Dear Husband, I'm the Alpha's Mate

Dear Husband, I'm the Alpha's Mate

By:  Writer O.  Completed
Language: English
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"To have and to hold for the rest of my life..." When Bella married her crush, she never imagined that one day the most powerful Alpha in the Decacities would appear, claiming that she is his mate. Meanwhile, Reece Nikolai, alpha of the biggest pack in the Decacities, has waited for decades for his bride to appear. When the moon goddess finally grants him a mate, there are two problems; 1. She's human! 2. She's married to another man! What happens when they can't stay away from each other?

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101 Chapters
The one where she's a proud wife
~Bella~I slipped into the courtroom as the judge was coming in through his side door. Everyone was standing to recieve him. Good! I used that opportunity to slither down to the front and take my place without him noticing.I made it to my seat safely. My co-counsel raised his brow at me. I smiled apologetically and shook my head. He gave me a look that said we'd talk about it later.The judge sat. The whole room bowed and sat too then the judge began the proceedings. As customary, we were asked to introduce ourselves. When it came to my side's turn, my partner stood first, "Parker Smith, counsel for the prosecution," he announced in a clear, bold voice.His voice alone sent a tingle down my spine. I blushed. When would I ever get used to this?It was my turn so I stood too. "Bella Smith, co-counsel for the prosecution." After a few words from the judge, the opposing team stood and gave their opinion statement. Next, Parker stepped out to the front of the courtroom, cleared his
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The one where she's the prey
~Bella~The stranger continued to stare at me. It was the most disconcerting thing ever!He held my gaze squarely even when I caught him staring. He didn't seem to care!His eyes were like bottomless pits, black as Ravens. It sucked me in. It trapped me. It consumed me.I stared blankly like a prey hypnotized by the predator!That was it! That was exactly it! I was trapped in his eyes.I could almost swear I saw his eyes suddenly glow. But I blinked and it was gone. I must have imagined it.I shifted uncomfortably but somehow, for some reason, I felt a delicious shiver of fear and anticipation.My body actually shivered in response. What was happening to me! There was another man next to him watching me just as intently but I didn't get the same feeling from him looking at me.I looked back to the first man. He tilted his head slightly towards me and I heard him clearly say, "Carry on."I jumped. It felt like the words had been spoken directly into my ears, clear and audible. How wa
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The one where she bangs her husband
~Bella~He left? Just like that!The stranger who was staring at me as if he would consume was just gone like that!I felt a sharp feeling of pain as if a part of me had been cut off. It was a feeling of disappointment.I shook my head. 'Silly girl! Why is it any of your business that he left!'Of course, he would leave. He had no reason to stay. What would Parker think if he knew I was thinking such useless thoughts.It was good that the man was gone. Our encounter was too unnerving. Hopefully, we'd never see each other again."What's wrong? What are you staring so intently at?" Parker asked, following my gaze to the empty spot where my mystery man had been sitting. "There's nothing there."I jolted out of my reverie. "Oh, no. Sorry, it's nothing. I just... I remembered something, that's all. Let's go?" He nodded, giving me a worried look. I gave him a reassuring smile and tugged on his hand. "Come on. Let's go." I pulled him away but just before we went out the door, I couldn't h
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The one where he finds his mate
~Nikolai~I was silent the entire ride home. Fuming...I was fuming!I finally found my mate but she was a married woman! A married woman! Of all the...! Blast that moon goddess! Her sense of humor was truly horrible. It wasn't enough that she kept me from finding my mate for so many years! Now my mate was married to another man.The thought made my jaw clenched tightly. My wolf surged to the surface, making my eyes glow. I needed to calm down. If I lost control, my wolf, Karl, would tear the car apart, race off to find her, snatch her and carry her away with me.I closed my eyes and tilted my head back, taking a deep breath. The heat dissipated from my eyes. My breathing became normal again.We pulled up to the giant gate that marked the start of my estate. An iron raven with glittering red rubies for eyes sat on top of it, the symbol of my park. At the sound of my car, several children came rushing out of the different homes to wave excitedly at my car.I rolled down the window
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The one where she meets the stranger again
~Bella~Grrrr!The sound of my alarm pierced through my skull. I shot up out of bed, alarmed.I dragged myself out of bed and waddled off to the bathroom.I didn't bother looking for Parker. I knew he was most likely already gone. He was an early riser, unlike me.He was probably at the office, going over files or something already. The man's work ethics were truly amazing.I stood numbly under the shower, letting the water run over my body and hopefully wash the rest of the sleep from my eyes.By the time I came out and got dressed, I only had time to grab a slice of bread from the pantry before rushing out. When I walked into the office, my secretary, Maggie stood and followed me in."You're late," she said, pushing me into my chair and pulling my semi-wer hair up into a ponytail. "I think I dozed off in the shower," I confessed."You're the only person I know who can sleep under running water," she said, shaking her head."Well, it's very soothing," I said.'Maggie' or Margarita
