


I found myself before this boss. I was forced to go on my knees the moment I stood before him, by one of his men.

Looking at the interior, gave me my confirmation on who these men are. They are Mafias. This means I'm before their boss. He must have ordered them to find and bring me before him, so he could finish the work.

I felt my entire body shiver, while thinking of what's in store for me. If only I had listened to my heart, when it suggested I take the bridge.

"Is this the one that kept you all awake all through the night?" The Mafia Lord questioned his men, who stood behind me.

I was trying not to look his way, but down at the ground. But my temptation got the better of me. I lifted my eyes at this frightening fellow. His eyes were directly above me. It's clear that he's talking to the man behind me.

"She's the one boss. We don't know exactly where she hid herself in the woods. But we made sure we positioned ourselves in every possible route she could be."

"And how did you find her?" He questioned again. Eyes falling on me, with a terrifying glare, sending cold chills down my spines. I immediately took my eyes down to the floor.

"We found her leaving the woods. Got hold of her before she could even step out fully," The man behind me reported.

At this moment, as these two talked about me, I was thinking about my life. It was already flashing before my eyes. My father... Gosh! Is this how everything is going to end for me? Does this mean I'll never see my father anymore? I felt my hands shaking, just thinking of my end.

"Hmm." That was the response this Mafia Lord gave to the report.

Everything became silent. I couldn't hear anything anymore, but only the sound of my heartbeat pounding.

"What's your name?" I suddenly heard from him. Lifting my gaze right back at him.

I found him staring at me, with his legs crossed and his back against the couch he was on.

"Sasha," I answered, almost inaudibly.

"Sasha. That's a lovely name," He commented. Placing both legs to the ground and pulling himself away from the couch. His right hand came before me for a handshake. "Carter," He introduced.

I felt my heart beating. I wasn't sure if I should hold his hand or not. Many terrifying thoughts come to my mind.

"Don't be afraid. I just want a handshake," He said. His face looked almost cold, like it didn't rhyme with the tone of his words.

Due to my fear, I took hold of his strong and rough hand. He held mine gently and shook it. Letting out an arc to the side.

I attempted to draw my hand back, but his grip became tight on mine. I gasped on seeing this.

"At a very bad time, you found yourself witnessing what your eyes weren't meant to see. Bringing you to a very uncomfortable position now, Sasha," Carter said, tabling out my situation before me.

The way he gazed at me, made me feel like my whole world was coming to an end right away. I feared for my life, so I ended up apologizing to him. "It wasn't intentional. I was only heading home when I saw the cars parked on the road. I couldn't get through, but decided to find out what was happening at the front. That's how... Please, let me go," I begged.

His eyes are still on me. Almost like he's hypnotizing me, because I didn't realize when his hand released mine. I only realized it when he said, "You have two choices to choose from."

Choices? What options does he have in mind?

"It's either you leave this city and go very far away, or you stay back and..."

"I can't leave the city. I have so many things to do here," I busted out worriedly. I can't leave the city when my father's still in the hospital.

"I'm not done yet, Sasha," Carter said to me. Leaning his back against the couch. I kept quiet and waited to hear the other option. I believe I heard something like staying back in the city.

"It's either you leave the city or you stay back here as... my wife," He concluded.

"What?!" My eyes grew wide at his second choice. Stay back and be his wife? No way!

"Now, choose the one you want. I want your answer," Carter said, snapping his finger at someone.

One of his men came up to him with a box of cigarettes, in which Carter took out one and lit up. I stared at him, before lowering my gaze down on the ground. These choices are terrible. I don't even know which one to choose.

"I'm waiting," His voice came in. Causing me to lift my gaze back at him again.

"Sir, this... this is so sudden and too much for me to bear. I can't give you my decision immediately," I said, trying to avoid too much eye contact with him.

I watched him puff out a smoke from his mouth, before asking, "So?"

"I beg that you please, give me some time to think about this. Allow me to return home first and put in some thoughts on this. I... I'm unable to think straight now," I said, pleased with him.

Carter was silent. He didn't take in his cigar. I was worried that he wouldn't allow me to leave. With my hands coming together, I assured him that he'll get his response back from me.

