
Chapter 3:

Miggy quickly moved away from Hans when he was about to move. Lucky enough, he didn't caught him grappling him while he asleeps. He pokes Hans' arm that has completely woken him from his sleep. "Huh?" He sat on the couch and looked at Miggy who's staring at him oddly. 

"E-erm… Why are you sleeping here, Hans?" Miggy diverted his mind away from his guilty thoughts. 

"Uhm… I just finished watching movies—" He was cut in the midst of his sentence when Miggy immediately dropped a powerful kiss onto his lips. 

The fire has been ignited in him, boosting his hormones, rampaging his body, commanding his mind to kiss the lad unexpectedly. He cups his face while his lips stuck on Hans' lips. 

It took him a minute before he realized that the guy in front of him kissed him directly. With all of his force, he pushed Miggy away from him, the guy fell on the floor and he gave him a blunted gaze. So sharp that it can pierce through his skin. "What the fuck, Miggy!?" He wiped his lips with his hands, feeling disgusted, hence deep inside, he's liking it slightly. 

"I'm sorry, Hans," He stutters as he stands up from the ground. He walks close to Hans and holds his hands with apologetic looks on his face. 

"We're both men! We shouldn't be kissing each other!" He plucks his hands away. 

"Look… Argh… I'm sorry, I just slid accidentally, I didn't mean to," He lies, sounds stupid but it might work. 

Hans is now breathing hastily, he looks away for he can't give a glance to him with awkwardness. The silence bestowed between them, consuming their inner souls in embarrassment, especially Miggy. But for Hans, he hates it when someone just gives kisses to his lips when he didn't brush it. 

"Hans, I'm sorry," Miggy broke the reigning silence. His hand crawls onto Hans' hand sitting on the couch but the lad takes it away quickly. 

"This is so crude, Miggy! I thought you're just going to know me? Are you still dreaming!? Do I have to slap you?" 

Miggy glances on his lips while he speaks. He didn't taste his lips fully when he kissed him so basically he lost the chance. He's now hopeless that he might never kiss the lad on his lips again. 

"I know… But I never thought I might know you better with a twist…" He sounds ridiculous that made Hans' forehead be fissured. 

"Ha? With a twist? What twist?" 

"With this—" He has stricken Hans' lips again. This time, it was stronger than ever, he nips it twice and follows by another, begging him to respond. 

Hans' mind sends a chemical of repulsion into his mind but his body acts differently. He kissed back without realizing what he's doing. The drowsiness he felt for a second vanishes into unknown. 

The hissing sounds of kiss terminated the silence indulged the room. The two has been ignited into the same passion, their lips collided again and again, playing with their soft yet slightly harsh kiss. 

'This is so good… Why Sou didn't kiss me like this?' He's begging more and Miggy is giving it to him. He's longing for it as if it was something that he's looking for. 

'Wait!' The kiss stops. He turned his back on Miggy when he realized it was wrong. Completely wrong. The guilt persuades his heart, shattering him one by one. 

"W-what's the matter, Hans? I thought you want me to know you…"  

He puffed in annoyance. "Miggy, you have a girlfriend! We shouldn't be doing this," He fought the lust in him. Miggy ached in pain a little bit. He doesn't even care if he has a girlfriend or not. He just wanted to know him. 

"I don't have a girlfriend, Hans," He lied, his throat made a movement when he swallowed his saliva again. He remained to look at the frustrated lad. 

"Well… Uh! Still we shouldn't be doing this!" 


"Are you crazy?" He glanced at him bluntly. He felt his presence, he felt the space gap between them is shrinking, suffocating him bit by bit. "We're both men! And men should not be kissing each other," He also added, Hans decided to debouch from the couch. He walks to the window with his hands are down on his waist. 

However, it also punched him with reality. The irony has waking his ignorant soul to his surroundings. How dare he is to say something that is completely opposite of what he's saying? 

"I'm sorry... I thought you liked it to be kissed…" 

"Shia! I don't!" He denied, he then dashed towards the door. 

"Where are you going?" Miggy chased him. 

"Somewhere near far away from you," 

"Hey! I can't let you go alone, I'm in charged of taking care of you—"

"I can take care of myself, Miggy, goodbye!" He ran away from his place. Miggy can't go outside wearing only his boxers, some people might find him wearing that and they may take some pictures of him. 

He slipped back to his room, fast enough to take his pants. He then followed Hans, from the situation now, it looks like Hans has gotten to the elevator levitating down to the ground floor. He used the staircase instead just to reach and chase the escaping lad. 

He went out the apartment, he rode a taxi as fast as he could before Miggy could even find him. He snatched his phone from his pocket and dialed his friend's number in the least expected time. 

