My mind wondered.As he made his points clear my mom and I gazed at each other in confusion. It was obvious that he meant every bit of what he said. Still in shock, I sat down on the sofa to process the shocking news that I just heard m
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RAYMOND’S POV.I woke up feeling rusty and sluggish. Figured it may be the alcohol of the previous night doing its job.Headed downstairs for lunch since I missed my breakfast some hours ago. As I descended the stairs, I noticed Elena was already seated at the dining table, likely waiting for Mary to get her lunch.Lately, Elena and I barely exchanged words. We say a few hellos and hi's whenever we came across each other.I sat at the dining table and responded to her “Hello” while requesting some oven-dried chicken with macaroni Pasta salad. Hmm, back at this issue again. The president doesn't give a damn about you all. You go on protests every other week and nothing changes," I muttered, staring at the television. "Yet you still believe them. That's the difference between you guys," I pointed at the television, "and the rich, ha ha," I scoffed as I forced a piece of dried chicken placed in front of me."Bring me some orange juice," I called out to one of the housekeepers standing
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ELENA’S POVMy marriage with Raymond has become a real puzzle since the discovery of my gestational age. My once close bond with Mrs Lawrence has turned sour, and now she acts like I don't exist. Nobody seems to care about me or my feelings, but thankfully my father-in-law and Mary treat me with the love that I desire.My stepmother and step-sister have never stopped by to say hi, and they never check in on me. Anytime I try to visit, I'm always stopped by one of the new stewards who politely tells me that they are busy at the moment or they aren't at home.The last time I heard my stepmother's voice was when Mrs Lawrence called about my pregnancy. And my dad, well he calls but it's not as often as I'd want him to. Our conversations are always short, and it feels like he is always rushing to get back to work.Raymond, my supposed husband, does nothing to make the situation better. All he does now is come home drunk and mess around with women.Even though Doctor Lucas and his parents
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