Icy twins and hot actors

Icy twins and hot actors

By:  London love  Completed
Language: English
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Twins Meri and Lumi Saarela are 24 years old and have just moved from Finland to London to study. Meri is the most romantic and soft of the girls, but when she is told to accept her destiny and follow fate she still finds it hard as the man that seems to be chosen for her is not much of what she imagined. Not only is he a famous actor, he is also somewhat older than she imagined the man of her dreams to be. Can Tom convince her to take a chance on him and fate ? Lumi has been called the ice queen by many men, but Tom believes he knows just the guy who can thaw her heart ... but will Luca manage ... and will they even get along considering that they both hate being set up ? Also Lumi might have a reason to keep people at an arm's length.

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Syrena Clayton
Just started reading and I'm enjoying it. It's a nice story.
2022-12-19 04:33:41
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Lost in love
Fun and charming and I love the way Lumi and Luca teases each other
2022-06-23 06:52:53
104 Chapters
1: Accept destiny on the northern line
*Meri* "Are you completely sure you don't want me to stay here with you ? I hate leaving you when you are sick". I look at my beloved twin sister Lumi, who is all bundled up in bed with a cold. She smiles at me. "Yeah, we just arrived in London… go see the city. You shouldn't sit here just because I'm sick. I'll be okay… I have tea, Netflix and something called hobnobs". We arrived yesterday in London from Tampere in Finland to study at UCL on a government paid scholarship. Our father is in the military and has been for many years, so that is why we got this possibility. "Okay then, but I'll take a lot of pictures and send them to you". I tell her, stepping into my shoes. She smiles at me again. "I know you will". We always wanted to see London. Well we want to see the world while Lumi still can. But so far we have only been on a few short trips to Norway and a single family holiday in Mallorca. My father simply didn't have the time and the money wasn't big either. I grab my sm
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2: On track
*Meri* I breathe in and look around as I enter the area. Okay which way to go first ? One way there is a colourful playground and behind it a small sports stadium ... the other way the path disappears around a bend. Hmm the playground no doubt, it looks so bright and funny. So I turn right, walking on the path running along the playground. An elderly woman comes towards me with two small dogs. One of them pulls towards me and I squat down to scratch it behind the ears. She smiles at me. "Oh sorry my dear, he just loves being cuddled". "It's totally okay. I love dogs and he is very sweet". I say looking up at her. "And I love cuddling too". "He is usually much more reserved towards strangers. But dogs are good judges of character". The woman says with a smile. "Come on boys ... have a nice day my dear". I get up, smiling back at her. "You too". Walking on I reach the playground. It is bright and looks fun and exciting. Making me kind of wish I was a kid again. We didn't have a
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3: The accidential actress
*Meri* Should I have done… like something ? Am I just stupid thinking I felt anything ? I mean it was a complete stranger I was looking at. I had returned after about 20 minutes, but he had been gone and maybe that was for the best… I mean what was I going to say to him ? I have been spending the last four hours looking at shops and landmarks, sending a few shots to Lumi. And now I am walking over Leicester square, wanting to check out the theaters before going home. There are quite a lot of people gathered down the side street that I turn down. But it is probably just like a guided tour or something. I am kind of walking in my own thoughts, honestly thinking about my running man, pushing a bit to get through the crowd and not really looking. Just as I get through, cursing to myself that people are so selfish blocking the street like that, someone slams into me hard. And hadn't they quickly caught me I would have definitely been knocked over. "What the fuck woman, are you blind
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4: Did he say kiss ?
*Tom* Okay by now I am completely sure that she isn't a fan. Honestly she seemed to have no idea who I am and it's quite refreshing. I am kind of pacing the street, waiting for Meri to come back out in costume… Meri, what a special name, it fits her very well. It had been a spur of the moment decision, suggesting her as a stand in for Lena and I still don't totally get why. The trailer door opens and Meri walks out in Lena's outfit, tight leather leggings, over the knees leather boots and a leather jacket, all black. Her long blonde hair is covered with a bright orange wig. "I know, I look ridiculous". She says with a small giggle and spins on the spot. I swallow hard, she looks damn sexy. Oh stop yourself Tom, standing here staring at her ass. She can't be more than in her early twenties, she is too young and would probably think you an old perv for looking at her. "You don't look ridiculous, you look great". I say softly. "Wonderful… Great… no one will notice it's not Lena"
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5: Turning down Bjorn the Red
