Fragments of Elysium: Love on Campus

Fragments of Elysium: Love on Campus

By:  Amelie Bergen  Completed
Language: English
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"Watch out for your expressions, Everhart. People might start thinking you've got a thing for me.""No one would assume I'm that desperate, Sterling."***After transferring as a scholarship student to the prestigious Elysium University, Lily Everhart is determined to pursue her dream of becoming a geneticist. However, her orderly life takes an unexpected turn when she meets Adrian Sterling, the charismatic campus bad boy, igniting a rivalry between them and disrupting Lily's plans for an uneventful academic year.Amidst the challenges of university life, she grapples with conflicting emotions about Adrian while also discovering that Elysium isn't what it seems.Can she finish her remaining years of college unharmed? Or will money and power prove to be everything that matters? Will Lily and Adrian overcome their differences, or will it push them further apart?Fragments of Elysium: Love on Campus is created by Amelie Bergen, an eGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.

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56 Chapters
Chapter 1 : Welcome to Elysium University
*Lily*When I set foot into Elysium University that morning, I had no idea how much my life was about to change.The chill of the autumn breeze greeted me as I stepped out of the taxi, clutching my backpack and pulling my luggage behind me. The classic buildings, weathered by time, stood tall with intricate details etched into their stone facades. Vines, like nature's artwork, adorned the walls, adding a touch of wild beauty to the historical charm. An intoxicating mix of excitement and anxiety bubbled within my chest as I surveyed the campus, my heart quickening at the thought of what awaited me here.Having just transferred from another college, this was more than a simple change of scenery for me. Financial struggles had forced my father and me to pack up and move to a new city in pursuit of a more affordable life. Taking in the grandeur of Elysium University now, I couldn't shake the weight of responsibility that rested on my shoulders. The scholarship I had earned through
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Chapter 2 : Clash of Titans
*Lily*Excitement boosted my mood as I slipped into the classroom on Monday morning for my first class of the week—Bioethics and Medical Law. My gaze flitted across the room filled with students from both Bronze and Silver Wings until it found Rachel in the middle row, waving a hand at me discreetly from her seat. "Excuse me," I repeated as I slid past knees and backpacks to claim the spot beside her. The cushioned chair received me with a soft sigh, and I immediately got my notebook, smoothing a stray lock behind my ear and fixing my gaze forward.Professor Caesar stood at the lectern, his presence commanding silence, the sort that fell heavily upon the room as he cleared his throat. "Welcome to Bioethics and Medical Law," he began, his voice resonating through the room. "Here, we will navigate the treacherous waters of morality that often surround the advancements of biological sciences."My pen poised above the page as I prepared myself. Professor Caesar checked us out, lik
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Chapter 3 : Rivalry Ignited
*Lily*"Miss Everhart," Professor Caesar's voice was steady, yet there was a glimmer of a warning in his tone, reminding me of where and who I was. "I believe the collaboration of such passionate minds can only yield exceptional results." I turned to look at Adrian, whose expression was unreadable. Was that a spark of challenge in his eyes? Or perhaps amusement? Whatever it was, it inflamed my pride and set my nerves alight. Within minutes, this man had managed to ruffle my feathers in a way no one else had before. And I hated it.Adrian shrugged, leaning back in his seat, his arms crossed over his chest–a picture of indifference."Fine," I muttered under my breath, forcing myself to look away from him. "Very well." Professor Caesar clapped his hands together with finality. "I will now group the rest of you, and we can proceed with the project in the next class. We won't have time to discuss strategies today, but you can conduct some research as homework."As he continued t
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Chapter 4 : The Order of Elysium
*Lily*My mind was a jumble of thoughts as I strolled out of the library that evening. Clutched in my hands were the notes I had compiled during my research for Professor Caesar's joint project with Adrian next Monday—a day I was already dreading.I pushed open the heavy oak door, stepping out from the echo of my own footsteps into the embrace of the cold night. A silver glow enveloped the campus' manicured lawns and ivy-clad buildings, the moon standing sentinel in the night sky. The path to Bronze Wing was like a ghost town at this hour, shadows having a dance party under the rustling leaves. As I dragged myself toward my dorm, suddenly feeling exhausted and hungry, a hushed conversation tugged at my ears. It was like stumbling upon a forbidden secret, the hushed tones of their conversation dripping with clandestine urgency. I halted in my steps, afraid they would hear me if I carried on. For some reason, I knew I shouldn’t be listening to their conversation–I should just m
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Chapter 5 : Welcome Party
