Ivan's Betrayal

Ivan's Betrayal

By:  Juliette Springs  Completed
Language: English
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All her life Victoria had wanted to meet her missing father….certain he had the answers she was seeking. Fueled with thoughts of anger and revenge it wasn't until her mother's death she embarked on the journey to find him. Her journey leads her into the arms of her childhood friend, Ivan-the only man she let close to her heart. He understands her and has always been her confidant. But would he if she revealed all of her secrets and the real reason she's searching for her father. Ivan was weary of living a lie. Unable to walk away from family obligations, he's been forced to deceive the only woman he's cared about ….Who he now realizes is his mate. Ivan knows he's doing the unforgivable and its just a matter of time before she finds out the truth but he can't resist the chemistry between them or deny the sensuous passion he experiences with Victoria. A heated encounter seals the fate of Victoria and Ivan. After discovering the true depth of Ivan's deception, Victoria must learn to trust Ivan and trust that the mate bond they share is enough to protect their relationship from her father's wrath and Ivan's scorned ex-lover.

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39 Chapters
Chapter 1
Victoria ignored the concerned, covert glances from the few in attendance at the open grave site. Damn them all. Mother is dead and it is that bastard’s fault. She would avenge her mother’s death and destroy the man who’d reduced her mother from a strong, vibrant woman to a weak, lifeless one. Even if it meant his death, or the death of everything he loved. Closing her eyes, she blocked out the shadowy image of the man responsible, her pathetic excuse for a father.Opening her eyes, she caught several mourners staring at her. Narrowing her eyes at them, they glanced away, worried expressions on their faces. Of course she was making them nervous. They could probably feel the anger emanating from her. She hadn’t shed a tear, made a sound, or turned her gaze away from the casket since the service had started twenty minutes ago. It was the only way she could keep focus. Mom was everything to me—my only family. Blinking rapidly, she undid the braided ponytail and ran her fingers through he
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Chapter 2
Chapter Two For the past couple of weeks, Khafil had noticed his Chief seemed distracted. Lately Sarim seemed as if he were elsewhere. One incident came to Khafil’s mind. During a crucial conversation in last week’s council meeting, Sarim had zoned out. The other tribal brothers were awaiting the Sarim’s response to a critical matter before the council. Khafil had to regain his Chief’s attention by sending him a mental summons. He had watched Sarim quietly drift in and out of conversations with members of the Soga Vampire Tribe. Khafil knew how to read his Chief’s every move and thought by scanning Sarim’s facial expressions.Khafil had been Sarim’s protector since Khafil reached vaperty, the time when a vampire reached adulthood. He had been primed since birth to serve, counsel, and protect the Chief. His father had protected Sarim’s father, and the father before him had been protector to Sarim’s grandfather. Khafil came from a long line of protectors. His family took the responsibi
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Chapter 3
Chapter Three Jumping up in alarm, Victoria woke up. How long have I been asleep? Sitting up in her seat, she looked around the bus in panic. It was empty and still. With heart racing, she shot out of her seat, running to the bus door. Practically flying from the bus steps, she landed on the sidewalk and looked up at what appeared to be a Bus Terminal. Where was she? Her heart leaped when she found the entrance and she quickly walked through it, scanning the area for a help desk. Seeing that no one was there, she briskly walked over to it and began ringing the bell insistently. A harried employee stuck his head around the corner. “May I help you?” “Yes, please, can you tell me what town is this?” “Sure, this is Battle Grove, Connecticut.” The clerk walked over to the counter, concern etched on his face. Fumbling through her bus tickets, Victoria did not see a ticket with Battle Grove listed. Sensing her panic, the clerk reached over and took the tickets from her. “Let’s see what
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Chapter 4
Sarim sat in his office, allowing the silence to clear his thoughts. Khafil remained in the shadows, unseen and unheard. Lately his office was the only place he could find solitude from the chaotic world around him. He should have been thinking of his upcoming journey to the human world, where he was headed later tonight. Instead, his thoughts were on the monthly meeting he’d just dismissed. Tonight, several members of the lesser Taalib Duma tribes were vocalizing concerns about Sarim’s successor. “Who is he?” “Where is he?” and “When is he coming?” Those were just a few of the questions asked. Even though Khafil had warned him the questions were coming, he should have been prepared. Instead, he was deeply unsettled. He had no answers. He’d managed to dissuade his brothers by explaining he still had a few years left and there was no need for the pressing concern. This was true, but Sarim knew it was customary for his successor to be introduced to the tribe by now. The new ruler had to
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Chapter 5
