


"Don't overthink about how I've known you. For now, I do not want you to worry about anything. The people in the mansion will serve you like a Princess, and no one will ever hurt you again, even your family.

"That guy Jaxon will regret hurting you as well as Kris. Focused all your attention on your studies and enjoy your life, and I'll do the rest. I will protect you, Cassy, and everyone who wants to hurt you. "

My tears rolled down my face, hearing his comforting voice. It was the first time someone assured me they would protect me, and it struck my heart. Even Jaxon, whom I've been dating for more than five months, never promised to protect me from my brother and sister's hurtful words while we were at school. Yes, he said sweet words, like how much he loves me, but now that I think about it, I realize  it doesn't sound sincere compared to Alexander's assuring words.

Perhaps I was so in love with Jaxon that I didn't see and feel that everything he showed and told me was a lie.

"Sir Alexander, if you are true to your words, thank you so much for taking me out of hell. I don't know how I will repay you. "

"Please don't call me Sir. Could you call me by my name? And I don't think you will be able to repay me. I wanted to help and did it without expecting anything in return. "

"But you spend too much on my clothes, shoes, bag, and jewelry. And everything I know is expensive. I'm not used to wearing branded clothes. I'm okay with my old clothes.

"I heard you didn't bring any of your things. But if you're not comfortable using it. I'll ask someone to get your thing from the Rivera residence. I don't want you to return there. They might hurt you again."

"Okay, thank you.'"

"I'll give you a monthly allowance. Harold will give you a bank card later, and I'll deposit your allowance there. Billy and Jack will send you to school and pick you up after class. I'll ask Harold to buy you a phone so you can contact me if you need anything. The people in the mansion will take care of you, so don't worry. And stop crying. I don't want to hear you cry again."

"Why are you so kind to me? " I sobbed.

"I will tell you when the right time comes. Don't worry, I'm not a bad person. I... I care for you, Cassy, and it hurts me to see you suffer. Okay, remove all the negative thoughts in your mind. I don't have any hidden agenda for why I am helping you. I only want you to live a happy and carefree life. "

"Thank you. "

"I know I couldn't remove the doubt in your heart easily. I understand you. I'm a stranger to you, but I assure you that hurting you is the last thing I would ever do to you. Okay, I'll talk to you some other time. I'm out of the country now and am still determining when I will finish my business here. Don't worry. I'm always out of the country. You don't have to worry if you're not ready to meet me. I have my place to stay. I only go there sometimes when I have nothing to do. But now that I'm busy I need to find out when I can go there. I just wanted to let you know that you don't need to worry. Just make yourself comfortable and at home."

"Okay, thank you so much. "

"You are welcome. I have to go."

"Okay. " I looked at Mama when I hung up the phone. "I think you found your night in shining armor."

"Ma, I still doubt Xander, but I think he is better than my family, who treated me as a slaved and their punching bag. "

"He sounds sincere, kind, and young."

"But he is working, so he might be in his thirties."

"Let's not think for anything at the moment. Let's follow what Alexander said: live a happy and carefree."

"I can't for now. When I feel comfortable with the new people around us, I'll start living a carefree life. "

"Okay, do what makes you comfortable. I'll always be behind and support you. "

"Thank you, Ma, for always being there for me. Don't worry, after I finish my studies, I will take care of you. You don't need to work anymore. You only sit like a queen. "

"Oh, I can't wait to do that. But for now, I'm still strong. I can still work to provide for you if these people lie to us."

"I love you, Ma. " I whispered and wrapped my arms around her. "Jaxon will regret for fooling me."

"Okay, you wash up, and I do the same. I will return hereafter."

"Okay, I went to the walk-in closet and took comfortable clothes to change. It was all branded and costly. " Is it alright to wear this at home? But I have nothing to wear. I took a plain white T-shirt and a pair of cotton shorts and looked for underwear. I opened the first drawer, but it contained scarves. I opened the next drawer, but it was socks. I opened the drawer on my right, and I'm glad it contains bras, and the drawer below are undies. I ignored the tag, took a pair of it, and went inside the bathroom.

I smiled when I stepped inside the bathroom. I never thought my drawing would be beautiful in real life. Even though the color doesn't match, it still looks gorgeous.

I removed my clothes and went under the rain shower. It's amazing. I want to soak in the jacuzzi, but it can wait, maybe after a week of staying here. I'll feel comfortable to use everything here.

There are five choices of shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. I picked up one shampoo bottle and smiled to see a note on it.

"I don't know what shampoo, conditioners, and body wash you like, so I bought five different brands. I hope one of them is in your liking. Enjoy your shower, Xander.

"Alexander, who are you? " What is your reason for doing this to me? I find you mysterious, and you're creeping me out. But at the same time, I want to meet you.

After bathing, I put on my clothes and exited the bathroom. Mama is already sitting on the edge of my bed, patting the space beside her.

I sat beside her, and she dried my hair and brushed it like she used to be when I was younger.

"Miss Cassy, Harold called out outside and knocked at the door.

"Please come in. " He pushed the open and stepped inside.

"The dinner is ready. Do you want to serve your dinner here, or do you want to eat at the dining area?"

"I'll eat downstairs. Thank you, Harold. "

"Okay, you can come in a few minutes. I'll prepare the table. "

"No, we will go with you."

"Okay, let's go. The dining area is on the first floor."We followed him out of my room, and he led us to the elevator.

"This house has an elevator? "

"Yes, Miss. I used the stairs earlier because I want to show you some of the area of the mansion. But you can use this elevator if you want. If you want to exercise, you can use the stairs." He chuckled. I smiled as we stepped out of the elevator. He led us to the right sight of the first floor to the dining area.

There's a long table that can accommodate ten people. "Have a seat, Miss Cassy, Ma'am Amara. "

"No, just call me Amara."

"But you are Miss Cassy's mother. "

"Please just call me Amara. I was only a helper before coming here, and I felt uncomfortable with you calling me ma'am. "

"You can call me Cassy too."

"That thing I cannot do. Sir Alexander firmly told us to call you Miss Cassy. I'm sorry, Miss Cassy. You sit here, Miss Cassy. Harold pulled the chair on the head of the table, which only my father occupied when I was in Revira's residence.

"I just sit here, Harold. I'm not used to sitting at the head of the table."

"Okay, do what makes you comfortable. " He smiled. I smiled and took my seat on the right side of the head of the table, and Mom took the seat in front of me.

I watched as the helpers brought the food in front of us. "Thank you. Harold, why don't everyone join us? The table is huge. We can all fit here. You can ask Billy and Jack to join us too. "

"Sorry, Miss, but we have already eaten our dinner, and we have our dining area."

"Oh, okay. Can you introduce everyone to me? If I stay here, I want to know the people living here."

"Don't worry, Miss Cassy. I'll introduce you to them tomorrow. The others had already gone home. "

"Okay. You prepared too much food for two people."

"Sir Alexander...

"Shh!!!! Don't mind him. He is Dan, the chief here.

"So, Sir Alexander asked you to cook all this food." I smiled and filled my plate. The food is all my favorite. Even this Alexander knows.

"You cooked great Dan. Thank you for the food."

"Welcome, Miss, and enjoy your meal." I smiled and nodded in response."

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