Knock! Knock! Death On Your Doorstep

Knock! Knock! Death On Your Doorstep

By:  elven_priestess  Completed
Language: English
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In the middle of a lively night, can you guess what's about to come? In the middle of the busy street, do you realize there is something in the dump? Shane Hoseinzade was peacefully sleeping on the floor when three conservative, loud knocks echoed inside. Would he open the door? On the other side, someone wearing a black cloak and holding a giant scythe is standing on the doorstep. With head bowed down, a pair of mismatched eyes glowed while staring at the door. Patiently waiting for the target to open the door. If you hear three violent knocks on your door at exactly midnight, would you dare to open the door? But what if those violent knocks are the knocks of the person you promised to marry in the future? Death? A grim reaper? A demon? Whoever it is, are you ready to face your fears?

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31 Chapters
Chapter 1
"BABY, you love mommy, right?" A lady in her mid-twenties asked her daughter as she holds her hand.The little girl looked up with a smile on her face and nooded. Despite having dirt on her face, we can't deny the child's beauty."Mama, where are we going?" She asked.Her mom smiled as her face starts to get tainted by bitter tears."We're going to fly, baby," The lady replied. "Do you want to come with mommy?"The little girl nodded in excitement. "Of course, mama. I'll come with you wherever you go!"The vast sky started pouring heavy droplets of rain and the wind blows as if it's whispering something must not last yet.The lady and her child stood at the edge of the rooftop. She tightened her grip on her daughter's hand as she cries with the sky. She feels so selfish. How could she include her daughter in this plan?She closed her eyes and let her body fall from the 45th floor of the building......with her daughter in her arms of course.The little girl's scream echoed in the air
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Chapter 2
THERE was a long pause Shane said that.What can he do, though? It's the truth. He's been waiting for a grim reaper to bring his soul in peace.The woman just stared at him as if he just said the most ridiculous thing ever.Who in their right mind waits for the end of their time in the land of living as they're just waiting for their order to be served? Shane stood up. "Miss grim reaper, can you slit my throat now?" He asked.Mara immediately wields her scythe and thrusts it at Shane. However, the same thing happened. The scythe wasn't able to harm Shane."What do you mean you've been waiting for me?" Mara asked."It's nothing. Never mind," He replied.Mara did not say anything. She closed her eyes, trying to contact a Senior Grim Reaper or Azrael but it did not work. It's as if her connection with the Eternal has been cut off. It's as if she's exiled without a proper judgment.Her eyes lingered on Shane's place when she felt something that doesn't belong in this world anymore.She
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Chapter 3: Traveling To Their Demise
SHANE CAN'T understand how Mara can stay calm despite knowing the situation. If they were to visit the lost tribe in his province, he might not be able to go back in this place and continue his studies. Mara's title may be stripped of her or worse, she might die.Shane kept on stealibg glances at Mara while the latter is helping Shane pack his things.He wondered why Mara wasn't packing her things until Shane realized that Mara doesn't own anything in this world."We're leaving tomorrow, after my mom's burial," He said and then glanced at his mom's coffin in the living room. "We're going to stay there for three days and we must make it possible."Mara knew that Shane never wanted to go back to that place. After all, the demon who made a contract with Shane's ancestor can successfully devour his soul if he ever make a one small mistake."Do you know how you can cut your ties with them?" Mara asked.She doesn't know what to do. In fact, she doesn't have any idea about their contract wit
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Chapter 4: The Great Valley Of Yami
They just crossed the intersection. Damien kept on stealing glances at Shane as he's still suspicious of the man.In his thought, Shane killed his fellow grim reapers. And what would have happened to Mara if he did not arrive there as early as he can?On the other hand, Shane kept on stealing glances at Mara's sleeping face.Her dark eye shadows and eyeliners are now gone and her once dark lips turned into a color of cherries. She used the lipstick he bought for her.Cute.If he had only known less, he would have thought that Mara is an angel."You saw the previous grim reapers who came for you, right?" Damien asked as he sigh. He averted his gaze while waiting for Shane's answer."I did.""What happened to them?""Mom was able to keep them all away. A meter away from the demons who depends on my body. But when she fell ill, the demon who Mara fought brought them to their demise," Shane replied.He may have hid the feeling of regret at his best but being a superior being, Damien was a
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Chapter 5: A Piece Of The Prophecy
Everyone in town kept on watching over the visitors they've been waiting since the lost soul of an elder gave them the news that the heir of the hell traveler is arriving.Their eyes were glued on Shane but for some reason, the lady's scent seems to attract their attention.As the group entered the building, their presence seemed to vanish into the thin air. It's as if they passed through a portal to a different dimension when in fact nothing is suspicious and supernatural happening at the moment.SHANE'S HEAD throbbed as soon as he step a foot inside."Are you okay?" Mara asked when Shane placed his palm against his temple.Damien supported Shane's weight when he started losing his balance.The searing pain in his head is unbearably bearable... if it ever make sense.His connection with the place is unbelievable strong that he can almost hear it calling his name in a melancholic tone. He can feel his blood rushing through his veins as if they were screaming that this is supposed to b