"I want my answer now. I'm not interested in how long it takes you to think. There are people who make their choices in seconds without waiting for hours or days to choose. You should be like them." Carter refused my request.

I had to keep on pleading with him to let me return home and think about the choices he has brought before me. And finally, he agreed to my request. "Thank you," I said.

"Fine then. You can go home and think about it," He said, signaling three of his boys.

I was lifted up from the ground and standing on my feet again. I felt relieved at last. I'm not going to die, but I'm still in a mess.

"My boys will follow you back to your place," Carter said, rising up from his couch and standing before me.

I was amazed at how tall he was. He almost towered over me, my head level was just close to his neck. I won't dare to even move closer to know how tall he is. I just took my attention away from that, listening to what he just said.

"There's no need for that. I can find my way home once I get to the highway," I suggested, finding the idea of his men following me, not good.

But Carter insisted that they go with me over to my place. I wanted to hesitate once again, but the way he glared at me, kept me shut, that I had to accept his decision. "Alright, they can come with me," I agreed.

"Good," Carter said.

He turned his back at me, facing his couch, while the three he hired to go along with me, came closer. They signaled me to move, and I obeyed.

I turned around, walking straight out through the entrance of the mansion, with these men following me from behind.

At least, I'm happy that I get to live for another year to come. All my childhood moments had flashed before me. It even seems like I saw myself being delivered from my mother's womb. Is that how one's life flashes when he or she comes face to face with death?

"Get in," One of the men ordered me. I said nothing, but just got into the car, which turned out to be mine. One sat with me at the back, and the second at the front. The third had gotten into a different car, which was behind mine.

They started the car and drove out slowly from the premises. My eyes took one more glimpse at this large mansion. I spotted Carter at the entrance, looking right at me, still with that cold expression of his. I turned my eyes away, until the car was out and on the road.

Towards the afternoon, we arrived at my residence. I got out of the car with these men, as they handed me my car key without saying anything. They waited for me to get into my house, just to see if indeed it's my home. I did as they wanted. Once I was in, they got into their car and left.

As soon as they were gone, I could breath out again. I rushed to the kitchen and had two glasses of water. My heart kept pounding, thinking of what I went through. I was shivering.

I sat down on the kitchen floor, trying to get myself full. But my mind went to Carter's choices. "What if he comes here tomorrow for an answer? Now that his men know where I live, they'll surely bring their boss here. No, I can't do it," I panicked.

I can't get married to a murderer or leave the city, when my father is still in the hospital. I grew up in this city with my father. He's the only family I have. "I am not going to be the wife to a killer, nor will I leave my father for another city," I decided.

I am not making any choice for that murderer. But since he wants me to pick one choice, I'll do as he wants. I'm going to leave this house for him.

I made up my mind to run away from my home and move somewhere far from Carter and his men. That's the only option I have, if I want to be close to my father or avoid being married to the Mafia Lord.

Towards the evening, I was already in my bedroom, gathering my clothes and important things in my bags. The sky was getting darker by the minute, and I needed to move out immediately.

Once the time struck eight, I took my bags and gently snuck out of my home. Saw no reason to take my car along, since that murderer and his men were familiar with it already. I made my way into the night and straight for the highway on foot.

Found a cab, which took me to a hotel, which wasn't far from the hospital. It's a better way to be closer to my father and be safe.

I checked into one of the rooms and made myself at home in my new residence. Though it's a hotel, it still felt like home. Maybe the bed.

After that night, I visited my father from time to time in the hospital. I no longer had to rush back home like before. Sometimes, I spend the night with my father in his room or I head back to the hotel late. There was no issue for me.

One of the visiting days, that's in the evening around seven p.m, I came into the hospital like always, made my way to my father's room and sat beside him.

My father, who's in a coma, laid unconscious on his bed. I wonder if he knows that I'm here with him.

"Hey Dad," I greeted, sitting beside him. "Found a very nice hotdog stand on my way here. Had to get one to eat before coming in to see you," I smiled, just talking.

I stared at my father's weak face. "If you were awake, you'd probably have laughed at me and asked why I didn't get yours. Then I would have told you that the doctor said no junk food allowed, and then..." My eyes slowly dripped out tears, "We would have laughed about it," I concluded, trying to hold myself back.

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