*Cring!* It rang repeatedly, storming the peace of silence in his friend's room. Gunaa. His brows crinkled as soon as he opened his eyes. His sleep was interrupted by an imbecile who's prank calling in the middle of the night. 

'Who the fuck is this?' His eyes were still narrowed, his face was made to moue. He swipe his phone to answer the disturbing call. "Hello?" 

"Gunaaaa!" It sends shocks to his neck down to his spine, his eyes widened in surprise for hearing a familiar voice. A voice he hasn't heard for a long time. 


"Yeah! Can I crash to your place now?"

"Ha? Why? I thought you were in Canada?" 

"I came back here at Manila, I'll tell you everything once I've got there!" 

"Oh sure! Take care!" The call ended, Hans told the taxi driver to take him to his friend's whereabout, it must be nearby or may be around the city. 

It took him a while before he arrived there. Badly enough, he has forgotten his bag on Miggy's condo he doesn't have his wallet. "Oh… My bad, Sir," He smiled sheepishly to the stressed man. His lips curved upside down, his eyes are shrinking into madness. 

"Alright! I get it!" 

"Wait!" Hans restrained to step down. He dialed his phone once again and called for his friend. 

Luckily, after their little chitchat, he finally convinced Gunaa to spare him some money for the meantime. He paid the man that is now calmed down. They both went inside the mansion afterwards. 

"So? Why are you here? Without some money? Are you broke?" Gunaa broke the silence as they slipped inside the lobby. 

"Uhm—" He gulped air with a noise sounded like a vacuum. "Or did you just run away from your father that is pursuing you to an arrange married with a girl he likes for you!?" 

Hans rolled his eyes, he plopped on the couch and puffed in annoyance. Gunaa sat down on the single sofa near to where Hans was lounging now. He remained to be silent as he waited for his best friends responses. 

"Well, uhm… I actually came from someone's condo—" 

"Ahhhh! So you came from having sex with anyone—ouch!" Hans slapped him before he could even spill the next few words. 

"Shut up! I'm not! It's just Dad and I went back here. He told me he wanted me to meet his best friend's son," 

Gunaa smudges his face gently with his thumb. Quietly listening to him. "And… Hopefully we met, we talked a bit, I go with him, we watched movie then I fell asleep on his couch then I woke up,"  

Gunaa's eyes narrowed into a scanning gaze. "You woke up, huh? But why did you run away from him?" His fingers were touching his chin while his eyes glued onto him.

"Well… Uhm… Y-you see… He's a bit intimidating, so I decided to slip away from him," He smiled sheepishly waving his hand to his thighs. "Besides, I left him a letter… Too bad, I also left my bag there… I'll get it later in the afternoon," He added with his voice alarmed into a yawn. His eyes shed tears for his sleepiness. 

His best friend told him to take a rest for that time since it's still 4:07 in the morning. It's been quite unhealthy if they would not take a sleep after all. It's not their 'thing'. 

However, Miggy seemed to be sucked by a whirlpool of defeats. He didn't manage to find Hans for he's too fast running away. 

Instead of roaming outside, he walked back to his unit and lounged himself on the couch, thinking about Hans. 

His soul whispers through his ears, consumed by his condemnation. In spite of those things, he touched his lips for he still remembered how do Hans' lips taste are like. A glad harshness sips peevishly out of the elated shadow face. Tangs are like flabbergasted acridities. 

That accomodating image is couraged, the sun pillars exploring images. It's a moonlight inside the depigmentation. The dyes of graveness. 

A hue discriminates the voids. 

Miggy is indeed succumbed to his sinful fantasies. Quagmire intertwined his soul in between his mind's will and heart's desire. Despite his imagination that now has been melting, he realized he shouldn't let Hans to run away. For sure and for sure, he's dead by his uncle. 

It's not all it's cracked up to be. He's of one's base. He wished Hans will know the ropes of what he did to him. It's obvious in his eyes the longing scents of the younger one's lips tasted are like. Cannot be undone from his upper inner core. 

His chest dilates as soon as he lets the gathered air on his lungs out. "Arghhh! I can't sleep!" He murmured brushing his hands on his face. 

One second has passed, his eyes landed on a bag that he didn't own. 'Huh?' He rolls up from the couch and picks it up. He didn't remember it was sitting there. 

He verified the bag and found all of Hans' important IDs, documents and notes. Even his wallet. "He must be out there, somewhere,"

A ghost slapped him with reality. "Fck! I forgot to take his number!" He then suddenly plopped on the couch once again.

With the sour mourn singing in his throat, his eyelids stomped his eyes into darkness. He gulped a wet warm watery liquid from his mouth and let himself to be drawn in his dream...

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