Confessions of a Gamma's Daughter

Confessions of a Gamma's Daughter

By:  LifeNMuzik  Ongoing
Language: English
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Celeste was forced into a chosen mating with the most brutal and feared Alpha because of an alliance between the packs even though her father had promised that she would get to select her mate. In order to get rid of the alpha, she runs away only to stumble right into her fated mate. Now torn between two wolves and the threat of starting a war if she does not return to fulfill her duty to her pack, she must make a choice between love and duty, or she could lose everything. “I just need to check something real quick…” He whispers in my ear, as I feel his fingers slide under my panties and go straight to my core, feeling around for my clit.

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73 Chapters
Prologue: Why I Write
I’ve always loved writing. It’s very hard to keep secrets in a pack that is so close to one another and everyone’s business is everyone else’s business! It’s hard to have privacy to even have your own secrets. That’s why I started writing this journal. I needed a safe place to reflect and vent about things that happen to me that I don’t want anyone else knowing so information doesn’t eat me alive! The only person that knows that I write is my mother, and she is the one that actually encouraged me to start writing in the first place. She said when she was a young she-wolf (about my age), she used to write in her diary. I’m not some girlie-girl that needs to go off writing ‘Dear Diary’ all the time, but I thought it was a good idea to keep a journal for my own sanity. So, these aren’t my ‘secret’s’ so much as they are my ‘confessions’. I do a lot of things most would scoff at or turn their noses up in the air for if they knew I did some of the things I am about to share, but that’s wh
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Chapter 1: Playing with Fire
It was another ordinary day at school. I was finishing my senior year of high school and couldn’t wait to graduate so I could go to college! I had one more month of this torture before I was free to escape for the summer before I bolted off to the college of my choosing! I planned to attend the University of Texas or Rice University. I hadn’t fully decided yet, but I received early admission acceptance letters from both universities and was waiting for the last second to make the ultimate decision of which I would be attending.Why? Because I could and Marci and Callie didn’t even get to go to college because, in a short month, they would be mated to chosen mates of neighboring packs and from there, popping out pups like some she-wolf Stepford Wives! I absolutely relished that thought. Every time those two make a snide remark or joust at me about my sexuality, I just remember that they were about to get mated and start popping out pups while I was going to be having the time of my l
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Chapter 2: Playing Hooky
After arriving at the club and getting the curbside valet treatment, I met my friends inside, Alpha Callen and Beta Nate following right behind me. “CELESTE! OH. EM. GEE! SO GOOD TO SEE YOU GIRL!” Joan shouts over the music that is blasting into our ears from every direction. “HEY JOAN!” I give her a hug and accept the drink she hands me, immediately beginning to suck it down. Terry and Emi come up from behind me and Terri wraps me in a bear hug from behind lifting me up off the ground a bit.“TERRY!” I laugh holding on for dear life as he lifts me and puts me back down. Suddenly, Alpha Callen rips Terry away from me and slams him against a nearby wall. It scares the living shit out of me! “ALPHA CALLEN! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” I shout rushing over to where he slammed Terry against the wall.“This wolf had his hands all over you! He needs a lesson in keeping his hands to himself and to know better than to touch what isn’t his!” He growled out not giving me even a glance as he contin
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Chapter 3: A Surprise Visitor
Saturday is my day of beauty rest, but apparently, everyone else missed the memo!“CELESTE! GET UP!” I hear my mother shout.“NO!!!” I shout back.“YOU HAVE COMPANY!” She shouts back as I hear her stomping up the stairs.“And any company worth entertaining knows better than to disturb my beauty sleep on Saturday!” I rebuke.With that remark, she flings my bedroom door open and low and behold, Alpha Callen is standing in my doorway. How did I not pick up his scent halfway up the stairs?“Hey little one,” He smirks, crossing his arms as he leans against my door frame.“ALPHA CALLEN!” I immediately grab my covers and completely cover myself up, “MOM!”I hear her finally peer around him, “Who am I to refuse an Alpha from seeing my daughter?” She chides me innocently. I growl from under the sheets.“I’m indecent! Can you…um…wait downstairs? I’ll be down in a minute. Just..uhh…give me five minutes to get decent please?” I pull the covers from my head and bring them down to my nose.“Of cour
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Chapter 4: A Challenge
“OOOooOoo…you brought your sexy alpha back for round two?!” Joan grins at me as she sips on the drink she ordered from the bar.“Shut up. My mom and dad accepted his invitation on my behalf. It’s not like I have a choice.” I grumble as I meet her at the bar while Alpha Callen shakes some hands and takes some photos with some clubbers that apparently recognized him from the news. He was right behind me but far enough away to still not hear my complaints through the loud music blaring over the speakers of the club.“OHHH Cheer up chickadee! He can’t be all that bad! He is pretty nice on the eyes with that baby face of his and those dark brooding eyes!” Emily chuckles coming up next to me at the bar. “I NEED a drink and FAST!” I groan. My friends are giving me absolutely NO sympathy with this one. Usually, they are so great about helping me and siding with me, but this time, they are actually encouraging me to get more involved with this wolf DESPITE how much I’ve told them that Bree is