*Tom* Honestly I feel so stupid right now, I had gotten caught up in the moment and felt a, for me at least, rare connection. So I pushed away the thought that she was too young, that I shouldn't ask out a woman I don't know, and I begged her to go on a date with me. She almost ran back to the trailer, telling me she was sorry but she couldn't, that she was not in London to date, but to focus on her studies. After she had changed back to her own clothes she disappeared so fast I hardly got to say goodbye. You are a fool Tom, of course she said no. I had been too fast, to direct apparently, but I mean who says I will ever see her again ? Her look told me everything, I might have forgotten about the age difference, but she didn't. I shake my head and get ready for the last scene. It can't just be nothing, can it ? I mean… seeing her in the park, then her walking right on set… and that kiss, the thought sends my blood rushing through me… it had been something special, I am sure of
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6: With a little help from fate and Nani
1 week later *Tom* "Come on Nani". I pull slightly at the leash to get his attention. We are out for our early evening walk on the heath. But he is acting kind of strange today, like he is focussed on something else. It has been a week and I have been trying my best to forget her. I mean I know nothing but her first name. I even talked to everyone who had contact with her at the shoot, but no one could help. I am not even sure why I keep trying, she made it kind of clear that she isn't interested. Just as Nani finally decides to come with me my phone rings and I pick it up, seeing it's Lukas. "Hi, anything new ?" "Sorry Tom, I am doing my best here. But finding one girl in London with only her first name and not drawing attention… That's not an easy task". He says with a sigh. "Well then we have to forget about discretion, we could post an ad or something, get a picture from the shot maybe". Nani has stopped again to sniff at something. He sighs at the other end. "Tom, you are
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7: The joy of Tom on stage
Tuesday *Meri* "How do I look ?" I ask for about a millionth time, turning in front of my sister as she is putting in her earrings. I am wearing a red plaid skirt with a simple black top, my long hair held back by a simple braid that Lumi did. "You look great sis, relax". I look at her, she looks perfect in a long purplish-grey skirt and a black top, her hair curled to perfection. "Thanks… you look amazing". "So… what are you going to say when Tom asks you out on a real date ?" She picks up her clutch. "Who says he is going to do that ?" I feel my cheeks flush. I have been thinking a lot about it these last two days. Is Tom the destiny I should not refuse ? She rolls her eyes, before looking in the mirror, applying her hot pink lipstick. "Believe me, he is going to ask you out, so what do you say ?" "I… I have to say yes, don't I… I would regret saying no. So I just have to get over the age difference". I put the bright red lipstick I am wearing in my purse, in case I need a
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8: First kiss
*Tom* Of course I offered to drive Lumi home first or to an underground station, but she just laughed and told me to get going and have Meri home early enough to be ready for school tomorrow. After having a security guard check that no one is in the parking lot, I offer Meri my arm and lead her to my car, opening the door to her. "Here you go darling". "Thanks Tom". She smiles warmly at me, before putting on the safety belt and I close the door, hurrying around to the driver's seat. "It's a very cool car". She says running her hand over the leather seat. "It fits you". I start my navy jaguar. "Thanks, actually I should probably be looking for a smaller more efficient car. Especially since I don't use it much. On normal days I walk or take the tube, most events send a car". "But they didn't send a car today ?" She looks at me, as I navigate into the street. "Well, they did offer". I am happy that I can keep my focus on the road. "But I thought it would be easier having my own c
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9: Planning a second date
*Meri* "So… when are you going to see Tom again ? And how did the evening go ?" Lumi asks as we walk towards the School the next morning. I smile to myself, remembering the evening. "It went well, we had tapas at this cosy little spanish place. And he held my hand the whole evening, like literally the whole evening. We talked about everything. Oh Lumi he is so sweet and so brilliantly smart". "See I told you… aren't you glad you said yes ?" She grins. "So did he kiss you goodnight ?" "Oh yeah, he definitely did". I feel my cheeks blush. "And… it was even better than the last one". She giggles. "Sounds like old Tommy boy has some tricks up his sleeves. I am happy for you sis. So did you plan a second date ?" "Well he asked if he could call me today… that maybe we could go for a walk or something". I am fiddling with a stray lock of my hair. "He seems like a gentleman, so he will probably call today, or tomorrow at the latest". She sends me a happy smile. I bite my lip. "Actual
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10: Walking Nani
*Tom* I am sitting on a low wall outside the station, but jumps down as I see Meri exit. She looks so beautiful my throat instantly go dry. I hurriedly approach her, kissing her cheek. "Well hello again darling". "Hi Tom". She sends me one of those smiles that seems both shy and very sexy at the same time. "I am happy to see you again so soon". She squat down and scratches Nani behind the ears, making his whole body quiver with happiness. "And good to see you Nani". I can't help smiling. "I think Nani is happy to see you too". She stands up, looking at me, and I bite my lip. Actually I would love to kiss her right now. But given that we are on a busy street, in the middle of the afternoon it would be a very bad idea unless we want to blow this wide open from the start. Smiling softly she leans closer. "I get it Tom, we don't want to be plastered across every gossip site and newspaper tomorrow". "Thanks for understanding". I mutter. It isn't that I am embarrassed to be with her
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