Into the Mind of Fictional Characters

Into the Mind of Fictional Characters

Oleh:  Lyra Dawson  On going
Bahasa: English
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Famous author, Valerie Adeline's world turns upside down after the death of her boyfriend, Daniel, who just so happened to be the fictional love interest in her paranormal romance series, turned real. After months of beginning to get used to her new normal, and slowly coping with the grief of her loss, Valerie is given the opportunity to travel into the fictional realms and lands of her book when she discovers that Daniel is trapped among the pages of her book. The catch? Every twelve hours she spends in the book, it shaves off a year of her own life. Now it's a fight against time to find and save her love before the clock strikes zero, and ends her life.

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wow this is amazing.. please keep going! is there any social media to discuss your story further?
2021-07-22 19:34:04
6 Bab
"The reality is that you'll grieve forever.You'll not 'get over' the loss but learn to live with it, every single waking moment.You'll heal and rebuild yourself around the loss you have suffered.You'll be whole again,but you will never be the same againNor should you be the same,nor would you want to beAnd that is the reality of true loss."Elizabeth Kubler-Ross and John Kessler▫️▫️▫️◽️◽️◻️◽️◽️▫️▫️▫️"It's just too hard and I just want to forget ever meeting you, but more importantly I wish I never wrote you into existence," I sighed and turned my back towards him, not wanting to see the sunken look his eyes would form from my words."Is that really how you feel, Val?" He asked, over the noise of the raindrops hitting my window.I did. It was the truth. He had ruined everything but I guess I was also at fault for allowing it to happen... for being weak and letting him in.My breath wavered. "If it prevented me from being lost and miserable without you. From ever having to suff
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Chapter One
When someone dies, it's supposed to be sad but having to watch it all happen before your very own eyes is devastating. Out of everyone in both vehicles that night, I was the only survivor. The driver in the other vehicle, died at the wheel, paramedics said he had a heart attack. I saw the truck heading into our lane but by the time my mouth could formulate a response it was already too late.If I had said one word, or uttered anything about the truck, maybe Daniel would still be alive. The accident happened in slow motion. One moment we were laughing but then the next, my mind seemed to have stopped time.As the impact of the truck crashed into us, we slammed back way too fast and I felt the car start to fall off the ledge. I looked to my left at Daniel before the car fell off the bridge and saw blood dripping down his forehead just from the impact of the hit. "Daniel! Daniel!" I screamed, but it was hopeless and deep down I already knew that, I just didn't want to face the truth. I
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Chapter Two
I felt comfortable. I knew my fate and yet I was surprisingly calm about it. Why struggle and worry your last few moments to live? Just think about your life as though it was flashing before your very own eyes. Then I felt something or rather someone grab my shoulders.When I opened my eyes and blinked a few times, I saw it was Daniel. He was struggling under the pressure of the water as he tried grabbing my wrist. We struggled a little more climbing over the seats in the car.I tried fighting him, I was just extra weight to carry, but he didn't seem to care. I was becoming more and more unconscious by the minute.My eyes were hard to keep open in the water as I was being dragged to the back of the car.There was a small little crack in the back window as he tried to slam his foot against it, trying to break free. He was losing his breath quickly as he put as much force in the last kick. The window broke free and the pressure of the water came crashing in really fast, forcing us back
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Chapter Three
"He's in the sun, the wind, the rain, and in the air in which you breatheHe sings a song of hope and cheer, there's no more pain, no more fearYou'll see him in the clouds abovehear him whisper words of loveYou'll be together before longUntil then listen to his song."Christy Ann Martine ~•~Awareness came in gradual stages. It began with a series of tiny explosions that went off behind my hazel-coloured eyes, intense detonations of pain that heralded my return to consciousness.With my eyes still closed I slowly registered the sounds surrounding me. The grating rasp of a respirator. The high-pitched blip of a heart monitor. My own blood rushing in my ears, obliterating every coherent thoughts, except for one. Pain.The mere act of parting my swollen lids was agony personified, and yet I tried anyway. Tears leaked from my eyes, bruising the corners with my effort, but yet I still persisted.I could feel the painful shift in my spine, the awful heaviness in my legs and the tingling
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Chapter Four
For a moment I wondered why she was acting weird, but my thoughts were interrupted when my father and Daniel's friend, Leander, walked in.Once I made eye contact with my father I noticed so many emotions all at once. Relief that I was alright, a deep sense of sadness over the accident, worry was clearly in front but anger was present as well."Valerie!" Thank the Lord you're okay!" My father said out loud as he rushed up to give me a hug. His eyes were bloodshot and his face was pink. His voice was strained and he looked beyond tired."And here I thought big men don't cry," I said jokingly. He looked embarrassed for a minute as he turned around to laugh with Leander."Hello, Val. I'm glad to see you still have your sense of humour," Leander said as he walked towards the window side of my bed. "Where's mother?" I asked, looking at the doorway."She's at home resting. For the past four days in a row, she wouldn't leave your bedside. "After we fought yesterday about her getting some r
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Chapter Five
I looked up to see Leander's face just inches from me. Regret was flooding through my body because I hadn't thought about how this would affect my parents. I was on my knees and he was on his, while looking at me.Before I gave it a thought I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly. He put one of his hands on my back and the other behind my head, keeping me on his shoulder.He then started to rub circles on my back and run his fingers through my tangled messed up hair. "Don't ever do that again..." he said seriously."Your parents love you! People still care about you. I still care about you... and you can't just end your life like that, Valerie. Do you understand! "Didn't you see how happy your father was when he saw that you had awakened? Or the sad look your mother had when she tried but failed to calm you down when she came back and saw you in tears? Now picture them when you aren't here anymore, Val!"I sobbed into his neck as he continued to talk to me patiently. Was
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