*Lily*I applied the final stroke of mascara as I peered into the mirror, my own reflection surprisingly leaving me satisfied. Even though I wasn't eager to go to this party, now that Rachel and I were getting ready, I was starting to feel the change in the air and in my mood. Rachel's deft fingers worked through her dark curls, pinning them up with an expertise that belied her casual demeanor."Tonight's going to be so much fun," she declared excitedly.I nodded, adjusting the delicate strap of my black dress, feeling the fabric cling to every contour of my body like a second skin. "I've never been to one of these campus parties before," I confessed, the flutter in my stomach betraying both nerves and exhilaration."Seriously? Not even before you got transferred? Ah, Lily..." Rachel sighed when I shook my head at her, fastening an earring with a practiced click. I was never a popular girl in school, much less in college. Before I got transferred, I was one of those people wh
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Chapter 6 : Interrupted
*Lily*"Looks like the dynamic duo is back," Rachel quipped from beside me, nudging me with her elbow, her voice holding a teasing lilt.My eyes drifted from Professor Alan and a group of five loud and squeaky girls chatting lively, to find Adrian reappearing, this time flanked by a new figure. The guy beside him was all athletic grace and easy charm, and I recognized him from the baseball team. He had a wide smile that seemed genuine and infectious.His eyes crinkled at the corners as he laughed at something Adrian said. His presence was as commanding as it was amiable—a stark contrast to the brooding intensity that Adrian exuded."Who is that?" I asked, ignoring the odd flutter in my stomach by seeing Adrian again. Now, with the room a bit less dark, I realized I hadn’t paid much attention to how good-looking he was tonight. The guy managed to turn jeans, a white T-shirt, and a jacket into an outfit that seemed to have stepped right off a catwalk."That's Chris Harrington, Adr
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Chapter 7 : Unspoken Desires
*Lily*My skin tingled from the proximity of his body, the heat emanating from Adrian as he leaned closer still, an unreadable expression painted across his handsome features. His eyes, dark and inscrutable, flitted to my lips—a fleeting glance that sent a jolt of something dangerous down to my core—and then back up to lock with mine. The air in the hallway seemed to thicken with each breath I took, laden with the scent of spilt beer and Adrian’s intoxicating cologne. "Like I said, Professor Reynolds has a bit of a reputation, and it was clear to me that you were uncomfortable," Adrian whispered, the timbre of his voice deceptively soft yet laced with an undercurrent of authority that was all too possessive.I wondered if I had been too obvious with my discomfort or if Adrian was just very good at reading people. I frowned at him, the warmth of his breath tickling my face. "I still don't see how that's your business," I challenged, my voice barely above a murmur."You've been
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Chapter 8 : Faces of Evil
*Lily*Adrian walked beside me, his presence both comforting and confusing as we traded along the dimly lit pathways of Elysium. The night's chill seeped through my skin, making me regret not carrying a jacket with me tonight. But it wasn't this regret that made me shiver—it was the regret for abruptly breaking the moment we shared and avoiding Adrian’s kiss.I wrapped my arms around myself, more out of reflex than to fend off the cool air. "Are you cold?" Adrian's voice suddenly sliced through the silence."A little," I admitted, my gaze fixated on the cobblestones, their edges blurred by what I assumed was the alcohol I had consumed tonight."Here." Without a second thought, Adrian slipped off his own jacket and offered it to me. His actions were a balm, yet they only served to intensify the confusion that had taken root within me. To say I was shocked by his sudden chivalry and concern for me was an understatement. I believed he had been raised well, learning proper manner
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Chapter 9 : Unpleasant Reunion
*Lily*"Ready to partner up with Mr. Smug?" Rachel teased me with a smirk. Her voice cut through the crisp air, bringing with it a sense of reality I wasn't ready to face. With each hesitant step toward our first class on Monday morning, I could feel the weight of Saturday night's shared moments with Adrian causing a bizarre cocktail of anxiety and anticipation within me. In all honesty, I was more prepared to deal with his annoying smirks and his obnoxious demeanor than not knowing how to behave with him at all.And after everything that happened at the part–and after it–I wasn't sure of what our dynamic would be like today."Shut up, Rach," I muttered, my cheeks ablaze with embarrassment and irritation. It was ridiculous, really, how a few odd, unusual moments could disquiet the rhythm of my life and put me in an uncertain path.We slipped into the classroom just as the clock tower chimed, signaling the start of another week—one I'd been dreading. The rows of seats, filled wi
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Chapter 10 : Behind the Lens
*Adrian*I wandered closer to the fountain where a cluster of students lounged on the grass, chattering excitedly as they finished classes for the day. "Hey, guys. Mind if I ask you a few questions for a documentary?" I asked, waving the camera in my hand. My voice was a well-practiced blend of casual and authoritative—an artful performance honed by years of being underestimated. I’d normally have Kit–my assistant within the Campus Cinema Program–with me for these sorts of tasks, but since this was a personal project, I thought it would be better that I just did it by myself. I didn't think anyone would get exactly what I was after if I asked them to do it for me. As the head of the Program, I had to show a different side of myself—one marked by leadership and vision. But, even with all the responsibilities and creative work, I always managed to keep some of my rebellious nature. It was my way of connecting with people, making them open to helping me bring my projects to life.
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