Zanhoden frowned. For the last hour he was contemplating where his dear Abu was really going. He and his men didn’t buy the “looking for another resting place” nonsense Sarim had hissed out during the meeting. However, Zanhoden would not speak on it publicly. If he did, it would look like pettiness on his part and it wouldn’t be taken seriously. It was a well-known fact that he and Sarim despised one another. Zanhoden’s tribe, the Imvura, had enough to deal with. He didn’t need to add to it by questioning the truthfulness of the Abu’s upcoming whereabouts. Leaning his back against the balcony wall, he smiled. He would soon find out exactly where Sarim was heading. He had an inside source. *** Leaning his lithe, six-foot-two frame against the wall of the dark entrance chamber of their resting lair, Khafil allowed his guard to drop. The entire resting area lay underground, right beneath their headquarters. The underground area equaled the size of two football fields, side-by-side, la
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Chapter 6
Stepping on the sidewalk, Victoria took a deep breath of fresh, southern air. This was her first day outside since the ice storm had hit Tabor Ridge. Smiling, she lifted her arms upward, stretching them as far as they could go. She didn’t mind that the cold air burned her nose or that it stung her eyes. Happiness made her light on her feet. Feeling hope for the first time in weeks, she was glad to finally be out of her efficiency. Since arriving, she had spent the last few days watching TV, reading books, watching the ice storm from her window, and devising a plan to locate her father. According to her mother’s notes, this small town was his birthplace. Walking along the idyllic street outside her motel, she felt warm vibes from the picturesque town. She stopped in front of a building, which emanated wonderful smells. Looking up, she saw it was some sort of eatery named McGrady’s. An eatery usually had a lot of people. People who may have knew her father. Shading her eyes from the su
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Chapter 7
Smiling, Sarim hastened through the airport, glad the long, uneventful flight was over. Stopping mid stride, he sniffed the air, uncaring that he’d caused several people walking behind him to trip and drop their luggage. Yes, the scent was indeed strong in North Carolina. The blood connection he shared with the heir had led him there, and he could feel the heir’s presence. He, or she, was close at hand. Time was running out, and he could not afford to make any mistakes. His life and his position depended on it. Hands on his hips, he surveyed the airport, watching the humans walking about like cattle, distracted and completely unaware of what had just landed in their city. Feeling his fangs grow longer, he ran his tongue around them. A hand landed on his shoulder. “Abu, we must get you in a safe place. These humans are a distraction you do not need now.” Sarim stiffened at the reproach in Ivan’s tone. “I don’t need you telling me what I need to be doing,” he snapped. “Once again, yo
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Chapter 8
Sitting cross-legged on the hotel floor, Khafil closed his eyes and took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. The second his body had completely relaxed, he became mist. He traveled through the hotel room, under the door, then down the hall to the basement room Sarim occupied. Once there, he floated under Sarim’s door and materialized. Walking silently through the cold, dark room, he stopped beside Sarim’s bed, then placed a hand over Sarim’s forehead. Thoughts of the heir dominated Sarim’s thoughts. He wondered if it was male or female and if they would follow his plans willingly. Astrong thought made Khafil pause. Seemed Sarim had plans to make the heir agreeable. He would kidnap the heir, if it was female, holding her hostage in his quarters while getting another Taalib Duma to impregnate her. Taking a deep breath, Khafil forced himself to focus through the waves of repulsion coursing through his body. The bastard already had several Taalib Dumas in mind for the task. He was going to
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Chapter 9
“Victoria?”“Yes?”“The next train doesn’t leave until tomorrow morning at 7:45.”“Okay.” What else could she say? It was her fault she’d missed the train.A few minutes later and she had new train ticket. “Hungry?” Ivan asked.“I’ve already eaten,” she answered, shaking her head. “If you can call processed meat with cheese from a can a Philly cheese steak?”“How about you join me while I eat? You might find something to nibble on.”Was it her imagination, or had he intended the sexual innuendo? Shrugging, she answered, “Sure!”“How about Luigi’s? It’s right across the street.”“Why not? I don’t have anywhere else I have to be, and I’d love to catch up with you.” Had she just said love? She glanced at his face, but he seemed intent on getting out of there.He grabbed her luggage and led her outside to his fancy car; his very new, obviously expensive car. He popped the trunk and placed her bags inside. He curled her arm inside his as they walked across to the street to Luigi’s. Once th
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Chapter 10
Sitting, Victoria took a few seconds to allow the last dredges of sleep to leave her brain. She still couldn’t believe she had changed her mind and had agreed to spend the night at Ivan’s. Once outside the parking garage, the cold air did the trick and she felt on high alert, although she remained quiet as she followed Ivan to his apartment. His place was nice, very nice, the ultimate bachelor pad. She followed him across a plush carpet to the living room where a fifty-inch flat screen televisiondominated the far wall. “Have a seat,” he said, nodding toward the sofa. “I’m going to put your luggage in the guest room.” He vanished down the hallway. She sat on the black sectional, then placed her purse on the glass table and surveyed the room. Paintings of all kinds decorated the other three walls. Some were modern with splashes of colors. Others landscapes, and the ones the wall closest to her were portraits. Her eyes rested on a rather formal picture drawing of a man who looked qui
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