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Chapter 6: Shane And The Demon
The stones are hovering over a small rounded table.Shane touched the pattern engraved on the rounded table while the other two read each word on the stones."Take Thy Offerings, Fulfill The End Of The Bargain, Goal Shall Be Attained."At that exact moment, the wind blew hard, grazing Shane's cheeks by sharp leaves."Shane, stay away from the table!" Damien yelled, however it was already too late.A drop of blood fell into the pattern engraved on the table. The table lit up and repelled the three.A cloud like smoke appeared. "What do you offer?" It asked.Mara's eyes glow as she summons her scythe."Damien, take Shane away from here. I'll take care of this mess," The lady said."Mara, we can't do that," Shane said and then charged towards the smoke with a dagger on his hand."No one's here for a sacrifice, demon," He said and then threw the dagger towards it."Shane, you dumbass!" Mara said and then pulled back the lad.The demon pointed at Shane. "To wish for death is to dance with
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Chapter 7: Mara Goes Berserk
DAMIEN KEPT on pacing back and forth, worrying about the two youngsters he let stroll around the temple for one objective.Maybe it's time for him to follow them? Or maybe not?AS DAMIEN worries about the two, Mara anad Shane are really in a worrisome situation. They just got lost in the temple as both of them has poor sense of direction. And even if Mara has better sense of direction, they still can't find their way back as every hallways are identical and hard to indentify which way they have went through earlier."What are we gonna do now?" Mara asked in a whispering manner."I don't know," Shane replied in the same manner.Mara rolled her eyes. She pulled Shane to hide behind the wall when she noticed a shadow a few meters away from them."What was it?" Shane asked."Maybe the demon," Mara answered in a sarcastic manner. Of course it is a demon. No one in this town, except for the three of them, are humans any longer.Whoever they see are either a demon, a demonoid, or a lost soul
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Chapter 8: Shane's Saved Soul
"I will go berserk later," Mara said with thos courageous mismatched eyes. After three seconds of staring straight at Azrael's eyes, Mara's orbs softened. "Can I?" She asked.A small smile crept on Azrael's lips and nodded. "Of course, you can," He said like a father letting his daughter do something she likes.Mara jumped out of the broken window and leaped from roof to roof and then branch to branch until she reached her comrades' location.She covered her mouth as she gasp in shock the moment her eyes landed on the huge log at the altar where Shane is tied and unconscious.The dusk has came and it will be only a matter of hour before the full moon shines above Shane.Mara is itching to go to Shane and save his soul but two of her comrades held her back. They know how impulsive Mara is, that's why two of them were tasked to take care of her before the clash."Listen, Mara. Here's the plan..."THE TOWNSPEOPLE are taking a good care of the fruits, raw meats and the liquor they're goin
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Chapter 9: The Gates Of Hell Has Opened
Mara spit blood when she got punched on the stomach. It was tough fighting a demon when he can clearly overpower a grim reaper like her.Ever since Gideon grinned and let out his aura, not a single a attack from Mara has touched him. And even if it Mara does land a hit, the consequences she receives is far more stronger than the blow she has landed.Gideon started summoning his sword. It is a little smaller than Mara's scythe but in the eyes of their audiences, it is huge enough to reach and cut the ancient tree behind Mara.Not one of the townspeople are still standing as Mara, Lara and Damien has already took care of more than a half of their population and the others took care of the remaining demonoids standing.In this battlefield, the battle is three on one.Mara and Shane are the last ones standing and Azrael just arrived with another dozen of grim reapers to take care of the aftermath if there is.Mara's scythe and Gideon's sword clashed in the air. They're exchanging blows so
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Chapter 10: Mara Dives Into The Past
Mara woke up in an unfamiliar place again. Everything looks old and the first thing she even uttered was the question, "Where am I?"It's as if fate is playing with her as she has woken up in different places these oast few days and they're turning out to be dreams. Just how weird is that?She was brought on a cave full of gems. The water is glowing as it completely reflects the full moon shining directly above the hole.Mara walked in deeper and as she approach the end of the cave, endangered plants lined up towards the exit.Mara ran to get out of the cave and go back to the battlefield as she thinks she hasn't seen enough of it.She was almost at the end when she tripped on an amethyst. She hissed in pain and lifted her gaze when she heard someone talking not so far from her.She followed the trails of amethyst until she found a garden of gems and middlemist red camellia. It was so beautiful that the lady was awestruck and has forgotten why he went there. The gentle scent aroused h
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