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Chapter 5: First Round Winners
When I hear the old school song come on, I instantly know what song it is - ‘I’m N Luv (Wit a Stripper) [feat. Mike Jones]' by T-Pain! I actually LOVE the song so, with the booze in my system, I am game for this one! I opt to keep my clothes on through most of this song, but figure I’ll tease and taunt taking my skirt and top off by the end of this song, depending on how fast the other girls throw their clothes off.As the song plays, I twirl around the pole and stalk around slowly grinding up on the pole, before I slink down to my knees and sexy crawl over to where my friends are standing, dollar bills in hand. I do some very innocent dancing in front of them since I can’t touch them and Terry attempts to ‘make it rain’ dollar bills over me. I giggle as the fist full of dollar bills rains over my head and body. Joan and Emi are laughing so much it's giving me the giggles, but I’m trying to look sexy so I bite my lip and keep a more serious look. As Terry goes to sit back down at a ta
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Chapter 6: Flirting with Fire
Alpha Callen begins heading towards me to the stage since it's time to get ready for the lap dance round. The club workers brought a chair up on the main stage as he made his way to me. I begin to get a little nervous seeing him stalk towards me almost like he’s on a mission. Just before he gets to me, Emi, Joan and Terry show up with liquid reinforcement!“Drink!” Joan shoves another Long Island in my hands.“Oh thank god!” I breathe in relief as I begin sucking the alcohol down to maintain the level of exceptional buzz I have going for me at the current moment.“Do you know what song you want to request for the lap dance? I can go let the DJ know for you!” Emi asks me as she checks over my makeup and grabs a small vial of perfume from her clutch to spritz on me as I continue drinking.Alpha Callen comes up to me and quickly wraps his arms around my waist and proceeds to bury his nose into my neck again and gently kisses my marking area. This makes me stiffen a little but I quickly
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Chapter 7: An Unforgettable Night
After we all sobered up a bit, we left the diner. Emi, Joan and Terry headed home while Callen took me home. I was feeling a bit out of my element after finding out that Callen had no intention of leaving tomorrow. I didn’t really care on one hand because his business isn’t my business, but just knowing he was still lurking around kind of bothered me for some reason. As we passed by the main buildings in town, Callen pulled into the park parking lot on the outskirts of town on the way back to the pack house and my parent’s house.“Why are we stopping?” I hiccupped as I noticed.“I need to check something out around here. Besides, I wanted to take you out for a walk and talk since your friends didn’t give us much opportunity to talk more…privately.”‘RUN HOME!’ Bree shouts in my mind.‘You know I can’t Bree. It’s a walk. It’s not like he’s going to turn into his wolf and tear me to shreds. Maybe he wants my opinion about something? Who knows? Give the damn wolf the benefit of the doub
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Chapter 8: The Alpha Command
I was a wreck in my mind and I’m sure I looked horrible as I stood, completely shocked and in a pool of my own tears. This hadn’t been the first time I ever had sex. That wasn’t the problem. The problem was Callen took what he wanted from me. Had he been more of a gentleman, and taken me out on a few more dates, he may have earned the right to have me on that level, but he took something from me that night that I would never get back and the trust I had in relationships and men, was now utterly shattered beneath my soul. This night had turned out to be anything but a fairy tale; in fact, it had in the blink of an eye turned into a nightmare. Callen had left me alone once he was through with me and was out in the woods looking at who knows what. He did say he needed to look at something out here for his business. At this point, I thought that was all a lie to get me out here alone in an isolated area of town, but maybe he really was telling the truth and had intended on looking at so
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Chapter 9: Spoiled Dinner
Dinner came faster than I had expected, but since I didn’t wake up until two in the afternoon, I guess that’s how that happens. Callen arrived punctually and looked sexy as hell, however, his appearance wasn’t going to redeem what he took from me last night. He even brought flowers and acted like a complete gentleman. I wasn’t buying his bullshit tonight though. After dinner, my parents left us alone in the living room to get to know each other more and talk. I don’t know where they went, but I knew they were still around the house somewhere. I used this moment to take it upon myself to let Callen know where I stand.“So, little one, I bet you didn’t expect this?” He cooed in my ear as he attempted to hold me to his chest walking up from behind me as I stared out the window hugging myself. I froze up at the feel of his touch as if his touch were burning my body, “No. Definitely not, especially since you made sure to take what you wanted without permission last night,” I growled out.
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