Last Year Of High School

Last Year Of High School

By:  Jaxaviera  Ongoing
Language: English
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Javier Anderson has everything he could wish for; a home, the looks, jet-set lifestyle, lovely parents, girls falling at his feet and a wonderful haircut. Despite everything he has, something's missing. Last year of high school brings a lot of changes to his "stable" lifestyle. But these changes could be everything he's looking for.

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tobih daniels
Loving every bit of the story
2022-12-30 05:00:01
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tobih daniels
All I'm just saying is that I love it and I'm definitely going to unlock and read the rest chapters. Good work author. And pls I want to know, are you a Nigerian?
2022-09-15 04:59:20
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tobih daniels
Omg the book is amazing. well written, described and nice setting. I actually love the character Javier. I started picturing him as this character - Jet in high school musical the series, even though the novel shows that Javier is tall while jet is short.
2022-09-15 04:57:58
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tobih daniels
I was actually going through novels, particularly high school. reason is, I'm trying to write my first high school novel and I need to know how I'm going to this. I searched and saw this first, I was like let me check it out... I read the prolouge, and I didn't know when I entered chapter 5...
2022-09-15 04:55:35
17 Chapters
Its been six years since we spoke to each other. Six long years. Six years since we've seen each other face to face. Six years since we were in a room together. Six years without her alluring scent. Six years without her brilliant smile. Six years without her beside me. Six years admiring her from a distance. Six years dreaming about her and waking up without her beside me. Six years stalking her on social media. Six years I have stayed away and fulfilled my promise. Six years since I gave up everything I ever wanted. Six years....but it feels like six days. I can't believe I waited so long, at the time I thought it was impossible. Now I can get her back. I can't wait to be reunited with her. We've known each other since we were three or four, I think. But our story did not start from the cradle. It did not start from the time we pranked our friends and wore matching onesies. It starts from a time I remember distinctly. I can recall the events as if they just happe
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Chapter 1
JAVIER SIX YEARS AGO It was officially the last day of school as a junior. After the summer break, I'll be a senior and right after college. I'm not really looking forward to that. College sounds like stress, more responsibilities, more annoying teachers and more school work. I groaned in annoyance as I walked through the crowded hallway to my locker. Most people were in a rush, trying to get out of school as soon as they could, as if the school administration would change their minds about letting us go early for the summer break. Others were clustered in groups giggling or catching up as if they had all the time in the world. Some people were looking for their friends, others were just loitering. I decided to take a slight detour as I saw her standing by her locker with her friends, she was laughing probably at a joke. I came over to where they stood. Britney flung her arms around me before I could say a word. I hugged Britney back and winked at the girl in particular. She smiled
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Chapter 2
JAVIER After yesterday's fiasco, I still showed up for the dinner. Late of course. It wasn't the first time I spent the night outside the mansion but Lucy was concerned. She didn't say anything because of her daughter, Olivia. My dad was shooting glares at me but I ignored him. Olivia looked just like her mother except her eyes were aqua blue instead of ice blue. Her auburn hair was short while her mother's hair was long extending below her shoulder. She smiled at me acknowledging my presence as I sat down at the table. I returned the greeting with a stiff nod. "Olivia this is my son, Javier. Javier this is Lucy's daughter, Olivia" Dad said formally. He always liked formal introductions."Olivia will be moving in to live with us over the summer. She will be attending your school and as such, you will help her acquainted with the school." "Of course, I'm stuck babysitting" I mumbled. "What was that?" Dad thundered. I knew I was on thin ice but I simply couldn't resist challenging hi
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Chapter 3
JAVIER "Okay the truth is I came here for you" I watched as her face scrunched up in confusion. I burst into laughter."Haha, very funny" she said sarcastically. "Fine don't tell me" she started the car and drove to our Cabin. The short drive was silent but it was a comfortable silence;it was soothing. I can't tell her the reason I came here cause even I don't know the reason. I just needed to get out. My voicemail is probably filled by now with messages from friends at school, basketball team and maybe Lucy. I doubt my dad even cares about where I am. Lucy might show concern but I know it was all an act. She was just trying to get close to my father so she could flaunt his riches. I clenched my fists in annoyance. I heard my name and turned to see Marina looking at me with concern in her eyes."Are you okay?" I'm not."I'm fine. Why do you ask?""Cause I've been calling your name for sometime. Also we're here" she got out of the car and got into the Cabin.I followed her inside an
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Chapter 4