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The one where she's offered a job
~Bella~I stood in the doorway, gaping like an idiot at the man from the court.'Oh my God, what the hell is he doing here?!'I was going into real panic mode now. Did he come looking for me? Why? And how did he manage to track me down?"Bella? Why are you just standing there? Come in," Parker called to me pulling me out of my reverie.I smiled painfully and walked into the room slowly, going to stand beside Parker.This put me opposite the strange man. His eyes followed my every step, his face unsmiling. The look was so intense, I almost tripped over my feet self consciously.It didn't help that the one beside him who was also with him at the court was also watching me just as intently."Did you hear what I said, honey?" Parker asked again, turning to look at me. "I said he is going to be our new client.""Oh," I muttered. "That's nice."Maybe that was actually nice! Maybe he wasn't here for me after all! He'd been at court and seen Parker's performance. Maybe he'd just been so im
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The one where he gives an ultimatum
~Bella~I found myself sitting in my chair at his one-word command.'Wait a second! This was my office! Why was he telling me what to do?'Sit? Really? What does he take me for; a dog? And why did I just obey like that?I jumped to my feet, fuming slightly. "Mr Nikolai," I said politely, slowly, "Please sit so we can begin our discussion."He eyed me coldly for a second then slowly sat down, pushing the chair back to make room for his long legs.He casually crossed his feet over each other and folded his arms, careful not to ruffle his designer suit.He raised a brow at me silently.I sat down too, stiffly, at the edge of my seat. I cleared my throat and started talking even though I couldn't meet his gaze."First of all, I want to thank you for considering me for this job. It is a great honor to represent the great Reece Nikolai."I paused, waiting for him to acknowledge my thanks. He simply inclined his head an inch to the side.I boldly continued. "I'm not sure why you chose me bec
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The one where he gets a call
~Nikolai~Ahmad held open the door for me and I climbed into the car, fuming.I was angry! Angry at Bella Smith! Angry at her husband! But most importantly, angry at myself!I'd gone into this with every intention to finesse my mate, slowly win her over. But seeing her standing beside that man! Exchanging looks with him! It just ignited a fire in me.I knew the anger wasn't entirely my fault. 'It's your fault, you jealous wolf!' I snapped at Karl. He completely ignored me.'If you keep this up, we're never going to win her over. Might as well just grab her and claim her now. Get it over with.''Winning her over slowly was your idea, not mine! I voted for grabbing her,' he snapped back. I gritted my teeth and ignored him. "So how did it go?" Ahmad asked, pulling me out of my mind."Not the time for questions," I snapped at him."Didn't go so well then," he said casually."Shut up," I said. "I need you to do something for me.""Shoot boss," he said."Make a call to Shirley at the Ti
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The one where she becomes famous
~Bella~Parker and I ducked back into the building. "Oh my gosh! What is going on?" I exclaimed. I knew Parker was popular and getting more and more popular with time.But still, we'd never had reporters gathered in front of our office like that before."Why are they here, Parker? Did something happen with you?""Me?" he asked. "Didn't you hear what they were saying?"I shook my head. "Everyone was talking at once. I couldn't make anything out."He smiled. "They're not here for me, love. They are here for you. They were asking if it's true that you're the new lawyer of the most powerful alpha in the Decacities."I gasped. "Are you kidding me? You have to be joking!""Bella! Bella!" I heard my name being called insistently. I turned around to see Maggie rushing towards me."Oh my gosh, girl, I wasn't sure if I'd catch you before you left. The telephone is ringing off the hook! Everyone wants to know if it's true that you're Reese Nikolai's new lawyer."I stumbled backwards. "I think
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The one where she meets a celebrity
~Unknown~I kept back in the shadows of the courthouse parking lot, watching the drama unfold in real time.I saw the lady lawyer arrive in a car with another man, the husband most likely.I saw them stall in the car and then get out. I saw the reporters circle around them like vultures.Then in a burst of anger, I saw the woman command the attention of the reporters like a pro and tell them off.'Now, that was interesting to watch!' I chuckled to myself. She must be quite something.But not even that was as surprising to me as seeing Ahmad and Boulin, Nik's beta and gamma swooping in to rescue the lawyer.That was the most interesting thing of all! I'd been mildly interested in knowing who he decided to employ as his lawyer.But now, my interest and curiosity was fully peaked. Not only did he snap at me on the phone when I talked about her but he even has his pack members protecting her now?Who was this Bella Smith? And what did she mean to the great Nikolai Reese? The beta and ga
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