King of Campus

King of Campus

By:  Jennifer Sucevic  Completed
Language: English
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The uncrowned king of Barnett University. He's like a freaking celebrity around here. It's totally ridiculous. People, by which I mean grown women, actually stalk him on the internet. And around campus. Apparently, he's god's gift to both football and the ladies (I'm using that term loosely). All he has to do is smile and girls fall right onto their backs before spreading their legs wide. I've heard that he's already plowed his way through half the female population at Barnett. My guess is that he'll work his way through the second half before he gets drafted to the NFL later this year.Yeah...I don't plan to be one of them. The guy is nothing more than a conceited player. You know the type—a steroid infused meathead coasting through college on his football prowess.Ugh.I have three words for you—avoid, avoid, avoid.Need I say more?I don't think so.King of Campus is created by Jennifer Sucevic, an eGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.

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What a brilliant and beautiful book, I couldn’t put it down damn burnt my chicken kievs So if you come across this book, read it you won’t be disappointed
2023-10-28 20:21:14
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Letashya Howard
OMG this book is so stinking good! I took a chance on it since it was in promotion but I couldn’t put it down. Ivy, Lexie and Roan had me moving from belly roll laughs to sobbing ... my heart ...️ out! Great read!
2023-10-28 10:46:06
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A great easy read, truly enjoyed reading it and loved the ending.
2023-10-28 05:32:38
default avatar
This book started really good and kept improving. Be prepared for the different emotions and have the Kleenex close. Loved the chemistry between Ivy and Roan. Great ending.
2023-10-27 23:21:04
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For an 18 there isn't that much spice. romantic and sweet and really enjoyed it though!
2023-10-27 04:33:43
default avatar
This book had me laughing from the first page with Lexie and Ivy. The relationship between Roan and Ivy is a bit 90s cliche, but it works. Book is well written and just an easy read so far.
2023-05-26 21:22:06
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Amber V.
The King has me hooked! ...️...️
2023-05-25 04:41:15
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I really enjoyed this book. Highly recommend for anyone.
2023-05-24 08:02:51
user avatar
Great book and well written. Love it.
2023-05-24 01:33:01
default avatar
Decided to give a YA story a chance today, and I’m so pleasantly surprised at how well-written this is. Flow was good, and I love how the author doesn’t gloss over emotions. Great read!
2023-05-23 20:33:18
62 Chapters
Chapter 1: Ivy
Ladies, and a few guys as well, ;) keep those Roan King sightings pouring in. Especially the ones of him at football practice. Hot, sweaty, with an extra shot of gorgeous is exactly how I take my Roan King. Don't mind me while I type away with one hand..."Honey," I holler at the top of my lungs before kicking the door shut, "I'mmmm home!"Those words are met with a loud shriek as Lexie flies around the corner before hurtling her small curvy body at me. I'm given roughly two seconds to drop my bags in anticipation of impact. She's lucky I have fairly decent-The breath gets knocked out of me as we both go crashing to the floor.Apparently, reflexes are no match when that much force and weight are careening toward you at the speed of light. Physics, I'm guessing, is exactly how I end up sprawled on my back with my best friend and roommate spread out on top of me in our brand-spanking-new apartment. There's a completely manic light filling her big brown eyes.
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Chapter 2: Ivy
Hang onto your panties, ladies, because Roan King is kicking off the first day of the fall semester by stripping off his shirt...and yeah, it's definitely a majestic sight to behold. Is it possible that he's even more ripped and gorgeous than last year? Someone hand me a napkin, I'm starting to drool over here... KingOfCampus.comHow could I have forgotten that jet lag is a total bitch?It should really be called ass lag or maybe even ass drag would be a more accurate description because my ass is literally dragging on the ground and it's only nine fifty in the morning.  I have a whole freaking day stretched out ahead of me.Oh god, that thought makes me want to weep.I want to lie down right here in the middle of campus and cry.And no amount of highly caffeinated beverages seems to be helping with that affliction either.  I've been steadily pouring them down my throat since I pried open my blurry eyes this morning. My fingers are tightly wrapped around drink number three as w
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Chapter 3: Ivy
Someone must have chiseled this guy from marble.  It takes everything within me not to reach out and stroke my fingers over him.  Because that's exactly what I want to do.And maybe lick him as well.Yes...I definitely want to run my tongue over his lustworthy pectorals.  And those abs...Six pack?Ha!Try an eight pack on for size.This guy's definition is literally amazing.As someone who uses their body for artistic expression, I can appreciate the utter beauty of a well sculpted form.God, can I..."See something you like, gorgeous?"Even when that cocksure tone hits my ears, I can't stop my eyes from eating him up.  He uses the now wadded T-shirt to wipe away some of the wetness that has trickled down his stomach.Yes, I'm definitely feeling woozy.And it's not the jet lag that has my brain taking a mental pause either.As much as I'm having my very own private moment with this guy's amazing body, I can't help but become aware of the catcalls and whistles coming fro
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Chapter 4: Ivy
A proposition of a sexual nature from the likes of Roan King...I accept! KingOfCampus.comWith my head bent forward, my caramel-colored hair falls over my face like a thick curtain, shielding it from view. Tapping my foot nervously, I wait until Mr. abs of steel swaggers his way up front to speak with the professor. As I'm about to make a break for it, he saunters back to his desk before picking up his backpack and strolling out the door like he has all the time in the world.I have no idea how he was brought up to speed so quickly on what he missed. Regardless, I just want to put as much distance as I can between Roan King and myself. Once he's gone, my whole body deflates. I think as time goes by, he'll forget about the whole iced-coffee-spilling-fiasco. Or, at the very least, he won't remember me specifically as the one who caused it. That's my hope. And I'm going to cling to it until proven wrong.Other than the professor who is reading through some papers at the front