JAVIER The screams and laughter of children filled the surroundings as the excited children alighted their bus. I think I'm gonna get a headache. I tried to search for Marina, I saw her talking to some guy. It was the same guy from yesterday. I don't like him, I don't know why but I don't. I was happy for the fact Bianca was among the team helping the kids. I don't think I can stand another minute of her endless rant without yelling at her to shut up. That would not bode well for her, her uncle and I. The fact that Lily Cabin was small meant it only needed two coordinators and a minimal number of children. Some people would call me mad. I mean look at my life. I claimed I needed peace and an escape from it all yet here I am at camp. As a camp coordinator for kids. And everybody knows kids are far from quiet. Which brings to mind the question 'why am I here?' I think the better question would be 'how did I know Marina would be here?'. Before I could answer that thought, Mari
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Chapter 5
JAVIERMarina is full of so many surprises. Her bluntness when I called her out on avoiding me was incredible. She was definitely staring and admiring my physique. I like the fact that she's not immune to all my charms. I'm glad we were together for the day and that Nick guy was nowhere around her today. Before we reached the lake, one of Nick's friend called her aside. Julya! My phone beeped, I pulled it out to check it. It was a message from my teammate.JB: Dude,where are you? You know you're our star player here and you just disappeared. You better get your ass down here.Of course, my teammates are worried. I'm probably off the grid. I need to sort out myself first, I ignored the message. From the corner of my eye, I saw Bianca approaching. Its now or never! She flung her arms around me and pecked my lips. I noticed Marina watching us with a frown. "Bianca, can we talk?" I shrugged her hands off me. "Sure, whatever about" she replied grinning. I took her arm and led her away fr
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Chapter 6
JAVIEREastern Springs Summer Campout Experience was really what I needed. I'm so glad that for once my impulse decision turned out great after all. The kids were not so bad, I had made some friends. I have spent almost two weeks out here. I was getting distress calls from home but I ignored them. Here I felt alive. I was looking forward to the bonfire night. I planned to take Marina stargazing before the bonfire starts. She was beginning to grow on me.Despite the inhibitions she has about me, she's letting down her guard little by little. But sometimes I can't help but wonder what will happen when camp is over and school reopens. What's gonna happen to us, is she going to go back to being in the shadows? Is our friendship going to continue? Are we ever going to be together? And then there's Britney and Mason. I shoved those thoughts out of my mind as I approach our Cabin and find the kids running around as usual. I wonder where she is because she's always watching them to ensure no
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Chapter 7
JAVIER Hiking! We were gonna hike to a certain campsite in the woods to camp! Very ironic or what, I'm not really sure what figure of speech to use here. But what I know for sure is that it sucks. The trail we were hiking through was covered in mud and tree branches. We had to walk carefully in two lines, if we were not careful, we would slip and land in the slimy mud. All the while avoiding tree branches whacking you in the face. Trudging through the mud, we marched to the campsite. Some coordinators had been lucky enough to stay behind and watch the kids, Lucky! The mud and tree branches eventually gave way to plain ground and open area. We were so grateful that there was a stream nearby, we were dehydrated from that hike. I would always prefer treadmill, jogging, crunchies to a long, tedious and boring hike. Although the hike wasn't boring, I made good time by talking to Marcus. He was a real fun guy to talk to, although he tells lame jokes. But his stories are hilarious, i
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Chapter 8
JAVIER We were stuck in an abandoned cabin with little hope of anyone finding us. Even if they realized we were missing, which they would because the two coordinators of Lily cabin are missing, they might not find us. It was a miracle we actually found the cabin but we couldn't leave. Marina's ankle was sprained from the nasty fall and she could barely limp. I found some bandages in one of the cabinets, I didn't pay attention during the first aid lessons on our first day here. My mind was preoccupied with thoughts of my family and the horrible dinner and the basketball program that was basically my future. Marina didn't know what to do, so I tied the bandages round her ankle, and formed a knot. I didn't know the name of the knot, cause I was also absent minded during the rope lessons but I could knot any rope to suit the situation it was called for. "Thanks Javier" Marina said when I was done. She sneezed due to the dusty cabin, but I thought her sneeze was kinda...kinda cu
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Chapter 9
JAVIER I was so glad we were back to the main camp. Marina was finally getting treatment for her sprained ankle and will be able to walk soon. While we were gone, Tommy had gotten a rash from poison ivy and was also getting treated. I was so happy that the other kids were alright. Nick and I finally get along in a civil way but I still don't like him. On my way to the cabin after checking on Marina in the dispensary, I saw a bunch of people hanging a banner above the doorway of Mess hall. "What's that about?" I asked. "Hey Javier, there's gonna be a dance later tonight. It was announced yesterday but you were not around, so get ready. It starts at 7pm" Julya replied and resumed her work. A dance! The idea sounds kinda lame but so is the idea of the entire camp. Back at the cabin, I was about to take a bath when I heard a beep from my phone, alerting me of a new message. From Dad: We are coming to get you. So get ready, you'll be coming home tomorrow. That was
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