

"Alyssia!" Nacen called out. The others followed his cue and shouted her name. They were searching when Alyssia's voice stopped them. "I'm here, why are you guys screaming my name like a banshee.?" They could here her voice but could not see her.

"Alyssia, where are you? My love." Nacen called out in urgency.

"I'm here, Nacen. Right here." She revealed herself as the last remaining dust cleared out. They were stunned as they looked at her. She was still wearing the same outfit she had worn when she went in but she looked different. Her eyes were glittering and her hair,....her hair was actually red. Red like as if they had soaked her hair in blood to give it the deep red colour, andit also looked longer as flowers pastel buttocks in beautiful wavy directions. and her aura felt so strong. One could tell that excess energy was running through her as they could see tiny golden lines course through her body. If Nacen had been in love before now he was ten times in love and enchanted by he
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