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Chapter 5: Ivy
There's a ton of back-to-school parties happening tonight. Will Roan King be making an appearance at any of them? Stay tuned to find out! KingOfCampus.comSticking my brand-new brass key in the lock, I push open the door to our apartment. It's well after seven and I've just come home from my first day of teaching dance at On Pointe. Spending two hours with all those little cuties was just enough balm to soothe away my run in with a certain douchebag jock earlier in the day. It literally kills me that we have a class together and I'm going to have to endure his presence three days a week for the entire semester.Ugh.Avoid. Avoid. Avoid.That's the plan henceforth."Lexie-Lou," I sing-song loudly from the front hall. God, it feels so good to be home again. My ass is seriously dragging. All I can imagine is taking a long hot shower, curling up in bed, and reading a book or watching a little mindless TV before crashing.Hmmm. That's strange. No answer. Although, I don
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Chapter 6: Ivy
For anyone who's interested (which is pretty much anyone with a labia), a Roan King sighting has just been confirmed at the massive house party on Hudson Street. Get your asses over there, people. me...I should have known better.I mean, of course I should have known better. This day started out as a massive clusterfuck and apparently, it's going to end as one.Right now, I'm squashed in the backseat of Dylan's truck, tucked tightly between Roan and Sam. And they're both big muscly guys. I'd have to guess they each weigh well over two hundred and thirty pounds. Although, oddly enough, I'm barely touching Sam, even though I keep trying to scoot my way toward him on the bench seat.I think I scared him when I came in earlier tonight. He probably thinks I'm a total psycho and is trying to get through this ride without making eye contact. Roan, on the other hand, is all but plastered against my side. Just when I think it can't get worse, he casually s
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Chapter 7: Roan
Roan King was just spotted disappearing upstairs with three lucky ladies. It's nice to see that the king of campus is back in full force and spreading the love around! KingOfCampus.comAt this point, I've pretty much stopped trying to tear my gaze away from her. Every time I make a concerted effort to do so, it somehow finds its way back again.The attraction humming through my body is completely baffling. This girl isn't even my usual type. Like at all.For one thing, she's got a ton of attitude. Can't exactly say I've ever stumbled across that before. And she doesn't want anything to do with me either. Which is another first. I probably shouldn't enjoy needling her as much as I do. But I can't seem to help myself, it's so damn easy. Not to mention entertaining.Trying to be objective, I allow my gaze to slide over her body. The girl is all long lean lines with a high tight ass. I'm the first to admit that I usually go for a girl with a lot of soft curves. Big breast
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Chapter 8: Ivy
Were you one of the lucky ladies Roan was with Monday night? If so, be a doll and give us all the down and dirty details so we can live vicariously through you. Come on now, you know you're dying to share them... KingOfCampus.comI'm sorry. Forgive me?Biting my lip, I stare at the newest text from Finn. He's been blowing up my phone for days. He wants to get together and talk. Which probably means he wants to work things out. The problem is that he really hurt me, and I don't know if I can let that go. Rather stupidly, I'd thought we had something special and within a week or so of me leaving for Paris, he was already hooking up with other girls.Lexie had never cared for Finn to begin with, so she'd been more than happy to send me a photo every time she saw him out with another girl. Needless to say, I have about forty pictures.I'm not really sure what to do about the Finn situation. Deciding to ignore the text, I shove the phone back into my bag. It's Saturday morni
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Chapter 9: Ivy
I just heard that some lucky girl got partnered up with our very own legend on the football field in a business ethics class. Damn... I knew I should have stuck it out with that major..."For the next six weeks, you're going to work with a partner on a project that will be worth sixty percent of your final grade." She pauses as shocked gasps ripple throughout the room. Apparently expecting just such a reaction, Professor Paulson nods her head as if to reconfirm what we're all hoping we somehow misheard. "Yes, that's right. Sixty percent. It will be worth more than anything else you do in here, so keep that in mind when working on it. Not only does the topic need to be well researched, it will have to be completely fleshed out, so it supports the main idea of your project."Another round of groaning along with disbelieving chatter grips the class. Her eyes slowly encompass all of us. "The end result of your time and energy spent researching will be a thought
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Chapter 10: Ivy
Anyone get invited to the little get together happening at Roan King's apartment? If so, someone needs to share the four-one-one with all of us. Pictures are, as always, welcomed and appreciated. Preferably naked ones..."When are you planning to come home for a visit, Ivy? You've been back in town for about three weeks now and we still haven't seen you."I'm standing on the tiny balcony off our living room, facing the western sky. I didn't think I would enjoy having an outdoor space as much as I do. Whenever I'm home in the evening, I somehow find myself out here when the sun is setting. I love watching all the varying shades of red and pink that paint their way across the horizon. It usually brings me a certain amount of peace. My very own little bit of Zen.That, unfortunately, is not the case tonight."Ivy, are you still there?""Um, yeah." Then I add, "Just thinking about my schedule. School and work are crazy busy right now." This is completely tr
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