


When I woke up the following morning, I found my things from Revira's residence already in my room. I thought I wouldn't be able to sleep in this room for my first night here, but I was wrong. I had a good sleep. It was my best sleep since I was seven years old.

I stood up, fixed my bed, and went into the bathroom. I took a bath and fixed my clothes inside my closet. My clothes look like rags compared to the branded clothes that Alexnder bought for me, but I'm uncomfortable wearing those kinds of clothes.

I dressed in my old clothes and carried my school bag downstairs.

"Good morning, Miss Cassandra. Your breakfast is ready. "

"Good morning, Harold. Where's my mother? "

"She insisted on helping with the household chores. "

"Just let her be. She isn't used to not doing anything. By the way, thank you for bringing my things here. "

"You are welcome, Miss Cassandra. Billy and Jack got it from Revira's residence last night. Come and eat your breakfast. Billy and Jack were already waiting for you outside."

"Thank you, Harold." I followed Harold into the dining area and saw Mama in the kitchen.

"Good morning, Ma. Have you eaten your breakfast?"

"Yes, dear, I eat with the others. Eat your breakfast, or you'll be late for your class. "

"I'll help do the household chores when I return from school later. "

"Miss Cassandra, you can't do that. Sir Alexander firmly told us never to let you work here at home. Just focus on your study, or if you have a hobby, do it. You can tell me if you want me to buy you something. I heard your hobby is drawing. I can buy the things you need to draw so that you have something to do during your free time."

"But Sir Alexander provided everything for me. I want to return his kindness for doing something. "

"Sir Alexander is not expecting something from you in return. All he wanted for you was to be happy. If you are happy, you also made him happy." I pursed my lips and ate my food quietly.

After breakfast, I bid goodbye to Mama and Harold and went to the garage as Harold instructed.

Jack and Billy greeted me, and I stepped back when Jack opened the door of one of the cars. I'm unfamiliar with cars, but if my schoolmates see me step out of this car, they will wonder why I suddenly ride in an expensive car going to school.

"You don't have other cars? My schoolmates will wonder why I ride in expensive vehicles when I'm used to riding a bus to school. "

"Let them wonder, Miss. You are not required to explain yourself to them. Let them wonder until their head hurt. "

"But I don't want to catch attention. "

"You can choose the two other cars. Which one do you want to use? Please hurry if you don't want to be late. " Jack smirked because the two other vehicles were the same as the first.

"Okay, okay. But please drop me at the bus stop. "

"Other women brag what they have, but you are embarrassed to show it." Billy chuckled.

"It wasn't mine," I whispered and got inside the car. We left the mansion, and I quietly focused my eyes outside the window.

"Miss Cassandra, if someone hurt you inside your school, tell us because we are not allowed to go in with you."

"I'll be fine." What would my schoolmates think if they saw Jack and Billy following me around? I'm sure I will be the talk speaker at the school.

"This phone is yours. Harold bought it for you. Harold already saved our number there, including Sir Alexander. Call us if someone hurt you inside your school, and we will be there. "

"You know, I still wonder why Sir Alexander is helping me. And my father's debt wasn't a small amount of money. Why is he doing this to me? He is spending too much for me.

"You can ask Sir Alexander because we also don't know. We are only following our boss's orders. Billy replied. I took a deep breath and returned my focus outside the window because I knew I wouldn't get any answer from them even if I wanted to.

"Please stop the car here. "

"But miss..

"Sir Alexander won't know if no one will tell him, and you can pick me up here later also. "

"Okay, but don't hesitate to call us if you are in trouble. "

"Okay, bye, Jack, Billy. Thank you for sending me to school. See you later. "

"You are welcome, Miss. See you later. " I nodded, smiling, and stepped out of the car.

I walked to the school, but I pursed my lips when I saw the car following me. Billy was grinning at me, so I clicked my tongue but smiled in return and continued walking.

I waved my hand at them when I stepped inside the gate, and I momentarily rooted in my place when I saw everyone looking at me.

Because of Alexander, I have forgotten what happened yesterday. I took a deep breath, ignored their stares, and resumed walking, but someone blocked me.

I saw Christina, Rose, and Diane glaring at me. What do these women want early in the morning?

"Can you let me pass? My class will start in a few minutes. "

"You still look calm after what you did?"

"I didn't do anything. "

"You didn't do anything?" I was caught off-guard when Diane slapped me. " You paid someone to beat Kris and Jaxon. "

"I paid someone to beat them? I didn't do it. Where should I get the money to pay someone? Maybe they have enemies as if you don't know your jerk brother and Rose's evil boyfriend. They deserve it. " I glared at Christina, but another slap hit my face.

"Dad said you ran away from home, but you are still going to school here."

"I'm paying for my tuition here, so I have the right to go here, and what I did to my life is none of your business anymore. I'm not your maid or anything else, so stay away from me. And what happened to Kris and Jaxon is karma. "

I winced when Rose pulled my hair. "Let me go!

"You bitch, are nothing but a maid. So stop acting proud in front of me." She screamed and pushed me away. My tears rolled down my eyes when I fell to the ground, scraping my knees.

"That's where you belong, peasant. " Rose mocked. They laughed and left my pitiful self alone.

I stood up, dusted myself, went to the toilet, and fixed myself before I went to my classroom, which was already ten minutes late.

"Miss Revira, next time you come late to my class, I won't let you in anymore." My professor scolded me.

"I'm sorry. " I whispered without looking up because I was sure I had bruises on my face.

"Make sure this will never happen again, Miss Revira. "

"Yes, Sir. "

After my first period, I'm thankful I have one vacant period. I went to the cafeteria, bought some ice, went under the tree behind the school, and pressed it on my bruised face, hoping the bruises were already gone before my next class.

My tears rolled down my face when I remembered what Jaxon did to me. He deserves what happened to him.

When my next class came, my bruises were still there, but they weren't as bad as earlier. I put on face powder to cover them and went to my next class.

I'm glad I didn't encounter my sister and her friends after what happened in the morning, and I had a peaceful day until my class ended.

I smiled when I stepped out of school and found Billy and Jack following me. I went to the bus stop, and when they stopped in front of me, I quickly got inside the car. I'm afraid my schoolmates will see me getting into an expensive vehicle and speculate something untrue.

"Good afternoon, Miss Cassy. How's your days? "

"I'm good."

"Nothing happens? "

"No. "

"But why do you have bruises on your face? " Jack asked.

"Oh, that's not bruises." I smiled awkwardly at him. Billy also looked at me, but I turned around to hide my face from them.

I'm glad they stop questioning me. I don't like to lie, but it's my problem, and I don't want to involve them. They already help me a lot.

"Welcome home, Miss Cassy. " Harold greeted me when I stepped inside the mansion.

"Thank you, Harold, Ma. "

"Welcome back, dear. " Mama Amara kissed my cheek, and I winced when her lips touched my bruised face.

"What happened? "

"Nothing, Ma. "

"Nothing? Why do you have bruises on your face? "

"I bumped into something in a hurry earlier. Don't worry. It's nothing.

"Stop lying. You are not clumsy, dear."

"Someone beat Jaxon, and Kris and Christina thought I paid someone to beat them. "

"And what your devil sister did you you? "

"Christina slapped me while Rose pushed me. I have a scrape on my knees, too. "

"Who is this Rose? "

"She is Jaxon's girlfriend. "

"Okay, wash up so I can tend to your bruises. "

"Okay, Ma. Don't worry. This bruise isn't severe. Tomorrow, it wasn't there anymore. " She nodded and patted my head.

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